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To register for this event team must go to click here > BULLPEN TOURNAMENTS New users need to Create Account and build your team then choose the PGSuper25 9u Midwest Super Qualifier.  If you are an Existing User please login to your account and then choose the PGSuper25 9U Midwest Super Qualifier.  If you have any questions about tourneyteam and the registration process please call Michael Tucker at 317-919-9265
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankPlaceTeamClassificationFromCoach
Champion Indiana Bulls 9 Black Westfield, IN Zach Rodman
Runner-Up Ohio Nationals Clarksville, OH Jason Pittser
Third Place Cincinnati Baseball Club 9u Black Cincinnati, OH Zach Pohlman
Third Place Indiana Bulls White 9 Brownsburg, IN Jason Bostic
  9 Evoshield Canes-Midwest Indianapolis, IN Jamie Nanny
  Indiana Hurricanes 9 Green Indianapolis, IN Benjamin Eve
  Lemont Lightning Lemont, IL Brad Cerocke
  Sylvania Mavericks U9 Sylvania, OH Steve Draper
  ZBC Green 9u Zionsville, IN Scott Castetter

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend