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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
13U Cruz Baseball
Gavin Araujo 10 3 HTB - 13U 9/26/2021
Joel Brown 45 6 Lynx 13U Black 9/12/2021
29 6 Houston Colts 9/26/2021
Total 74 12
31 6 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 105 18
51 8 Pride 13U 10/24/2021
Total 156 26
57 9 Diaz Baseball 10/31/2021
Total 213 35
John Castro 19 3 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/12/2021
Lucas Cohen 23 4 Thunder 10/24/2021
William Doyle 44 6 Lynx 13U Black 9/12/2021
24 3 Houston Colts 9/26/2021
Total 68 9
59 9 Houston Foresters Blue 10/17/2021
Total 127 18
57 4 Pride 13U 10/24/2021
Total 184 22
67 8 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 251 30
Luke Fogleman 29 3 Houston Colts 9/26/2021
14 3 Houston Foresters Blue 10/17/2021
Total 43 6
8 3 Diaz Baseball 10/31/2021
Total 51 9
Nicolas Guerrero 24 3 Houston Foresters Blue 10/17/2021
22 4 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 46 7
Roman Kirkpatrick 25 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/12/2021
23 3 HTB - 13U 9/26/2021
Total 48 9
66 8 Thunder 10/24/2021
Total 114 17
Jayden Montoya 17 3 Houston Colts 9/26/2021
21 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 38 6
Jackson Ramey 40 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/12/2021
12 6 HTB - 13U 9/26/2021
Total 52 12
34 6 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 86 18
BV Bucks - Roberts
3 Tyler Bandfield 23 3 Hitmen 9/26/2021
20 Jace Barger 29 3 TopNotch Texas 10/17/2021
4 Brett Basham 22 6 Hitmen 9/26/2021
55 Cash Condrey 35 6 Hitmen 9/26/2021
21 6 Texas Generals 13u 10/24/2021
Total 56 12
2 Caleb Dickinson 13 3 Houston Colts 9/12/2021
40 9 Houston Foresters Blue 9/26/2021
Total 53 12
29 6 TopNotch Texas 10/17/2021
Total 82 18
68 12 TopNotch Texas 10/31/2021
Total 150 30
21 Brody Dobbins 18 3 Expos Baseball 13U 9/12/2021
48 6 Houston Foresters Blue 9/26/2021
Total 66 9
17 3 Diaz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 83 12
74 14 Pride 13U 10/31/2021
Total 157 26
23 Jorydn Morales 10 6 Expos Baseball 13U 9/12/2021
47 9 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/17/2021
Total 57 15
24 6 HTB - 13U 10/31/2021
Total 81 21
31 Jace Nelson 8 3 Texas Generals 13u 10/24/2021
99 Ayden Phillips 42 6 Houston Colts 9/12/2021
14 3 TopNotch Texas 10/17/2021
Total 56 9
55 12 Diaz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 111 21
34 2 TopNotch Texas 10/31/2021
Total 145 23
13 Brek Roberts 21 6 Texas Generals 13u 10/24/2021
71 12 HTB - 13U 10/31/2021
Total 92 18
8 Hudson Story 11 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/17/2021
Diaz Baseball
Andres Alvarado 11 1 Premier Graysox 9/12/2021
Diego Cardin 18 1 Premier Graysox 9/12/2021
38 9 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 56 10
29 1 Thunder 10/17/2021
Total 85 11
Roberto Gonzalez 6 1 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/24/2021
Jesse Leija 52 9 Premier Graysox 9/12/2021
47 9 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 99 18
33 5 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/17/2021
Total 132 23
18 3 Thunder 10/17/2021
Total 150 26
56 10 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/24/2021
Total 206 36
David Perez 13 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/26/2021
38 5 Thunder 10/17/2021
Total 51 8
50 9 Houston Colts 10/24/2021
Total 101 17
Miguel Romero 35 9 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/12/2021
19 0 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/26/2021
Total 54 9
Jharell Valerio 29 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/26/2021
33 7 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/17/2021
Total 62 10
0 0 Thunder 10/17/2021
Total 62 10
14 1 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/24/2021
Total 76 11
88 11 13U Cruz Baseball 10/31/2021
Total 164 22
Carlos Varela 21 3 Thunder 10/17/2021
