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We are accepting online payments ONLY. Cash and check payments will no longer be accepted. In order to pay with ACH (Bank Account), you must submit payment at LEAST two weeks prior to the start of the event. If you submit payment less than two weeks from the event, you have to pay by Credit Card and will be charged the 3.5% technology fee.

Game Times 
8u - 1:30 no new inning after 1:30

9-12u - 1:45 no new after 1:45

13/14u - 1:50 no new after 1:50 Friday and Saturday

13/14u - 2:00 no new after 2:00 Sunday ONLY
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

A copy of your message will be sent to the event director and the contact email you enter. Our team will respond within one to two business day(s).
 319-298-2923 Option 2 for Tournaments