2007 Northeast Top Prospect Showcase
Michael Samela is a 2008 OF/C from Staples HS, residing in Westport, Connecticut, with a 5'11"/185 pound frame. Michael has a solid frame. He hits from a slightly open and upright stance with a top hand release. Samela has a line drive approach and stays inside the ball well. He uses the whole field to hit and can be rotational at times. Michael runs well with a 7.00-60 yard time. He has long arm action from the outfield with a solid release at 85 mph. He has good carry on his throws and solid actions defensively in the outfield. Samela has a solid transfer behind the plate and a solid 2.08 pop time. He has an accurate arm and solid receiving skills. His pop time will improve as he gets quicker and closes off his front side. Michael is an excellent student.