33 2 Houston Colts 10/24/2021
Total 54 5
6 1 13U Cruz Baseball 10/31/2021
Total 60 6
Expos Baseball 13U
9 Brandon Dodge Jr 37 1 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/12/2021
29 3 Houston Foresters Blue 9/26/2021
Total 66 4
30 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 96 7
12 Brody Hobson 24 6 Hitmen 9/26/2021
48 5 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/17/2021
Total 72 11
41 9 Texas Generals 13u 10/24/2021
Total 113 20
71 18 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/31/2021
Total 184 38
4 Aaron Nett 36 5 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/12/2021
44 6 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 80 11
50 6 Lynx 13U Black 10/24/2021
Total 130 17
38 0 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 168 17
11 Aiden Ojo 25 3 Lynx 13U Black 10/24/2021
17 Kersh Parker 27 2 Houston Foresters Blue 9/26/2021
1 Ander Peterson 19 6 Houston Colts 9/12/2021
26 6 Hitmen 9/26/2021
Total 45 12
21 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/17/2021
Total 66 15
22 6 Lynx 13U Black 10/24/2021
Total 88 21
24 Christopher Reese 11 3 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/12/2021
45 6 Houston Foresters Blue 9/26/2021
Total 56 9
38 6 Texas Generals 13u 10/24/2021
Total 94 15
2 Braedan Tep 38 3 Hitmen 9/26/2021
23 Jay Zarate 47 9 Houston Colts 9/12/2021
44 6 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/17/2021
Total 91 15
68 10 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 159 25
9 Lewis Brazelton 60 12 HTB - 13U 9/12/2021
49 6 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/26/2021
Total 109 18
5 Parker Chiles 9 2 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
20 Miles Comarda 0 0 Houston Foresters Red 10/17/2021
41 5 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
Total 41 5
13 Patrick Fowler 0 0 Thunder 10/17/2021
12 3 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/24/2021
Total 12 3
19 3 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 31 6
4 Drew Friedl 14 3 Pride 13U 9/12/2021
22 6 Expos Baseball 13U 9/26/2021
Total 36 9
37 9 Thunder 10/17/2021
Total 73 18
15 3 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/24/2021
Total 88 21
11 0 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 99 21
27 Landon Glazer 21 2 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/26/2021
23 6 Houston Foresters Red 10/17/2021
Total 44 8
18 3 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/24/2021
Total 62 11
23 3 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 85 14
12 Ford Herrin 55 6 Pride 13U 9/12/2021
65 9 Expos Baseball 13U 9/26/2021
Total 120 15
51 6 Thunder 10/17/2021
Total 171 21
35 6 Lynx 13U Black 10/31/2021
Total 206 27
3 Wick Lyons 13 3 HTB - 13U 9/12/2021
45 6 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/26/2021
Total 58 9
39 4 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
Total 97 13
8 Luke Odom 45 9 Houston Foresters Red 10/17/2021
48 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/24/2021
Total 93 15
10 Robbie Robertson 29 0 Pride 13U 9/12/2021
Houston Colts
1 Maximus Avalos 17 4 HTB - 13U 9/26/2021
23 4 TopNotch Texas 10/24/2021
Total 40 8
18 Gavin Berrospe 33 2 HTB - 13U 9/26/2021
79 6 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 112 8
41 7 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 153 15
12 Matthew Gray 51 9 Expos Baseball 13U 9/12/2021
6 1 HTB - 13U 9/26/2021
Total 57 10
65 12 Lynx 13U Black 10/17/2021
Total 122 22
45 7 Diaz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 167 29
89 15 Texas Generals 13u 10/31/2021
Total 256 44
7 Trey Hallinan 66 12 13U Cruz Baseball 9/26/2021
16 3 Lynx 13U Black 10/17/2021
Total 82 15
24 Gage Harr 30 5 HTB - 13U 9/26/2021
0 0 Lynx 13U Black 10/17/2021
Total 30 5
27 2 Diaz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 57 7
9 Geovanny Loyola 0 0 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
