Are you looking to get noticed by college coaches? Then you need to attend a Perfect Game Showcase!
PG Showcases garner national exposure, social media visibility, and the opportunity to improve your player rankings.
C/1B Will Johannes (‘22, Mukwonago, WI) rifles this first pitch offering back up the middle for a lead off base hit. He has a relaxed stance which turns into a simple swing with quick hands and good barrel control #WWBANorth @PG_Uncommitted — PG Wisconsin and Minnesota (@PG_WiscMinn) July 16, 2021
C/1B Will Johannes (‘22, Mukwonago, WI) rifles this first pitch offering back up the middle for a lead off base hit. He has a relaxed stance which turns into a simple swing with quick hands and good barrel control #WWBANorth @PG_Uncommitted
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