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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Rr Wolfpack
13 Aaron Appl 15 1 LBC North Vega 11/20/2021
12 2 North Austin Rush 14u 11/20/2021
Total 27 3
5 Jason Coons 24 4 North Austin Rush 14u 11/20/2021
15 6 Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u 11/21/2021
Total 39 10
36 Blake Hall 48 6 LBC North Vega 11/20/2021
18 Matthew Kraus 34 9 North Austin Rush 14u 11/20/2021
2 Maxwell Satterwhite 29 4 LBC North Vega 11/20/2021
65 6 254 Baseball Club 11/21/2021
Total 94 10
3 Parker Saxbury 33 4 LBC North Vega 11/20/2021
44 6 Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u 11/21/2021
Total 77 10
23 6 254 Baseball Club 11/21/2021
Total 100 16
254 Baseball Club
3 Logan Akin 50 7 Banditos 14u Turnidge 11/20/2021
5 Aidan Botts 26 1 LBC Central Greene 11/20/2021
7 Charlie Butler 26 3 Banditos 14u Turnidge 11/20/2021
999999 Orville De Jesus 20 5 LBC Central Greene 11/20/2021
10 3 LBC Central Greene 11/21/2021
Total 30 8
4 Camryn Harper 20 2 LBC Central Greene 11/20/2021
99999 Cooper Massar 44 5 Banditos 14u Turnidge 11/20/2021
Antonio Mesquitic-Garcia 13 3 LBC Central Greene 11/20/2021
10 Cavan Pilkington 78 12 LBC Central Greene 11/21/2021
16 Jeramiah Valerio 21 1 LBC Central Greene 11/20/2021
Austin Athletics
19 Jordan Benjamin 60 6 LBC North Moench 11/21/2021
11 Jordan Coston 34 3 Banditos 14u Turnidge 11/20/2021
56 6 Pirates 14 - Gd 11/20/2021
Total 90 9
5 Braylen Hafemeister 63 7 Banditos 14u Turnidge 11/20/2021
3 Max Min 25 3 LBC North Moench 11/21/2021
1 Craig Waibel 41 9 Pirates 14 - Gd 11/20/2021
18 Dylan Wells 11 2 Banditos 14u Turnidge 11/20/2021
Banditos 14u Turnidge
Francisco Arriaga 35 7 Austin Athletics 11/20/2021
76 Ben Curry 44 5 Austin Athletics 11/20/2021
Robert Gorman 15 3 254 Baseball Club 11/20/2021
0 3 LBC Central Renovato 11/21/2021
Total 15 6
7 Liam McDonald 37 9 254 Baseball Club 11/20/2021
22 Louis Olmeda 68 12 LBC Central Renovato 11/21/2021
Banditos 14u Underwood
Carson Beck 27 3 Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u 11/20/2021
Mason Beck 39 6 Lone Star Dd'S 11/20/2021
Jaydon Campos 35 3 Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u 11/20/2021
Maven Leman 15 1 Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u 11/20/2021
Brandon Smith 43 6 Lone Star Dd'S 11/20/2021
Aiden Trevino 35 5 Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u 11/20/2021
Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u
88 Austin Barrera 70 9 North Austin Rush 14u 11/20/2021
28 Reece Herring 29 3 LBC North Vega 11/21/2021
7 Vaughn Lengel 25 3 North Austin Rush 14u 11/20/2021
29 3 LBC North Vega 11/21/2021
Total 54 6
33 Nathan Perez 55 9 LBC North Vega 11/21/2021
42 Darren Roberson 58 9 LBC North Vega 11/20/2021
LBC Central Greene
22 Pierce Atkins 34 4 254 Baseball Club 11/20/2021
2 Cayden Bergen 52 9 254 Baseball Club 11/20/2021
7 Cruz Hale 25 3 Pirates 14 - Gd 11/20/2021
13 Owen Nugen 54 9 Pirates 14 - Gd 11/20/2021
LBC Central Renovato
8 Jacob Dieterichs 47 6 LBC North Moench 11/20/2021
8 Braydon Gardner 2 1 Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u 11/20/2021
28 Harrison Hight 25 2 Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u 11/20/2021
6 Gentry McGinnis 60 6 Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u 11/20/2021
Angel Millan 51 9 LBC North Moench 11/20/2021
LBC North Moench
Landyn Bullock 50 9 LBC Central Renovato 11/20/2021
Connor Comeau 42 6 LBC Central Renovato 11/20/2021
Bryce Morrison 53 6 Lone Star Dd'S 11/20/2021
Kaden Stefek 48 9 Lone Star Dd'S 11/20/2021
LBC North Vega
10 Keaton Calbeck 35 2 Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u 11/20/2021
12 Wesley Engleking 68 6 Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u 11/20/2021
13 Braden Kirton 37 3 14u Rr Wolfpack 11/20/2021
7 Jason Mazoch 61 12 14u Rr Wolfpack 11/20/2021
Lone Star Dd'S
3 Charles Carroll Iii 40 3 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/20/2021
Gage Deutsch 40 6 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/20/2021
11 3 LBC North Moench 11/20/2021
Total 51 9
27 Santiago Guerra 59 12 North Austin Rush 14u 11/21/2021
4 Cj Hansford 23 3 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/20/2021
99 Sedden Odom 50 6 LBC North Moench 11/20/2021
52 Miller Ohlendorf 30 6 LBC North Moench 11/20/2021
1 Dallas Witcher 21 3 North Austin Rush 14u 11/21/2021
North Austin Rush 14u
1 Killian Boyce-Beene 47 9 14u Rr Wolfpack 11/20/2021
21 Jp Kazmann 22 3 14u Rr Wolfpack 11/20/2021
36 Joseph Martinez 16 2 Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u 11/20/2021
11 Kellen Szymanski 42 7 Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u 11/20/2021
10 Aaden Vasquez 49 3 Canes Southwest Futures Gold 14u 11/20/2021
Pirates 14 - Gd
12 Aiden Garcia 33 6 Austin Athletics 11/20/2021
99 Ricardo Gonzales 36 9 Austin Athletics 11/20/2021
0 9 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/21/2021
Total 36 18
16 Jaden Moreno 62 12 LBC Central Greene 11/20/2021
0 9 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/21/2021
Total 62 21
55 Alex Roman 23 3 LBC Central Greene 11/20/2021
Zt Elite Oklahoma 14u
0 Jacob Boggan 62 9 Pirates 14 - Gd 11/21/2021
1 Treystyn Cox 0 3 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/20/2021
8 Chrsitian Deloera 18 3 Pirates 14 - Gd 11/21/2021
1 Andrew Dobbins 18 3 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/20/2021
0 Brayden Tomlinson 18 6 Banditos 14u Underwood 11/20/2021
10 Ethan Workman 40 9 LBC Central Renovato 11/20/2021