2005 Midwest Top Prospect Showcase
Jim Klocke is a 6-0, 185 lb senior left handed hitter third baseman/catcher from Missouri. He's listed as a primary third baseman but in our opinion he should be a primary catcher and spend as much time behind the plate as possible. Klocke has a strong, physical build like you want to see on a catcher. His best raw tool is his arm strength. Klocke threw 80 mph from behind the plate in drills, which is pro quality, and also threw 85 mph across the infield. His best pop time was 1.96 and while his throwing mechanics are raw, he made good, accurate throws in games. He shows good defensive actions behind the plate and has soft hands and good quickness. At the plate, Klocke showed strong hands, a good swing plane that keeps his bat on the ball for a long time and nice raw bat speed. He can swing the wood bat and use the bat head to generate some power. Klocke also pitched a bit and threw 84 mph off the mound. He's a good follow as a third baseman but could be a big time sleeper as a catcher. All his tools profile strongly to that position. Klocke is also an excellent student. Very good follow.