2020 Sunshine West Showcase
Logan Krei is a 2023 OF/ with a 5-10 170 lb. frame from Chandler, AZ who attends Hamilton. Medium slender build with plenty of room to fill out as he continues to develop, posted a 7.00 second sixty-yard dash time. Primary outfielder, fields out in front and is aggressive to the baseball. Quick release after gathering, finds good carry on his throws to all bags. Gunned at 85 mph to home plate in the workouts. On the hill, has a longer arm action with fluidity that comes up to an over the top slot. Long stride down the hill makes his 77-83 mph fastball play up. Good downward angle on the fastball as well. High 11-to-5 shaped curveball with good depth and tight spin. At the plate, uses an upright and slightly open stance with simple stride trigger. Higher handset, quick hands, consistent line drive contact to all fields. Simple overall approach with good pop to his pull side. Ability to get his hands out on inside pitches. Works through the middle of the field.