Iowa Blitz Fastpitch Combine
Kaili Henning is a 2024 RHP/3B from Fort Dodge, IA who attends St. Edmond. Kaili is an effective pitcher. Does a great job changing speeds and keeping hitters off balance. On the mound she has a devastating change up. Very good compliment to her fastball and her curve. Her ability to locate pitches is what makes her such a consistent asset on the mound. Not only does she do a great job on the mound she is a pitcher who also gets off the mound and is able to field her position well. Explosive out of the circle on the short game and does a good job with her back hand on balls up the middle. Offensively, Kaili is a right handed stand in hitter how consistently does a good job utilizing her lower half in her swing. Good consistant contact hitter to all sides of the field. Kaili is an athlete on the field who can be described as the consistent player. Very excited to see how she excels on the field.