2007 Northeast Top Prospect Showcase
Julian Concepcion is a 2008 RHP/2B from St Peter Marian HS, residing in Woodstock Valley, Connecticut, with a 5'11"/191 pound frame. Julian has a solid frame. He pitches from a high 3/4 arm slot with circle arm action and a high leg kick. Concepcion has solid arm speed with a quick delivery and effort in his delivery. He goes inside with his 85 mph fastball. Julian has a sharp curveball at 70 mph and solid arm speed on his 76 mph changeup. He hits from a straight stance with good hands and a quick bat. Concepcion has strength and lift in his swing and good power. He has long arm action across the infield with an accurate arm at 80 mph. Julian has a solid release and good actions defensively at third base.