2005 South Top Prospect Showcase
Barbosa is a 5-10, 155 lb shortstop from Dallas who also catches. He has a slender build with lively actions and wirey strength. He showed good defensive actions and quickness at all the positions he played. Barbosa is a 7.06 runner who gets moving quickly. His arm strength shows better behind the plate, where he threw 75 mph with a best pop time of 2.00, good results for a secondary catcher. He did have good arm strength in the infield as well. Barbosa took a very good batting practice, showing quick hands and good hitting fundamentals with solid contact up the middle of the field. During the games his relative lack of strength and the wood bats caught up to him against faster pitching but it looks like he's a good hitter with a metal bat in his hands. Barbosa's ability to catch well gives him additional value on a roster and he's a good young middle infielder as well. Barbosa is also a very good student.