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All games will be played 1:50 no new, 7 innings, or run rule. Championship games will be played with no time limit. 7 innings or run rule

Pool A Teams- Florida Dodgers 14U Scout Team / R3- Olasin / USA Prime / WOW Factor Nation 14U
Pool B Teams- BPA / Motor City Hit Dogs National / SBA Bolts 14U National / Texas Banditos Black
4 Cross Pool Games
Top (2) Seeds from each pool advance to Semi Finals vs Each Other.

Teams MUST be ready to play by 4PM Friday May 19th.
Teams SHOULD book flights and plan to leave first thing Monday May 22nd. 
If you have any questions and/or concerns please contact Tony Harper at tharper@perfectgame.org
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
0 Jackson Fetters 96 19 R3 - Olasin 5/20/2023
Logan Jarer 44 6 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/20/2023
24 Zion Martinez 57 10 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/21/2023
Griffin McKain 14 2 R3 - Olasin 5/20/2023
0 Alexander Moreno 6 1 USA Prime National 14u 5/19/2023
0 0 R3 - Olasin 5/20/2023
Total 6 1
58 9 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/21/2023
Total 64 10
54 Wilson Shaw 43 8 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/20/2023
47 9 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/21/2023
Total 90 17
0 Nomar Torres 85 18 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/21/2023
Dorian Valencia III 96 17 USA Prime National 14u 5/20/2023
7 Leland Weldon 9 1 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/20/2023
61 11 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/21/2023
Total 70 12
Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team
13 Gavin Coffey 11 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/19/2023
29 6 Texas Banditos Black 5/20/2023
Total 40 9
2 Chase Fuller 66 12 BPA 5/21/2023
23 Grayson Greene 40 4 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/20/2023
7 Preston Matricardi 80 12 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/19/2023
3 Justin Osborne 84 15 Texas Banditos Black 5/20/2023
44 Landis Pickett 47 6 BPA 5/21/2023
15 Alan Smith 20 3 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/19/2023
6 Kyler Watson 8 2 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/20/2023
27 Madden Williams 56 12 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/20/2023
Motor City Hit Dogs National
2 Dominic Bonnetti 16 0 BPA 5/21/2023
24 Peyton Coldicott 29 6 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/21/2023
99 Andy Espinoza 22 3 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/19/2023
33 1 USA Prime National 14u 5/20/2023
Total 55 4
15 Donovan Glosser 26 6 R3 - Olasin 5/20/2023
81 14 BPA 5/21/2023
Total 107 20
16 Graham Keen 73 17 USA Prime National 14u 5/20/2023
Finnian O’Loughlin 83 15 R3 - Olasin 5/20/2023
5 Peyton Price 77 15 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/19/2023
Gavin Stanislawski 29 5 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/21/2023
90 Nicholas Trigone 95 9 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/21/2023
R3 - Olasin
13 Miguel Acosta 62 9 Texas Banditos Black 5/19/2023
3 H Ashton Cox 71 12 BPA 5/20/2023
5 Lucas Farrar 29 3 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/21/2023
14 Landon Green 56 9 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/21/2023
4 Moises Gudino 10 3 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/21/2023
2 Tavis Honeycutt 16 1 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/20/2023
47 Aiden Kearney 53 12 Texas Banditos Black 5/19/2023
19 Leo Reina 16 4 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/20/2023
33 6 BPA 5/20/2023
Total 49 10
42 Alan Zimmerman 81 12 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/20/2023
SBA Bolts 14u National
Lavrenti Bailey 19 5 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/20/2023
9 1 R3 - Olasin 5/21/2023
Total 28 6
Brock Bumgardner 25 2 USA Prime National 14u 5/20/2023
Matty Carroll 44 6 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/19/2023
Reco Collins Jr 12 1 USA Prime National 14u 5/20/2023
Beckett Denton 41 2 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/19/2023
64 12 R3 - Olasin 5/21/2023
Total 105 14
John Hucko 96 15 USA Prime National 14u 5/20/2023
Will Parrish 3 0 USA Prime National 14u 5/20/2023
Sye Ragan 25 1 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/19/2023
Landon Swinney 10 0 R3 - Olasin 5/21/2023
Andrew Talbert 92 13 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/20/2023
Hayden Talmage 18 1 R3 - Olasin 5/21/2023
Texas Banditos Black
27 Brady Burrow 28 2 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/20/2023
36 Cash Clayton 12 3 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/20/2023
14 Aiden DeLeon 42 8 R3 - Olasin 5/19/2023
68 6 USA Prime National 14u 5/21/2023
Total 110 14
33 Blake Edling 30 9 R3 - Olasin 5/19/2023
45 9 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/20/2023
Total 75 18
81 Dominic Giametta Iii 57 8 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/20/2023
23 Chris Gonzales 17 0 R3 - Olasin 5/19/2023
1 Ralph Ortiz 19 2 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/20/2023
99 Grant Sperandio 76 12 Fl Dodgers 14u Scout Team 5/20/2023
15 Jay Sralla 15 3 R3 - Olasin 5/19/2023
53 9 USA Prime National 14u 5/21/2023
Total 68 12
USA Prime National 14u
0 Oscar Barron 35 4 BPA 5/19/2023
71 11 Texas Banditos Black 5/21/2023
Total 106 15
87 Colton Gallardo 55 6 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/21/2023
Vaughn Howard 20 3 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/21/2023
11 Seamus Keller 73 10 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/20/2023
39 Sayler Melton 80 12 BPA 5/19/2023
6 3 Texas Banditos Black 5/21/2023
Total 86 15
Jansyel Otwell 10 2 BPA 5/19/2023
38 6 Wow Factor Nation 14u 5/21/2023
Total 48 8
52 Jake Sedmack 53 8 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/20/2023
0 John Stowers 82 21 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/20/2023
Wow Factor Nation 14u
999 Sylas Billie 43 9 Texas Banditos Black 5/20/2023
53 8 BPA 5/21/2023
Total 96 17
999 Boston Brown 73 9 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/19/2023
0 0 Texas Banditos Black 5/20/2023
Total 73 9
18 1 BPA 5/21/2023
Total 91 10
999 Jake Carruthers 60 15 Motor City Hit Dogs National 5/21/2023
999 Rowen Groeneweg 30 4 BPA 5/20/2023
999 Blake Lundy 27 3 BPA 5/20/2023
14 Bentley Seeberger 38 6 Texas Banditos Black 5/20/2023
38 7 BPA 5/21/2023
Total 76 13
12 Rylan Sutton 12 3 SBA Bolts 14u National 5/19/2023
44 4 BPA 5/20/2023
Total 56 7
999 Zachary Tavarez 87 15 USA Prime National 14u 5/21/2023
999 John Berry Upton 26 3 BPA 5/20/2023