2005 South Top Prospect Showcase
Nolen is a 5-11, 175 lb senior catcher from Texas. He ran the 60 in 7.93 and threw a solid 74 mph during drills with a best pop time of 2.00. Nolen is a very fundamentally sound defensive catcher. He did perhaps the best job of receiving the ball and framing pitches of any catcher at the showcase and did a very good job of blocking pitches as well. Pitchers should have a lot of confidence throwing to Nolen. Offensively, Nolen has a busy approach with a reverse toe tap trigger and a short, line drive swing. He showed nice bat head skills and made consistent line drive contact to all fields. He doesn't project much power but is a high contact, high average type of offensive player. Overall, Nolen is the type of player that coaches love to have on their team because he knows how to play and plays hard. Interestingly, Nolen is a high honors student in the class room but listed all Junior Colleges under "Colleges Interested In" on his PG Information Sheet. That tells us that Nolen wants to play baseball now and is going to do everything he can to do that.