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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
11U Barbers Hill Sluggers
8 Carter Blanchard 37 5 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/21/2023
27 Ethan Dodd 14 3 Texas Freight 6/23/2023
40 6 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/24/2023
Total 54 9
6 Jacob Elias 11 3 Gladiators- Castolenia 6/20/2023
48 9 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/24/2023
Total 59 12
25 Landon Farrell 36 8 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/23/2023
77 Devin Hawkins 40 6 Texas Freight 6/23/2023
3 Cory Kirsch 40 6 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/21/2023
14 3 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/23/2023
Total 54 9
0 Broxton Lavergne 9 1 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/21/2023
12 3 Gladiators- Castolenia 6/22/2023
Total 21 4
23 Slade Luna 38 6 Texas Freight 6/23/2023
10 Korbin North 9 3 Texas Freight 6/21/2023
30 4 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/23/2023
Total 39 7
9 Ilder Pineda 36 4 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/21/2023
3 Tucker Wesson 32 6 Texas Freight 6/21/2023
AP Express 12u Burks
1 Canon Chrisenberry 24 6 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/21/2023
12 Kasen Durbin 89 9 Piranhas 10u 6/23/2023
16 Michael Hegemeyer 35 4 United Baseball 11u 6/20/2023
31 Jackson Hues 23 3 United Baseball 11u 6/20/2023
22 3 Texas Freight 6/22/2023
Total 45 6
21 Colin Jimmerson 21 1 United Baseball 11u 6/20/2023
0 0 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/21/2023
Total 21 1
87 Troy Leoni 19 1 United Baseball 11u 6/20/2023
35 Kason Shaver 45 8 Gladiators- Castolenia 6/21/2023
11 3 Piranhas 10u 6/23/2023
Total 56 11
30 Carter Sovil 41 9 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/21/2023
11 0 Texas Freight 6/22/2023
Total 52 9
13 James Whorton 25 0 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/21/2023
52 9 Texas Freight 6/22/2023
Total 77 9
Black Mambas Baseball Club
21 Israel Albarico 43 9 Gladiators Loftus 6/21/2023
27 6 United Baseball 11u 6/22/2023
Total 70 15
48 6 GLADIATORS RED 6/22/2023
Total 118 21
2 Kameron Cravey 31 2 GLADIATORS RED 6/21/2023
28 4 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 59 6
22 Gabriel Garza 16 3 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/20/2023
17 4 GLADIATORS RED 6/21/2023
Total 33 7
25 1 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/23/2023
Total 58 8
37 3 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 95 11
7 Mason Henry 38 2 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/20/2023
54 6 United Baseball 11u 6/22/2023
Total 92 8
26 3 GLADIATORS RED 6/22/2023
Total 118 11
9 Yahir Orria 56 6 GLADIATORS RED 6/21/2023
53 8 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/23/2023
Total 109 14
12 0 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 121 14
1 Aiden Snaddon 12 3 Gladiators Loftus 6/21/2023
34 3 United Baseball 11u 6/22/2023
Total 46 6
16 3 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 62 9
6 Braxton Townsend 22 0 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/20/2023
Gladiators - HTX 2030
0 Christian Bishop 18 2 GLADIATORS RED 6/20/2023
4 1 Gladiators Loftus 6/23/2023
Total 22 3
7 Anthony Cervantes 17 0 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/22/2023
10 Luis De La Fuente 30 6 Piranhas 10u 6/21/2023
47 9 United Baseball 11u 6/23/2023
Total 77 15
2 Jude Fries 49 4 GLADIATORS RED 6/20/2023
6 Cesar Garcia 53 6 Piranhas 10u 6/21/2023
27 Beckett Holbrook 43 9 GLADIATORS RED 6/20/2023
85 13 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/22/2023
Total 128 22
39 Brayden Riley 6 0 Piranhas 10u 6/21/2023
36 3 Texas Freight 6/21/2023
Total 42 3
16 3 Gladiators Loftus 6/23/2023
Total 58 6
40 6 United Baseball 11u 6/24/2023
Total 98 12
7 Kellen Wittenberg 45 15 Texas Freight 6/21/2023
49 8 Gladiators Loftus 6/23/2023
Total 94 23
Gladiators Loftus
45 John Albanese 40 3 Vengeance 11u White 6/20/2023
34 2 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/22/2023
Total 74 5
0 0 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
Total 74 5
90 Brayden Beckham 17 1 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/21/2023
25 3 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/21/2023
Total 42 4
24 2 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/22/2023
Total 66 6
8 Kai Compton 9 0 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/21/2023
7 0 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
Total 16 0
17 Luigi Guevara 36 4 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/21/2023
19 0 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/22/2023
Total 55 4
3 Henry Hurlburt 27 5 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
27 Michael Jenkins 29 3 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/21/2023
