2006 PG Pitcher/Catcher Indoor-Feb 11-12
Matt Warren is a 2007 RHP/3B with a 6'1'', 175 lb. frame from Caledonia IL, who attends Rockford Christian HS. He has a medium build with a strong lower half and more slender upper half. Warren throws from a slow paced delivery with a short, compact arm action and tight 3/4's release point. His fastball was 79-82 mph with steady sinking action down in the zone. Warren's secondary pitch was a big breaking 68 mph curveball that lacked power but that had good depth. Warren lost his release point on his curveball occasionally and got under it. We didn't see a change up. Warren knows how to pitch a bit and mixed up his pitches and locations effectively and showed he could get outs with his curveball. He should improve with future strength gains and a change up would help his overall pitching approach. Warren is also a good student.