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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Banditos White Deleon
17 Aidan Araguz 45 7 Centex Storm 14u 4/23/2023
21 David Corona 36 4 Crush Bsbl Blue 4/23/2023
29 10 Centex Storm 14u 4/23/2023
Total 65 14
11 Jacob Grimm 15 1 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
19 1 Centex Storm 14u 4/23/2023
Total 34 2
34 Garet Hackenbruch 57 9 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
3 John Harden 36 8 Crush Bsbl Blue 4/23/2023
34 Gabriel Rivera 25 2 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
64 12 Team Houston- Lucky 4/23/2023
Total 89 14
643 14u Red
10 Travis Harker 16 2 Opa Jays 4/21/2023
36 Caden Strupp 67 15 Usa Prime Blacksox 4/21/2023
26 Ishmael Torres 27 4 Opa Jays 4/21/2023
22 Preston Wangler 26 6 Opa Jays 4/21/2023
Backyard Ballers Black
Lance Ehlers 45 6 Texas Legends 4/22/2023
Brayden Hernandez 92 21 Backyard Ballers White 4/23/2023
Logan Lacox 77 18 Spring Branch Naturals 4/22/2023
Cade Petzolt 28 9 Texas Legends 4/22/2023
Backyard Ballers Grey
0 Dylan Basham 68 9 Centex Storm 14u 4/22/2023
Braiden Carter 23 6 Team Houston- Lucky 4/22/2023
Cody Mersiovsky 27 5 Team Houston- Lucky 4/22/2023
Caleb Michelson 12 0 Team Houston- Lucky 4/22/2023
Landon Norwood 29 3 Team Houston- Lucky 4/22/2023
Backyard Ballers White
Caden Graham 18 3 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
Turner Hulett 13 3 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
18 6 Houston Legends 4/23/2023
Total 31 9
Jacob Matthew 19 3 Houston Legends 4/23/2023
Brody Neal 15 3 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
Tanner Schneider 15 0 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
Tyler Turner 22 3 Showtime - East 4/22/2023
Banditos - Rowland
2 Mark De La Garza 47 7 Backyard Ballers Grey 4/23/2023
0 Kalum Jackson 36 6 H-Town Hawks 14u 4/22/2023
13 Korben Matthieu 9 3 H-Town Hawks 14u 4/22/2023
5 Tristan McKee 49 3 Houston Legends 4/22/2023
3 Christian Melendez 31 8 Backyard Ballers Grey 4/23/2023
40 Kade Merrill 13 3 Houston Legends 4/22/2023
17 Jaden Miller 48 6 H-Town Hawks 14u 4/22/2023
13 3 Houston Legends 4/22/2023
Total 61 9
31 Robert Turney 30 3 Houston Legends 4/22/2023
Banditos Deleon - Grey
16 Jude Hough 10 1 Usa Prime Blacksox 4/21/2023
Cade Morris 68 9 Usa Prime Blacksox 4/21/2023
32 Dominic Pizzitola 16 0 Usa Prime Blacksox 4/21/2023
25 Kaden Rosado 38 9 Opa Jays 4/21/2023
16 2 Usa Prime Blacksox 4/21/2023
Total 54 11
4 Michael Walker Jr 31 6 Opa Jays 4/21/2023
Centex Storm 14u
18 Brayden Fisher 53 9 Expos Baseball 14u Red 4/22/2023
99 Travis Hill 33 3 Backyard Ballers Grey 4/22/2023
9 Devin Oppermann 18 3 Expos Baseball 14u Red 4/22/2023
6 Britton Wolters 47 9 Backyard Ballers Grey 4/22/2023
Crush Bsbl Blue
Anthony Jacobo 66 12 Lynx 14u Gracey 4/22/2023
Tyson Mogensen 41 8 H-Town Hawks 14u 4/22/2023
Adrian Sanchez 37 7 H-Town Hawks 14u 4/22/2023
Expos Baseball 14u Red
0 Sawyer Beatty 63 12 Centex Storm 14u 4/22/2023
9 Brandon Dodge Jr 12 3 Centex Storm 14u 4/22/2023