15 0 Diaz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 15 0
95 Jack Milian 58 3 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/12/2021
3 Joseph Millner 29 3 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/12/2021
24 5 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 53 8
75 7 TopNotch Texas 10/24/2021
Total 128 15
13 2 Texas Generals 13u 10/31/2021
Total 141 17
0 0 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 141 17
66 Carson Phillips 40 6 Expos Baseball 13U 9/12/2021
40 5 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 80 11
Houston Foresters Blue
99 Westy Bennett 69 8 TopNotch Texas 9/12/2021
31 1 Expos Baseball 13U 9/26/2021
Total 100 9
43 5 Texas Generals 13u 10/17/2021
Total 143 14
24 Luke Carl 17 3 Texas Generals 13u 10/17/2021
10 Hunter Edmonds 36 4 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/26/2021
18 3 13U Cruz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 54 7
36 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 90 10
Luke Fuller 7 2 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/26/2021
0 0 Expos Baseball 13U 9/26/2021
Total 7 2
35 Ryan Gutierrez 2 0 TopNotch Texas 9/12/2021
59 6 BV Bucks - Roberts 9/26/2021
Total 61 6
26 6 Hitmen 10/24/2021
Total 87 12
8 Aidan Hinojosa 61 6 TopNotch Texas 9/12/2021
44 11 Expos Baseball 13U 9/26/2021
Total 105 17
39 9 13U Cruz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 144 26
17 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 161 29
68 12 TopNotch Texas 10/31/2021
Total 229 41
5 Jack Hope 32 2 13U Cruz Baseball 10/17/2021
37 4 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 69 6
8 William Newhouse 6 0 TopNotch Texas 10/31/2021
11 Cameron Nguyen 14 2 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/24/2021
27 1 TopNotch Texas 10/31/2021
Total 41 3
17 Itsuki Yoneda 59 7 Texas Generals 13u 10/17/2021
46 6 Hitmen 10/24/2021
Total 105 13
19 3 TopNotch Texas 10/31/2021
Total 124 16
Houston Foresters Red
3 Caleb Cook 43 0 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/12/2021
24 3 Thunder 9/26/2021
Total 67 3
53 9 Hitmen 10/17/2021
Total 120 12
10 Hunter Edmonds 60 5 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/12/2021
25 3 Thunder 9/26/2021
Total 85 8
6 Luke Fuller 51 6 Hitmen 10/17/2021
18 1 HTB - 13U 10/24/2021
Total 69 7
11 3 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 80 10
34 John Hubbard 27 3 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/17/2021
2 Zachary Kline 53 4 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/12/2021
38 3 Premier Graysox 9/26/2021
Total 91 7
36 3 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/24/2021
Total 127 10
1 John Moscicki 32 1 Premier Graysox 9/26/2021
55 3 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/17/2021
Total 87 4
63 8 HTB - 13U 10/24/2021
Total 150 12
41 5 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 191 17
12 Caden Stone 74 9 Thunder 9/26/2021
68 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/17/2021
Total 142 15
75 9 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/24/2021
Total 217 24
57 4 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 274 28
17 Itsuki Yoneda 79 9 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/12/2021
65 8 Premier Graysox 9/26/2021
Total 144 17
Houston Heat 13U - Roberts
10 Tucker Bayer 22 2 Diaz Baseball 9/12/2021
40 4 Pride 13U 10/17/2021
Total 62 6
43 4 Premier Graysox 10/24/2021
Total 105 10
Landon Courcier 12 2 Pride 13U 10/17/2021
49 7 Premier Graysox 10/24/2021
Total 61 9
0 Daniel Cox 44 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/26/2021
40 3 Pride 13U 10/17/2021
Total 84 9
56 9 Thunder 10/24/2021
Total 140 18
24 2 Houston Colts 10/31/2021
Total 164 20
Aiden Haby 20 3 Thunder 10/24/2021
5 Carter Hall 45 5 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
26 3 Houston Colts 10/17/2021
Total 71 8
