2005 Sunshine South Showcase
Geremy Nance is a 2006 left handed pitcher from Buna, TX, with a medium frame and a slight build at 5-10 175 lbs. On the mound, he throws from a ¾ arm slot with a half arm circle and a clean arm. He throws from an upright tall delivery that is low effort. His fastball is at 75 mph with occasional arm side run. He showed a big slow curveball at 61mph that had 1/7 break. He also showed a good change at 65 mph that had some fade to it. He also showed a nice LH pick-off move to first base. He hits with a slightly open stance and a no load, no stride approach. He has a contact approach at the plate and he hits line drives to all fields. He shows good potential for power to the pull side. He is a solid player and he will pitch at the next level. Geremy is a very good student.