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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Atx Hustle
24 Champion Anguiano 0 5 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/28/2023
0 4 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/30/2023
Total 0 9
0 Mack Folmar 0 6 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/27/2023
57 Christian Gaitan 0 8 Birmingham Stars 6/27/2023
0 3 Ntx Finest 6/29/2023
Total 0 11
0 5 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/30/2023
Total 0 16
0 3 Ntx Finest 6/30/2023
Total 0 19
10 Jonathon Garciasalas 0 3 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/28/2023
0 3 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/29/2023
Total 0 6
11 Julian Gomez 0 3 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/28/2023
0 9 Ntx Finest 6/29/2023
Total 0 12
0 12 Ntx Finest 6/30/2023
Total 0 24
27 Jonathan Kilborn 0 4 Birmingham Stars 6/27/2023
0 14 Beastmode 11U Black 6/29/2023
Total 0 18
9 Tristan Lopez 0 3 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/27/2023
0 6 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/29/2023
Total 0 9
13 David Lozano 0 4 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/28/2023
21 Niko Pena 0 9 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/28/2023
0 4 Beastmode 11U Black 6/29/2023
Total 0 13
Beastmode 11U Black
5 Jasiah Andemicael 0 1 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
9 Anthony Butler 0 2 Atx Hustle 6/29/2023
27 Parker Cannon 0 12 Atx Hustle 6/29/2023
13 Preston Cannon 0 2 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/28/2023
Total 0 8
50 Nile Fullman 0 2 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/27/2023
0 3 Setx Mizuno Green 6/30/2023
Total 0 5
10 King George 2 0 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/27/2023
0 6 Mansfield Renegades 6/28/2023
Total 2 6
22 Benjamin Hopkins 0 1 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
69 Chase Jelks 0 1 Derby City Baseball Club 6/28/2023
1 Hunter Mitchell 0 2 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/27/2023
0 1 Atx Hustle 6/29/2023
Total 0 3
0 3 Setx Mizuno Green 6/30/2023
Total 0 6
4 Braylen Poole 0 3 Mansfield Renegades 6/28/2023
0 3 Atx Hustle 6/29/2023
Total 0 6
99 Lenox Sands 0 2 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
0 Karter Simpson 0 6 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
0 2 Derby City Baseball Club 6/28/2023
Total 0 8
Birmingham Stars
5 Derrell Bryant Jr. 0 2 Setx Mizuno Green 6/28/2023
18 Liam Doran 0 9 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/27/2023
17 Kobe Embry 0 1 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/27/2023
0 12 Buckhead Braves 6/29/2023
Total 0 13
6 Max Kimbrell 0 6 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/29/2023
1 Tye Price 0 4 Setx Mizuno Green 6/28/2023
3 Jackson Thomas 0 9 Atx Hustle 6/27/2023
0 3 Setx Mizuno Green 6/28/2023
Total 0 12
4 Kendan Thomas 0 3 Atx Hustle 6/27/2023
0 3 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/28/2023
Total 0 6
7 Connor Tubb 0 2 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/27/2023
0 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/29/2023
Total 0 11
16 Kellen Wade 0 6 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/28/2023
Buckhead Braves
7 Preston Barnette 0 6 Texas Gators 6/27/2023
0 3 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/29/2023
Total 0 9
33 Elliott Brown 0 9 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/28/2023
27 Sawyer Finley 0 9 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/28/2023
0 9 Birmingham Stars 6/29/2023
Total 0 18
0 9 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/30/2023
Total 0 27
4 Grant Garrison 0 6 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/27/2023
0 3 Birmingham Stars 6/29/2023
Total 0 9
13 Jack Grozine 0 6 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/28/2023
0 3 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/30/2023
Total 0 9
10 Charlie Heyman 0 6 Texas Gators 6/27/2023
17 Wills Pendley 0 6 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/27/2023