6 John Kade Jablonsky 36 1 Diaz Baseball 9/12/2021
4 Derek McCarthy 60 11 Houston Foresters Red 9/12/2021
0 0 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
Total 60 11
41 4 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/26/2021
Total 101 15
46 8 Houston Colts 10/17/2021
Total 147 23
50 12 Houston Foresters Red 10/31/2021
Total 197 35
Mitchell McGuire 0 0 Thunder 10/24/2021
2 Damon Robbins 13 2 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
21 6 Houston Colts 10/31/2021
Total 34 8
0 Sam Stevenson 24 3 Diaz Baseball 9/12/2021
50 3 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
Total 74 6
7 3 Houston Colts 10/17/2021
Total 81 9
12 3 Thunder 10/24/2021
Total 93 12
Kyler Syracuse 37 2 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
HTB - 13U
0 Adrian Campa 65 9 13U Cruz Baseball 9/26/2021
0 0 Houston Foresters Red 10/24/2021
Total 65 9
16 Daniel Compean 52 9 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/12/2021
15 Giovanni Compean 50 9 Hitmen 9/12/2021
34 6 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/17/2021
Total 84 15
45 Daniel Garcia 0 0 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
5 Alberto Gonzalez 40 9 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/24/2021
30 6 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 70 15
34 Alfredo Martinez 70 12 Houston Foresters Red 10/24/2021
10 Jesse Martinez 43 12 Texas Generals 13u 10/17/2021
13 Matias Martinez 38 3 13U Cruz Baseball 9/26/2021
9 Juan Obregon 36 5 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/17/2021
11 Adrian Ramirez 16 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/12/2021
65 9 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 81 12
0 Gabriel Salyers 19 3 Hitmen 9/12/2021
3 Stratton Spence 23 4 Houston Colts 9/26/2021
17 Luke Thomas 60 5 Houston Colts 9/26/2021
Lynx 13U Black
22 Gage Booher 70 6 13U Cruz Baseball 9/12/2021
18 0 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/26/2021
Total 88 6
27 Jackson Burcaw 29 6 Thunder 9/12/2021
56 8 Houston Colts 10/17/2021
Total 85 14
39 9 Expos Baseball 13U 10/24/2021
Total 124 23
78 15 Expos Baseball 13U 10/31/2021
Total 202 38
1 Will Erickson 32 3 Thunder 9/12/2021
12 0 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
Total 44 3
32 3 13U Cruz Baseball 10/31/2021
Total 76 6
13 Cameron Franklin 20 1 Houston Colts 10/17/2021
7 Chase Knight 28 6 13U Cruz Baseball 9/12/2021
24 3 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/26/2021
Total 52 9
30 2 TopNotch Texas 10/24/2021
Total 82 11
65 8 13U Cruz Baseball 10/31/2021
Total 147 19
17 Connor Milam 9 1 Houston Colts 10/17/2021
2 Nolan Sides 16 3 Thunder 9/12/2021
45 2 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
Total 61 5
65 7 TopNotch Texas 10/24/2021
Total 126 12
57 9 Hitmen 10/31/2021
Total 183 21
18 Carson Varro 60 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/26/2021
69 9 Pride 13U 10/17/2021
Total 129 15
16 3 Hitmen 10/31/2021
Total 145 18
9 Landon Weverka 53 9 Expos Baseball 13U 10/24/2021
44 Timothy Yates 42 6 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/26/2021
Premier Graysox
8 Hayden Bogan 23 3 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/24/2021
22 Brayden Cole 4 1 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/12/2021
36 6 Houston Foresters Red 9/26/2021
Total 40 7
33 9 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/17/2021
Total 73 16
5 1 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/24/2021
Total 78 17
5 Caleb Green 25 4 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/24/2021
2 Jake Hall 21 1 Diaz Baseball 9/12/2021
3 Brady Hamilton 16 3 Diaz Baseball 9/12/2021
28 6 Houston Foresters Red 9/26/2021
Total 44 9
17 3 Thunder 9/26/2021
Total 61 12
60 18 TopNotch Texas 10/17/2021
Total 121 30
34 6 Pride 13U 10/24/2021
Total 155 36
24 Luke Jackson 49 5 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/12/2021
36 3 Thunder 9/26/2021
Total 85 8