37 5 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/21/2023
Total 66 8
23 2 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
Total 89 10
13 Easton Lavergne 49 7 Vengeance 11u White 6/20/2023
23 4 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/21/2023
Total 72 11
8 1 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/21/2023
Total 80 12
2 1 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
Total 82 13
10 Thomas Loftus 18 2 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/22/2023
41 4 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
Total 59 6
99 Ryder Richardson 4 0 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
27 Slade Breaux 39 4 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/21/2023
10 Holdyn Courts 73 15 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/20/2023
99 Joshua Guidroz 37 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
35 Keegan Jones 30 7 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/21/2023
41 9 Gladiators- Castolenia 6/23/2023
Total 71 16
6 Kayson Thomas 21 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
3 Rhyder Vanderburg 49 6 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
19 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/23/2023
Total 68 9
5 Tripp Whisenhant 27 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
2 Rason Wolfe 69 11 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/23/2023
Gladiators- Castolenia
Keithen Barr 12 0 GLADIATORS RED 6/23/2023
52 Jevin Barrow 39 4 AP Express 12u Burks 6/21/2023
3 Asher Burch 18 0 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/22/2023
55 Hunter Castolenia 27 0 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/22/2023
25 Jace Gonzales 50 2 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/20/2023
44 1 Vengeance 11u White 6/21/2023
Total 94 3
1 Kyler Hyatt 51 4 AP Express 12u Burks 6/21/2023
28 0 GLADIATORS RED 6/23/2023
Total 79 4
Kaston Knight 63 5 Vengeance 11u White 6/21/2023
67 6 GLADIATORS RED 6/23/2023
Total 130 11
Hunter Mersiovsky 35 0 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/20/2023
33 Vance Segrest 3 1 GLADIATORS RED 6/23/2023
Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon
22 Luke Lastrapes 36 4 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
29 3 GLADIATORS RED 6/23/2023
Total 65 7
20 Aayan Patel 34 4 Piranhas 10u 6/20/2023
51 6 Gladiators Loftus 6/22/2023
Total 85 10
55 11 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 140 21
9 Landon Rummel 10 1 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
10 3 Gladiators Loftus 6/22/2023
Total 20 4
0 0 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/23/2023
Total 20 4
24 Chase Smith 15 5 GLADIATORS RED 6/21/2023
67 9 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/23/2023
Total 82 14
14 Will Strawbridge 51 6 GLADIATORS RED 6/21/2023
66 15 GLADIATORS RED 6/23/2023
Total 117 21
7 Eli Talevich 10 3 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
6 Hudson Yoder 33 7 Piranhas 10u 6/20/2023
10 1 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
Total 43 8
35 4 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/23/2023
Total 78 12
18 7 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 96 19
10 Bryce Yurick 2 1 Piranhas 10u 6/20/2023
6 3 GLADIATORS RED 6/21/2023
Total 8 4
0 0 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
Total 8 4
Piranhas 10u
4 Christopher Anderson 50 9 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/22/2023
33 8 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/24/2023
Total 83 17
51 9 Vengeance 11u White 6/24/2023
Total 134 26
11 Kaeson Collins 26 5 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/21/2023
28 2 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/24/2023
Total 54 7
19 Korbin Dugas 57 8 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
55 7 Vengeance 11u White 6/22/2023
Total 112 15
88 Camdon Goode 11 0 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/22/2023
34 Wyatt Hill 30 1 Vengeance 11u White 6/22/2023
1 Kyler Knepp 33 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/20/2023
17 3 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
Total 50 6
9 Grayson Spencer 0 0 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/20/2023
34 9 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/21/2023
Total 34 9
67 18 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/24/2023
Total 101 27
35 DeMarcus Walker 46 5 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/20/2023
24 6 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/22/2023
Total 70 11
0 0 Vengeance 11u White 6/22/2023
Total 70 11
54 11 AP Express 12u Burks 6/23/2023
Total 124 22
22 Hudson Weinacker 21 3 United Baseball 11u 6/21/2023
6 2 Vengeance 11u White 6/24/2023
Total 27 5
Piranhas Baseball- Berry
2 Nixon Berry 15 0 Vengeance 11u White 6/21/2023
10 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/23/2023
