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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Brooklyn Falcons 12u
4 Xavier Gomez 5 2 Olney Pirates 5/22/2021
13 Jose Jorge 26 4 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/22/2021
41 9 Manalapan Braves Blue 5/23/2021
Total 67 13
5 Carlos Lalane 86 16 Olney Pirates 5/22/2021
80 Daniel Luo 74 10 Manalapan Braves Blue 5/23/2021
22 Ty Stark 87 8 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/22/2021
Canes New York 12U
12 Chris Defelice 82 10 Jersey Coast Ghost 12u 5/22/2021
9 Evan Erickson 74 5 Manalapan Braves Blue 5/22/2021
28 Eddie Flores 86 11 Ma Show 12u National 5/23/2021
14 Albert Maldonado 30 5 Jersey Coast Ghost 12u 5/22/2021
36 4 Ma Show 12u National 5/23/2021
Total 66 9
18 Adrian Raposo 20 4 Manalapan Braves Blue 5/22/2021
23 Vincent Vega 27 3 Manalapan Braves Blue 5/22/2021
Ct Hank'S Yanks
25 Lucas Behan 41 3 Montgomery Generals 5/22/2021
13 Christian Chacon 24 4 Reapers Baseball Club 5/23/2021
17 Brandon DuBois 64 8 Montgomery Generals 5/22/2021
42 Joseph Reyes 54 5 Reapers Baseball Club 5/23/2021
27 Joshua Reyes 27 0 Reapers Baseball Club 5/23/2021
8 Yaxiel Rivera 21 3 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/22/2021
1 Jaiden Torres 53 6 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/22/2021
Jersey Coast Ghost 12u
Johnny Bertan 77 9 Manalapan Braves Blue 5/22/2021
Benjamin Faigin 67 12 Canes New York 12U 5/22/2021
Landon Hoyle 62 9 New York Angels 12u 5/23/2021
Daniel Mannarino 28 6 New York Angels 12u 5/23/2021
Keith Muldowney 31 6 Manalapan Braves Blue 5/22/2021
6 0 Canes New York 12U 5/22/2021
Total 37 6
Long Island Body Armor Titans
28 Luke Coats 17 1 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/23/2021
33 3 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/23/2021
Total 50 4
23 Michael Perullo 51 12 Ct Hank'S Yanks 5/22/2021
4 Lucien Saint Cyr 1 1 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/23/2021
16 3 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/23/2021
Total 17 4
2 Jaxson Torres 86 18 Olney Pirates 5/23/2021
60 Bobby Wescott 67 12 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/23/2021
35 Derek Yormack 77 12 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/23/2021
13 Ryan Yormack 72 18 Montgomery Generals 5/22/2021
Ma Show 12u National
10 Wesley Andrews 29 6 Tri-State Ghost 12U 5/22/2021
11 Connor Brown 21 3 NE Dirtbags 5/22/2021
9 Jack Lerro 24 6 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/23/2021
50 Aiden McDonough 34 6 NE Dirtbags 5/22/2021
67 9 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/23/2021
Total 101 15
3 JJ McLaughlin 89 17 Canes New York 12U 5/23/2021
12 Braydon Scanlan 22 4 Tri-State Ghost 12U 5/22/2021
7 Daniel Tozzi 35 6 NE Dirtbags 5/22/2021
4 1 Canes New York 12U 5/23/2021
Total 39 7
Manalapan Braves Blue
19 Ryan Billimoria 37 6 Canes New York 12U 5/22/2021
32 6 Jersey Coast Ghost 12u 5/22/2021
Total 69 12
9 Nick Friscia 26 1 Canes New York 12U 5/22/2021
23 Chris Hammond 33 3 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/23/2021
2 Frank Pellecchia 46 8 Jersey Coast Ghost 12u 5/22/2021
99 Jayden Prokopenko 29 3 Canes New York 12U 5/22/2021
44 Peter Rispoli 40 3 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/23/2021
27 Joseph Spalliero 15 2 Canes New York 12U 5/22/2021
12 Matt Zwick 47 12 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/23/2021
Montgomery Generals
7 Alex Croce 22 3 Ct Hank'S Yanks 5/22/2021
6 Matthew De Noyelles 70 12 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/23/2021
12 Aiden Filmanski 31 6 Ct Hank'S Yanks 5/22/2021
10 Mason Franklin 18 3 Ct Hank'S Yanks 5/22/2021
0 0 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/22/2021
Total 18 3
1 Cody Hanson 84 15 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/22/2021
27 Robert Lawrence Jr 31 3 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/22/2021
21 3 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/23/2021
Total 52 6
NE Dirtbags
12 Billy Fontanilla 14 1 Team Beast 12u Red (A2) 5/23/2021
4 Justin Morgan 38 4 Ma Show 12u National 5/22/2021