12 Brody Hobson 50 9 Opa Jays 4/23/2023
23 Dylan Lam 11 1 Td Edge 14u - Cobb 4/22/2023
24 Christopher Reese 66 12 Td Edge 14u - Cobb 4/22/2023
H-Town Hawks 14u
Jayden Bailey 33 4 Crush Bsbl Blue 4/22/2023
33 Leon Bilnoski 34 6 Banditos - Rowland 4/22/2023
3 Evan Brown 64 8 Crush Bsbl Blue 4/22/2023
7 Charlie Garms 64 9 Banditos - Rowland 4/22/2023
14 Arman Lakha 66 7 Usa Prime Blacksox 4/23/2023
Aaron Payne 8 2 Usa Prime Blacksox 4/23/2023
Houston Legends
Gunner Bogard 46 6 Banditos - Rowland 4/22/2023
Reid Brian 39 6 Banditos - Rowland 4/22/2023
Callen Jenks 39 4 Lynx 14u Gracey 4/22/2023
Noah Lindsay 89 11 Lynx 14u Gracey 4/22/2023
Lynx 14u Gracey
10 Benjamin Bacerra 22 2 Crush Bsbl Blue 4/22/2023
34 Charlie Cook 32 6 Houston Legends 4/22/2023
8 Ryan Karlik 72 8 Crush Bsbl Blue 4/22/2023
22 Colton Matherne 42 2 Crush Bsbl Blue 4/22/2023
5 Cullen McGarr 52 9 Houston Legends 4/22/2023
Opa Jays
12 Matthew Gray 41 4 Banditos Deleon - Grey 4/21/2023
5 Gavin Jones 35 4 643 14u Red 4/21/2023
30 J. Landon Scott 34 11 Banditos Deleon - Grey 4/21/2023
14 Collin White 54 8 643 14u Red 4/21/2023
Showtime - East
3 Ivan Espino 21 0 Backyard Ballers White 4/22/2023
6 Cayden Handley 61 10 14u Banditos White Deleon 4/22/2023
33 Luis Lozano 8 2 Backyard Ballers White 4/22/2023
74 15 Lynx 14u Gracey 4/23/2023
Total 82 17
2 Josue Rebollar 49 12 Backyard Ballers White 4/22/2023
44 Irvin Terrazas 8 2 14u Banditos White Deleon 4/22/2023
Spring Branch Naturals
Preston Hopkins 33 14 Backyard Ballers Black 4/22/2023
Andrew Macia 38 4 Backyard Ballers Black 4/22/2023
18 3 Texas Legends 4/22/2023
Total 56 7
Carson Pratt 69 8 Texas Legends 4/22/2023
Jaxon Sletten 70 15 H-Town Hawks 14u 4/23/2023
Td Edge 14u - Cobb
6 Jayden Benavides 7 1 Expos Baseball 14u Red 4/22/2023
35 Colton Cockerham 13 5 Banditos Deleon - Grey 4/23/2023
39 9 Banditos - Rowland 4/23/2023
Total 52 14
3 Ayden Minton 62 8 Expos Baseball 14u Red 4/22/2023
3 Weston Murphy 83 16 Banditos Deleon - Grey 4/23/2023
9 Parker Noyes 29 3 Team Houston- Lucky 4/22/2023
72 Caden Shaw 51 3 Team Houston- Lucky 4/22/2023
1 Nicholas Silva 21 3 Team Houston- Lucky 4/22/2023
22 Lane Watson 29 6 Expos Baseball 14u Red 4/22/2023
Team Houston- Lucky
44 Thomas Flores 63 12 Showtime - East 4/23/2023
1 Ethan Fovargue 37 6 Backyard Ballers Grey 4/22/2023
38 7 643 14u Red 4/23/2023
Total 75 13
13 Jude Johnston 21 3 Td Edge 14u - Cobb 4/22/2023
34 Nicolas Johnston 47 8 643 14u Red 4/23/2023
2 Stone Kendrick 11 3 Backyard Ballers Grey 4/22/2023
11 Jaxon Thomas 43 9 Td Edge 14u - Cobb 4/22/2023
Texas Legends
3 Jackson Cote 72 12 Backyard Ballers Black 4/22/2023
27 Matthew Fagan 68 12 Spring Branch Naturals 4/22/2023
1 Devin Lancaster 8 3 Backyard Ballers Black 4/22/2023
34 Josiah Lisenbe 78 9 Td Edge 14u - Cobb 4/23/2023
Usa Prime Blacksox
27 Quinn Barker 59 7 643 14u Red 4/21/2023
22 Jimmy Kearns 6 3 Banditos Deleon - Grey 4/21/2023
5 1 643 14u Red 4/21/2023
Total 11 4
24 Kaden Schleier 54 9 Banditos Deleon - Grey 4/21/2023
1 Massimo Tomei 40 7 643 14u Red 4/21/2023