45 9 Pride 13U 10/24/2021
Total 130 17
42 Landon Reynolds 11 0 Diaz Baseball 9/12/2021
42 4 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/24/2021
Total 53 4
27 Dylan Stanko 11 2 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/17/2021
44 Finn Venker 43 6 Diaz Baseball 9/12/2021
17 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 9/12/2021
Total 60 9
36 3 Thunder 9/26/2021
Total 96 12
18 1 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/17/2021
Total 114 13
Pride 13U
1 Ashton Aleman 23 5 13U Cruz Baseball 10/24/2021
0 0 Thunder 10/31/2021
Total 23 5
3 Isaiah Benitez 8 3 Hitmen 9/12/2021
30 4 TopNotch Texas 9/26/2021
Total 38 7
11 4 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 49 11
6 3 Premier Graysox 10/24/2021
Total 55 14
54 14 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/31/2021
Total 109 28
5 Zach Burleson 12 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/12/2021
18 1 TopNotch Texas 9/26/2021
Total 30 4
19 0 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 49 4
20 1 13U Cruz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 69 5
4 Ian Hartl 10 3 Hitmen 9/12/2021
20 2 Texas Generals 13u 9/26/2021
Total 30 5
21 3 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 51 8
13 2 Premier Graysox 10/24/2021
Total 64 10
22 Estevan Lopez 29 6 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/12/2021
12 0 TopNotch Texas 9/26/2021
Total 41 6
11 2 Lynx 13U Black 10/17/2021
Total 52 8
21 6 13U Cruz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 73 14
22 2 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/31/2021
Total 95 16
7 Jacob Miles 12 0 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/12/2021
22 3 Texas Generals 13u 9/26/2021
Total 34 3
0 0 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 34 3
17 1 Lynx 13U Black 10/17/2021
Total 51 4
32 5 Premier Graysox 10/24/2021
Total 83 9
27 Jaythen Munoz 25 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/12/2021
26 2 Lynx 13U Black 10/17/2021
Total 51 5
42 4 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 93 9
21 Cooper Pace 15 3 Hitmen 9/12/2021
20 2 Texas Generals 13u 9/26/2021
Total 35 5
14 2 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 49 7
21 4 Premier Graysox 10/24/2021
Total 70 11
2 Robert Rico 12 0 Hitmen 9/12/2021
13 1 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 25 1
55 Barrett Waskow 14 3 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/17/2021
14 3 13U Cruz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 28 6
27 5 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 55 11
29 Colton Welch 15 3 Hitmen 9/12/2021
21 2 TopNotch Texas 9/26/2021
Total 36 5
6 0 Premier Graysox 10/24/2021
Total 42 5
Texas Dawgs 13u (Green)
24 Hunter Borchers 38 9 Texas Generals 13u 9/26/2021
17 3 Premier Graysox 10/17/2021
Total 55 12
19 4 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/24/2021
Total 74 16
35 Colton Cockerham 24 3 HTB - 13U 9/12/2021
60 12 Premier Graysox 10/17/2021
Total 84 15
43 Tyler Fox 37 3 Pride 13U 9/12/2021
21 3 Texas Generals 13u 9/26/2021
Total 58 6
52 10 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 110 16
13 0 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
Total 123 16
Jonah Hubbell 22 3 Pride 13U 9/12/2021
34 Brady Kerrigan 20 2 HTB - 13U 9/12/2021
43 6 TopNotch Texas 9/26/2021
Total 63 8
72 8 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 10/24/2021
Total 135 16
88 9 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/31/2021
Total 223 25
99 Dante Mitchell 56 6 Pride 13U 9/12/2021
30 6 TopNotch Texas 9/26/2021
Total 86 12
16 3 Texas Generals 13u 9/26/2021
Total 102 15
25 1 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 127 16
18 3 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
Total 145 19
23 Jayden Mouton 32 5 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
7 Braden Pino 17 3 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