Total 25 3
23 Brody Chesser 27 5 Texas Freight 6/20/2023
30 9 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/22/2023
Total 57 14
10 Easton Graves 47 6 Texas Freight 6/20/2023
37 9 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/23/2023
Total 84 15
31 3 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/24/2023
Total 115 18
18 Will Hise 5 1 Vengeance 11u White 6/21/2023
27 Manning James 45 9 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/21/2023
7 Ryder Robbins 21 2 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/23/2023
12 Talon Romero 42 6 Vengeance 11u White 6/21/2023
43 8 Vengeance 11u White 6/23/2023
Total 85 14
20 Daniel Savage 21 6 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/22/2023
17 Talon Sweat 59 9 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/21/2023
84 12 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/24/2023
Total 143 21
1 Jaxon Toups 55 8 Vengeance 11u White 6/21/2023
53 6 Vengeance 11u White 6/23/2023
Total 108 14
Texas Freight
1 Austin BiJeaux 22 1 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/20/2023
56 9 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/23/2023
Total 78 10
27 Hudson Boynton 55 6 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/20/2023
17 2 United Baseball 11u 6/24/2023
Total 72 8
Preston Bullard 13 3 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/20/2023
23 6 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/21/2023
Total 36 9
75 10 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/23/2023
Total 111 19
99 Jake Collins 50 12 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/21/2023
12 2 Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen 6/23/2023
Total 62 14
12 2 United Baseball 11u 6/24/2023
Total 74 16
24 Kobe Gray 28 3 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/23/2023
57 Jack Heinz 57 5 United Baseball 11u 6/24/2023
Westin Jones 21 3 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/21/2023
3 Ethan Reyes 13 1 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/20/2023
Dylan Reynolds 33 4 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/21/2023
60 11 AP Express 12u Burks 6/22/2023
Total 93 15
4 Ridge Wright 26 1 11U Barbers Hill Sluggers 6/21/2023
Tma Red Dogs-Thigpen
Drake Delavergne 37 6 AP Express 12u Burks 6/21/2023
22 2 Piranhas 10u 6/22/2023
Total 59 8
Landyn Dimmick 20 1 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/20/2023
9 Julio Funes 38 3 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/20/2023
75 10 Texas Freight 6/23/2023
Total 113 13
11 Juan Marrero 9 1 AP Express 12u Burks 6/21/2023
39 4 Gladiators Loftus 6/21/2023
Total 48 5
30 3 Piranhas 10u 6/22/2023
Total 78 8
8 Alex Moak 29 6 AP Express 12u Burks 6/21/2023
3 Gavin Morris 18 2 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/20/2023
13 Julian Ocampo 22 6 Gladiators Loftus 6/21/2023
49 10 Piranhas 10u 6/22/2023
Total 71 16
United Baseball 11u
15 Atley Arabie 26 4 Piranhas 10u 6/21/2023
10 Brennen Barnhill 28 5 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/22/2023
84 Ajay Beard 0 0 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
31 4 Vengeance 11u White 6/24/2023
Total 31 4
4 Brayden Brock 33 8 Piranhas 10u 6/21/2023
18 3 Vengeance 11u White 6/24/2023
Total 51 11
24 Jeremiah Doby 51 10 Black Mambas Baseball Club 6/22/2023
Landon Farrell 16 3 Vengeance 11u White 6/24/2023
21 Emmett Garcia 40 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
31 6 Texas Freight 6/24/2023
Total 71 9
Markcus Garcia 0 0 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
55 12 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/24/2023
Total 55 12
1 Harper Loggins 29 7 AP Express 12u Burks 6/20/2023
47 6 Texas Freight 6/24/2023
Total 76 13
35 Ryder Naismith 19 6 AP Express 12u Burks 6/20/2023
13 Landyn Reynolds 35 3 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
23 Brooks Wood 4 3 Piranhas 10u 6/21/2023
21 2 Houston Wildcatters – 10U – DeLeon 6/21/2023
Total 25 5
10 2 Vengeance 11u White 6/24/2023
Total 35 7
8 Noel Young Jr 40 5 Gladiators - HTX 2030 6/23/2023
Vengeance 11u White
5 Kayden Campbell 16 3 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/21/2023
11 3 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 27 6
1 Arian Garza 17 3 United Baseball 11u 6/24/2023
32 Aiden Lavorico 39 6 Gladiators Loftus 6/20/2023
34 9 Piranhas 10u 6/22/2023
Total 73 15
67 9 Piranhas 10u 6/24/2023
Total 140 24
42 Cordarral Phillips 18 3 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/21/2023
52 6 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/23/2023
Total 70 9
1 Imre Shivers 36 6 Gladiators Loftus 6/20/2023
28 Aaron Winslow 45 8 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/21/2023
37 6 United Baseball 11u 6/24/2023
Total 82 14
44 Caleb Woods 38 9 Gladiators- Castolenia 6/21/2023
36 8 Piranhas Baseball- Berry 6/23/2023
Total 74 17