3 Patrick Stevens 0 3 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/29/2023
Derby City Baseball Club
4 Carsen Downing 0 4 Beastmode 11U Black 6/28/2023
7 John Esterly 0 5 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/27/2023
0 7 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/29/2023
Total 0 12
42 Kellan Harper 0 9 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/27/2023
0 12 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/29/2023
Total 0 21
10 Bode Schalck 0 1 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/27/2023
0 5 Beastmode 11U Black 6/28/2023
Total 0 6
11 Clayton Smith 0 6 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 3 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/29/2023
Total 0 9
0 9 Texas Gators 6/30/2023
Total 0 18
27 Brantley St. Clair 0 6 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 6 Mansfield Renegades 6/28/2023
Total 0 12
0 6 Texas Gators 6/30/2023
Total 0 18
5 Evan Williams 0 6 Mansfield Renegades 6/28/2023
0 6 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/29/2023
Total 0 12
Ebc 11u-Adair
1 Red Adair 0 9 Beastmode 11U Black 6/27/2023
15 Brody Dunn 0 1 Buckhead Braves 6/29/2023
30 John Garcia 0 12 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/28/2023
11 John Eric Gilbert 0 6 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/27/2023
0 1 Buckhead Braves 6/29/2023
Total 0 7
23 Carson Jewell 0 3 Beastmode 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 1 Buckhead Braves 6/29/2023
Total 0 4
24 Noah Thornburg 0 7 Buckhead Braves 6/28/2023
27 Connor Wortham 0 3 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/27/2023
Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez
9 Yovanni Aguilar 0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/27/2023
0 5 Derby City Baseball Club 6/29/2023
Total 0 11
10 Xavi Cuellar 0 2 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/28/2023
0 9 Atx Hustle 6/28/2023
Total 0 11
2 Bronx Davie 0 3 Setx Mizuno Green 6/27/2023
6 Kinsler Dedona 0 6 Setx Mizuno Green 6/27/2023
0 15 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/29/2023
Total 0 21
48 Juan Flores 0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/27/2023
0 7 Derby City Baseball Club 6/29/2023
Total 0 13
17 Edgar Victorio 0 6 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/28/2023
23 Carter Washington 0 3 Setx Mizuno Green 6/27/2023
0 3 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/28/2023
Total 0 6
Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis
11 Bo Abdmoulaie 0 6 Ntx Finest 6/27/2023
21 Kyler Bielss 0 3 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 15 Derby City Baseball Club 6/29/2023
Total 0 18
5 Chandler Blakley 0 6 Ntx Finest 6/27/2023
0 12 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/29/2023
Total 0 18
19 Coby Boyd 0 4 Buckhead Braves 6/28/2023
Joshua Churchill 0 5 Buckhead Braves 6/28/2023
0 3 Texas Gators 6/28/2023
Total 0 8
23 Finn Darnell 0 5 Buckhead Braves 6/28/2023
24 Patrick Davis 0 6 Texas Gators 6/28/2023
0 1 Buckhead Braves 6/28/2023
Total 0 7
10 Lincoln Jacobs 0 3 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/27/2023
22 Harry Reader 0 3 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/27/2023
9 Shane Reynolds 0 3 Texas Gators 6/28/2023
1 Carter Womack 0 6 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/27/2023
Legendz Baseball 11U Black
10 Austin Collette 0 1 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/28/2023
2 Dominick Duncan 0 3 Ntx Finest 6/27/2023
5 Will Felder 0 6 Ntx Finest 6/27/2023
27 Brooks Hebert 0 3 Ntx Finest 6/27/2023
8 Hamlin Hess 0 9 Texas Gators 6/28/2023
0 12 Setx Mizuno Green 6/29/2023
Total 0 21
9 Grant Lea 0 4 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/28/2023
0 12 Atx Hustle 6/30/2023
Total 0 16
1 Luke Lipscomb 0 2 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/27/2023
0 2 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/28/2023
Total 0 4
44 Owen Partin 0 6 Texas Gators 6/28/2023
0 12 Atx Hustle 6/29/2023
Total 0 18
4 Parker Robinson 0 2 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/28/2023