27 Conor Mullin 58 7 Tri-State Ghost 12U 5/22/2021
48 Hudson Narissi 21 3 Tri-State Ghost 12U 5/22/2021
5 Colton Romanoff 77 9 Ma Show 12u National 5/22/2021
8 James Schoedel 76 15 Team Beast 12u Red (A2) 5/23/2021
New York Angels 12u
12 Kaden Ceballos 46 10 Reapers Baseball Club 5/22/2021
45 Joaquin Martinez 32 2 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/22/2021
6 Chayse McBride 4 1 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/22/2021
22 Tyler Parrot 28 9 Jersey Coast Ghost 12u 5/23/2021
19 Branden Rosario 22 4 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/22/2021
18 Luis Santiago 52 7 Reapers Baseball Club 5/22/2021
11 Brandon Santos 58 10 Jersey Coast Ghost 12u 5/23/2021
Olney Pirates
13 Evan Bonnett 39 3 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/22/2021
6 Caleb Hollowell 56 9 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/22/2021
19 Ethan Hyler 23 2 Team Beast 12u Red (A2) 5/22/2021
36 7 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/23/2021
Total 59 9
21 Carter Mackinnon 34 6 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/22/2021
14 Connor Scheich 50 9 Team Beast 12u Red (A2) 5/22/2021
53 8 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/23/2021
Total 103 17
34 Judah Shirlen 33 7 Team Beast 12u Red (A2) 5/22/2021
Reapers Baseball Club
8 Dalton Dydak 45 9 Ct Hank'S Yanks 5/23/2021
9 Killian McHugh 47 4 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/22/2021
54 Johnny Petrosky 68 7 New York Angels 12u 5/22/2021
28 Dominick Salvo 45 8 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/22/2021
21 Frankie Turner 27 3 Taconic Rangers 12u 5/22/2021
99 Tristian Williams 52 5 New York Angels 12u 5/22/2021
SJ Elite 12U Orange
6 Tyler Doyle 16 3 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/22/2021
17 Brody Goldfarb 76 14 Tri-State Ghost 12U 5/23/2021
11 Dillon Molz 44 6 Team Beast 12u Red (A2) 5/22/2021
8 Andrew Reim 56 6 Tri State Arsenal 12u National 5/22/2021
20 Dj Reissman 50 9 Team Beast 12u Red (A2) 5/22/2021
7 Jackson Veneziano 14 3 Tri-State Ghost 12U 5/23/2021
Taconic Rangers 12u
44 Asher DeLue 15 3 New York Angels 12u 5/22/2021
40 6 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/23/2021
Total 55 9
27 Caden Ditzel 25 6 Reapers Baseball Club 5/22/2021
22 6 Montgomery Generals 5/23/2021
Total 47 12
10 Tyler Durkin 68 13 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/23/2021
17 Jaxon Ermo 22 3 Reapers Baseball Club 5/22/2021
16 Jacob Fields 32 6 New York Angels 12u 5/22/2021
56 12 Montgomery Generals 5/23/2021
Total 88 18
21 Ethan Viera 32 6 Reapers Baseball Club 5/22/2021
Team Beast 12u Red (A2)
99 Anthony Aquilino 43 3 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/22/2021
6 Cj Everett 12 2 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/22/2021
22 Dominick Fazio 44 6 Olney Pirates 5/22/2021
27 Dean Kirschbaum 64 12 NE Dirtbags 5/23/2021
2 Kyle Magill 46 7 NE Dirtbags 5/23/2021
7 Timothy Montenegro 71 9 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/22/2021
87 Ethan Schmutz 67 12 Olney Pirates 5/22/2021
Tri State Arsenal 12u National
35 Paul Barnett 24 2 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/23/2021
23 John Luca Gallina 45 8 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/22/2021
3 Brady Guzzie 14 3 Brooklyn Falcons 12u 5/22/2021
86 16 Ma Show 12u National 5/23/2021
Total 100 19
29 Nikash Patel 4 1 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/22/2021
10 2 Ma Show 12u National 5/23/2021
Total 14 3
67 16 Long Island Body Armor Titans 5/23/2021
Total 81 19
2 Nate Spingler 76 11 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/22/2021
Tri-State Ghost 12U
Will Biggie 26 6 NE Dirtbags 5/22/2021
38 John Fedun 21 3 Ma Show 12u National 5/22/2021
Casey Moore 26 3 Ma Show 12u National 5/22/2021
Jett Sevilla 45 6 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/23/2021
CJ Simone 40 6 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/23/2021
Joseph Stanzione 43 3 Ma Show 12u National 5/22/2021
11 3 NE Dirtbags 5/22/2021
Total 54 6
Brian Stevens 45 6 SJ Elite 12U Orange 5/23/2021