17 Brody Schmitt 49 4 HTB - 13U 9/12/2021
15 0 Houston Foresters Blue 10/24/2021
Total 64 4
Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy)
54 Caleb Koebelen 15 2 HTB - 13U 10/24/2021
5 Jackson Kubecka 27 0 Premier Graysox 9/12/2021
3 Jake Provada 33 3 Diaz Baseball 9/26/2021
53 7 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/24/2021
Total 86 10
6 Noah Schupp 30 3 Diaz Baseball 9/26/2021
19 3 13U Cruz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 49 6
9 Watts Sean 45 0 Houston Foresters Red 9/12/2021
66 5 Diaz Baseball 9/26/2021
Total 111 5
57 6 Expos Baseball 13U 10/17/2021
Total 168 11
29 5 Timbergrove Thunder White 10/24/2021
Total 197 16
72 Caden Shaw 41 6 Houston Foresters Red 9/12/2021
33 6 Diaz Baseball 9/26/2021
Total 74 12
74 12 13U Cruz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 148 24
55 4 HTB - 13U 10/24/2021
Total 203 28
72 12 Expos Baseball 13U 10/31/2021
Total 275 40
34 Carter Ward 35 5 Premier Graysox 9/12/2021
5 1 Diaz Baseball 9/26/2021
Total 40 6
41 6 Diaz Baseball 9/26/2021
Total 81 12
11 3 Expos Baseball 13U 10/17/2021
Total 92 15
33 2 HTB - 13U 10/24/2021
Total 125 17
23 2 Expos Baseball 13U 10/31/2021
Total 148 19
Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan
7 Ryan Borths 10 3 13U Cruz Baseball 9/12/2021
30 6 Lynx 13U Black 9/26/2021
Total 40 9
30 6 Houston Foresters Red 10/17/2021
Total 70 15
19 3 Pride 13U 10/31/2021
Total 89 18
44 Slade Brown 7 1 13U Cruz Baseball 9/12/2021
16 3 Houston Foresters Red 10/17/2021
Total 23 4
12 3 Hitmen 10/24/2021
Total 35 7
22 Jhett Bubke 35 6 Diaz Baseball 10/17/2021
14 3 Hitmen 10/24/2021
Total 49 9
Cade Calhoun 12 3 13U Cruz Baseball 9/12/2021
23 Ben Garrett 19 3 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/12/2021
38 3 Lynx 13U Black 9/26/2021
Total 57 6
43 6 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 100 12
0 0 Pride 13U 10/31/2021
Total 100 12
18 Michel Gutierrez 13 3 Houston Foresters Red 10/17/2021
11 Braylon Hobbie 47 9 13U Cruz Baseball 9/12/2021
47 9 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/26/2021
Total 94 18
38 6 Diaz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 132 24
22 3 Hitmen 10/24/2021
Total 154 27
45 Easton Pettiet 30 2 13U Cruz Baseball 9/12/2021
0 0 Houston Foresters Red 10/17/2021
Total 30 2
0 0 Diaz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 30 2
21 6 Hitmen 10/24/2021
Total 51 8
13 Kade Rodgers 46 9 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/12/2021
36 6 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 82 15
75 11 Pride 13U 10/31/2021
Total 157 26
8 Jackson Wilcox 13 3 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/26/2021
24 3 Diaz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 37 6
10 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/24/2021
Total 47 9
27 1 Pride 13U 10/31/2021
Total 74 10
Texas Generals 13u
0 Brooks Anderson 23 2 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/26/2021
69 3 Pride 13U 9/26/2021
Total 92 5
36 6 Houston Foresters Blue 10/17/2021
Total 128 11
23 4 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/24/2021
Total 151 15
Winston Beebe 65 8 TopNotch Texas 9/12/2021
57 5 HTB - 13U 10/17/2021
Total 122 13
Kaden Coffman 36 6 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/26/2021
Finn Cross 39 6 Expos Baseball 13U 10/24/2021
Jose Da Cunha 13 2 Pride 13U 9/26/2021
0 Brayden Dennis 56 8 Expos Baseball 13U 10/24/2021
24 Brendan Error 26 6 Houston Colts 10/31/2021
Mason Godby 29 3 Pride 13U 9/26/2021
20 3 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 49 6
39 6 Houston Foresters Blue 10/17/2021
Total 88 12
14 2 HTB - 13U 10/17/2021
Total 102 14
85 10 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/24/2021
Total 187 24
68 9 Houston Colts 10/31/2021
Total 255 33
Cannon Wisneski 13 0 TopNotch Texas 9/12/2021
44 3 HTB - 13U 10/17/2021
Total 57 3