51 Kale Theriot 0 6 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/27/2023
7 Case Tynes 0 7 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/27/2023
Mansfield Renegades
27 Ryder Caldwell 0 9 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/29/2023
Total 0 12
29 Lennon Dunn 0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/28/2023
0 6 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/30/2023
Total 0 12
22 George Flower 0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/28/2023
34 Cade Kempf 0 3 Setx Mizuno Green 6/27/2023
87 Gael Martinez 0 9 Setx Mizuno Green 6/27/2023
25 Kameron Morgan 0 3 Beastmode 11U Black 6/28/2023
24 Wesley Peters 0 6 Beastmode 11U Black 6/28/2023
16 Maddox Rivera 0 12 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/30/2023
19 Blake Strathman 0 6 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/29/2023
Total 0 15
28 Caden Tipton 0 3 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/30/2023
Midland Bulls 11u Keller
77 Talan Askins 0 3 Birmingham Stars 6/28/2023
32 Nolan Bemrick 0 6 Beastmode 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 7 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/29/2023
Total 0 13
5 George Copeland 0 6 Setx Mizuno Green 6/28/2023
8 Tadeo De La Cruz 0 2 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
34 Mason King 0 3 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
7 Ayden Lopez 0 2 Ebc 11u-Adair 6/27/2023
0 9 Texas Gators 6/29/2023
Total 0 11
2 Rylon Murillo 0 4 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/29/2023
11 Tyson Nguyen 0 2 Birmingham Stars 6/28/2023
23 Kaleb Parsley 0 1 Birmingham Stars 6/28/2023
21 Keaton Potter 0 3 Beastmode 11U Black 6/27/2023
0 3 Texas Gators 6/29/2023
Total 0 6
99 Miles Ramirez 0 5 Birmingham Stars 6/28/2023
14 Cooper Stine 0 3 Setx Mizuno Green 6/28/2023
Ntx Finest
23 Juan Carrillo 0 6 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/27/2023
0 6 Atx Hustle 6/29/2023
Total 0 12
2 Miguel Chavarria 0 6 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/28/2023
3 Anthony Delgadillo 0 6 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/28/2023
5 Caleb Groce 0 12 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/27/2023
49 Angel Munoz 0 3 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/28/2023
24 Aaron Rodriguez 0 6 Atx Hustle 6/29/2023
1 Blake Sloan 0 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/28/2023
99 Giovanni Vasquez 0 12 Setx Mizuno Green 6/30/2023
Julius Villalpando 0 18 Atx Hustle 6/30/2023
Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian
19 Brantley Blackwell 0 7 Buckhead Braves 6/27/2023
0 9 Mansfield Renegades 6/29/2023
Total 0 16
3 Carston Brown 0 3 Texas Gators 6/27/2023
0 1 Ntx Finest 6/28/2023
Total 0 4
0 8 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/29/2023
Total 0 12
42 Milo Johnson 0 6 Texas Gators 6/27/2023
0 9 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/28/2023
Total 0 15
0 1 Mansfield Renegades 6/29/2023
Total 0 16
35 Jordan Pierson 0 2 Ntx Finest 6/28/2023
0 0 Mansfield Renegades 6/29/2023
Total 0 2
0 1 TG DBacks East Side 11U Black 6/29/2023
Total 0 3
18 Kaleb Rycraft 0 3 Ntx Finest 6/28/2023
26 Hudson Smith 0 6 Ntx Finest 6/28/2023
7 William Streva 0 3 Texas Gators 6/27/2023
0 6 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/28/2023
Total 0 9
0 2 Mansfield Renegades 6/29/2023
Total 0 11
27 Luke Tant 0 5 Buckhead Braves 6/27/2023
0 3 Ntx Finest 6/28/2023
Total 0 8
0 15 Birmingham Stars 6/29/2023
Total 0 23
Setx Mizuno Green
16 Eastyn Baker 0 2 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/27/2023
0 3 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/28/2023
Total 0 5
0 2 Ntx Finest 6/30/2023
Total 0 7
0 2 Beastmode 11U Black 6/30/2023
Total 0 9
16 Easton Dempsey 0 6 Mansfield Renegades 6/27/2023
0 10 Ntx Finest 6/30/2023
Total 0 16
3 Easton Fea 0 2 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/28/2023
99 Tripp Henry 0 10 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/27/2023
0 9 Beastmode 11U Black 6/30/2023
Total 0 19
13 Mason Leblanc 0 6 Birmingham Stars 6/28/2023
0 11 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/29/2023
Total 0 17
4 Levi Neely 0 6 Mansfield Renegades 6/27/2023
0 1 Birmingham Stars 6/28/2023
Total 0 7
23 Kolston Robinson 0 1 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/28/2023
17 Nathan Winchester 0 3 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/28/2023
Texas Force 11u Blue
6 Brody Bergeson 0 3 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/29/2023
99 Cooper Cartwright 0 5 Ntx Finest 6/28/2023
12 Hayes Lowers 0 7 Ntx Finest 6/28/2023
4 Jase Newbury 0 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/28/2023
17 Cash Pennington 0 9 Atx Hustle 6/27/2023
34 Dawson Ritchie 0 3 Atx Hustle 6/27/2023
0 9 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/28/2023
Total 0 12
0 9 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/30/2023
Total 0 21
22 Ryan Sherrill 0 12 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/29/2023
1 Kallum Steil 0 9 Birmingham Stars 6/27/2023
0 3 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/30/2023
Total 0 12
Texas Gators
35 Jace Avelar 0 3 Buckhead Braves 6/27/2023
0 6 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/28/2023
Total 0 9
21 Deven Coit 0 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/27/2023
0 8 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/28/2023
Total 0 11
0 2 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/29/2023
Total 0 13
0 3 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/30/2023
Total 0 16
0 3 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/30/2023
Total 0 19
25 Grant Davis 0 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/27/2023
0 5 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/28/2023
Total 0 8
17 Max Faz 0 4 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/27/2023
0 4 Legendz Baseball 11U Black 6/28/2023
Total 0 8
0 4 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/30/2023
Total 0 12
20 Tyler Gleason 0 3 Buckhead Braves 6/27/2023
0 3 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/28/2023
Total 0 6
0 11 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/29/2023
Total 0 17
0 12 Texas Force 11u Blue 6/30/2023
Total 0 29
9 Blake Haney 0 2 Buckhead Braves 6/27/2023
3 Cameron Large 0 1 Buckhead Braves 6/27/2023
34 Adrian Mendez 0 1 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/27/2023
0 1 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/30/2023
Total 0 2
7 Parker Mizener 0 3 Buckhead Braves 6/27/2023
0 1 Houston Wildcatters – 11U – Davis 6/28/2023
Total 0 4
0 2 Midland Bulls 11u Keller 6/29/2023
Total 0 6
15 Bryce Young 0 1 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/27/2023
0 1 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/30/2023
Total 0 2
TG DBacks East Side 11U Black
27 Knox Bauer 0 3 Derby City Baseball Club 6/27/2023
0 4 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/29/2023
Total 0 7
0 1 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/30/2023
Total 0 8
7 Carter Chillion 0 12 Atx Hustle 6/28/2023
21 Coleman Conner 0 3 Derby City Baseball Club 6/27/2023
0 3 Mansfield Renegades 6/27/2023
Total 0 6
0 6 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/28/2023
Total 0 12
0 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/30/2023
Total 0 15
67 Christopher Cook 0 3 Mansfield Renegades 6/27/2023
0 3 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/28/2023
Total 0 6
17 Ricky Frazier I I I 0 12 Buckhead Braves 6/30/2023
26 Jack Howells 0 6 Mansfield Renegades 6/27/2023
0 2 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/29/2023
Total 0 8
11 Hudson Jaillet 0 6 Derby City Baseball Club 6/27/2023
23 Landry Lewis 0 3 Derby City Baseball Club 6/27/2023
0 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/29/2023
Total 0 6
0 3 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/30/2023
Total 0 9
0 9 Mansfield Renegades 6/30/2023
Total 0 18
20 Wyatt Schuck 0 3 Fort Worth Lobos - Rodriguez 6/28/2023
0 5 Ponte Vedra Thunder 11u - Christian 6/30/2023
Total 0 8
0 3 Mansfield Renegades 6/30/2023
Total 0 11