Hendrik Yep Garcia 42 2 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/26/2021
1 Jack Archer 12 1 Lynx 13U Black 9/12/2021
40 6 Hitmen 10/17/2021
Total 52 7
2 Brady Brewer 40 9 13U Cruz Baseball 10/24/2021
99 Sam Erwin 25 3 Lynx 13U Black 9/12/2021
77 Andrew Kirklin 29 6 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/12/2021
37 3 Premier Graysox 9/26/2021
Total 66 9
55 9 Hitmen 10/17/2021
Total 121 18
40 4 13U Cruz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 161 22
42 Maxwell Law 53 6 Timbergrove Thunder White 9/12/2021
12 2 Houston Foresters Red 9/26/2021
Total 65 8
39 6 Premier Graysox 9/26/2021
Total 104 14
10 3 Hitmen 10/17/2021
Total 114 17
3 1 13U Cruz Baseball 10/24/2021
Total 117 18
19 Joshua Pisio 13 1 Lynx 13U Black 9/12/2021
11 Max Steele 38 6 Lynx 13U Black 9/12/2021
66 13 Houston Foresters Red 9/26/2021
Total 104 19
49 12 Diaz Baseball 10/17/2021
Total 153 31
62 18 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 10/24/2021
Total 215 49
Timbergrove Thunder White
Jacob Cockrum 16 3 Thunder 9/12/2021
24 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/12/2021
Total 40 9
34 4 HTB - 13U 10/17/2021
Total 74 13
59 8 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/24/2021
Total 133 21
Jacob Ecroyd 17 0 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/12/2021
57 9 Lynx 13U Black 9/26/2021
Total 74 9
9 3 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/26/2021
Total 83 12
28 5 Expos Baseball 13U 10/17/2021
Total 111 17
10 2 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/24/2021
Total 121 19
21 3 Houston Foresters Red 10/24/2021
Total 142 22
Khris Fuentes 44 9 Thunder 9/12/2021
28 1 Texas Dawgs 13u (Navy) 10/24/2021
Total 72 10
Bryce Magee 10 3 Lynx 13U Black 9/26/2021
62 4 Expos Baseball 13U 10/17/2021
Total 72 7
Travis Ruch 32 0 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/12/2021
27 6 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/26/2021
Total 59 6
52 6 HTB - 13U 10/17/2021
Total 111 12
44 9 Houston Foresters Red 10/24/2021
Total 155 21
66 10 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 10/31/2021
Total 221 31
Gus Sanchez 0 0 Thunder 9/12/2021
Owen Tharp 46 6 Texas Elite Lobos-McGowan 9/12/2021
45 3 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/26/2021
Total 91 9
0 0 Lynx 13U Black 9/26/2021
Total 91 9
6 2 Expos Baseball 13U 10/17/2021
Total 97 11
Lucas Wooldridge 0 0 Houston Heat 13U - Roberts 9/26/2021
TopNotch Texas
0 Brooks Allen 50 5 Houston Foresters Blue 9/12/2021
46 8 Premier Graysox 10/17/2021
Total 96 13
20 3 Houston Foresters Blue 10/31/2021
Total 116 16
0 Julius Gee 20 3 Lynx 13U Black 10/24/2021
0 Aiden Hernandez 17 3 Houston Foresters Blue 9/12/2021
12 3 Texas Generals 13u 9/12/2021
Total 29 6
39 5 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 68 11
39 6 Premier Graysox 10/17/2021
Total 107 17
31 3 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 138 20
0 Braxton Jones 0 0 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/26/2021
0 John Rangel 5 1 Houston Foresters Blue 9/12/2021
16 3 Texas Generals 13u 9/12/2021
Total 21 4
20 2 Pride 13U 9/26/2021
Total 41 6
38 6 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 79 12
38 5 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 117 17
17 2 Houston Foresters Blue 10/31/2021
Total 134 19
0 Jarrett Sills 29 6 Houston Foresters Blue 9/12/2021
15 3 Texas Generals 13u 9/12/2021
Total 44 9
55 4 Texas Dawgs 13u (Green) 9/26/2021
Total 99 13
25 3 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 124 16
51 9 Lynx 13U Black 10/24/2021
Total 175 25
70 12 Houston Foresters Blue 10/31/2021
Total 245 37
0 Taylor “Tj” Weaver 0 0 Houston Foresters Blue 9/12/2021
32 3 Texas Generals 13u 9/12/2021
Total 32 3
53 6 Pride 13U 9/26/2021
Total 85 9
51 3 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/17/2021
Total 136 12
75 12 Houston Colts 10/24/2021
Total 211 24
22 2 BV Bucks - Roberts 10/31/2021
Total 233 26