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Rules Amendment for this Tournament.
Mercy run rules for this event
9U – 12U – 15 run rule after 3 innings, 8 run rule after 4 innings.
13U – 14U – 15 Run rule after 3 innings, 12 Run Rule after 4 innings, 8 After 5 innings

13U OPEN & 13U AA

14U AA  - 14U OPEN 

Game time limits
Pool Play
9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).

9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).
Tie Breaker after innings have are reached. Last 3 outs go on base , continue line up with 1 out.

Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.
9U-12U is 6 innings. 
13U thru 14U is 7 innings.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
365 Shockers Black
35 Reed Archibeck 78 11 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/29/2022
77 Mario Arechiga 24 1 Vegas Xpress 5/29/2022
3 Eli Frankel 78 9 Johnstown Riders 5/28/2022
52 6 Las Vegas High Heat 5/28/2022
Total 130 15
53 4 Vegas Xpress 5/29/2022
Total 183 19
12 Bash Herwick 35 9 Las Vegas High Heat 5/28/2022
365 Shockers Elite
27 Gabriel Barraza 48 7 Las Vegas Prospects 5/28/2022
55 11 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/30/2022
Total 103 18
20 Max Conchuratt 31 6 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/28/2022
4 1 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/30/2022
Total 35 7
62 Dylan Hinkes 34 9 Swing Factory Prospects 12U 5/29/2022
99 Conner Kingston 27 6 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/28/2022
5 Christopher Lopez 13 5 Las Vegas Prospects 5/28/2022
85 10 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
Total 98 15
13 Winston (Stone) Nelson 14 6 Team Baseball Palace 5/29/2022
7 Joey Schwartz 31 7 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
33 Owen Zimmerman 35 6 Team Baseball Palace 5/29/2022
36 9 Team Baseball Palace 5/30/2022
Total 71 15
365 Shockers Gold 12u
2 Christian Andrade 33 3 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/28/2022
15 Vincent Chiang 97 10 Sn Tribe 12u 5/28/2022
8 Tay Fink 35 5 Lvr 5/29/2022
46 Jack Gandin 38 3 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/29/2022
33 Valentino Garcia 27 3 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/28/2022
24 Charlie Gulsrud 16 3 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/29/2022
27 Braden Parry 77 10 Lvr 5/29/2022
17 Jackson Zwick 38 6 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/28/2022
28 0 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/29/2022
Total 66 6
Johnstown Riders
2 Gavin Higer 6 1 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/29/2022
8 Hudson Lorge 16 3 365 Shockers Black 5/28/2022
20 3 Sn Tribe 12u 5/29/2022
Total 36 6
7 Cooper Moffatt 33 12 365 Shockers Black 5/28/2022
1 Brett Mylander 48 5 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/29/2022
13 Asher Nuland 85 9 Sn Tribe 12u 5/29/2022
3 Brody Reckard 70 6 Lvr 5/28/2022
5 Cooper Sehr 30 3 365 Shockers Black 5/28/2022
53 8 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/29/2022
Total 83 11
Las Vegas High Heat
34 Brayden Cushenberry 53 11 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/29/2022
2 Lucas Gordon 22 3 365 Shockers Black 5/28/2022
51 7 Vegas Xpress 5/29/2022
Total 73 10
0 Gavin Gottschall 74 9 Team Baseball Palace 5/28/2022
4 3 Vegas Xpress 5/29/2022
Total 78 12
18 Logan Heimiller 17 1 Vegas Xpress 5/29/2022
21 Dominic Ortiz 2 0 Vegas Xpress 5/29/2022
77 Caleb Piehler 36 6 Team Baseball Palace 5/28/2022
19 2 Vegas Xpress 5/29/2022
Total 55 8
5 Ryan Weyrauch 72 11 365 Shockers Black 5/28/2022
Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select
55 Dylan Fisher 8 3 Sn Tribe 12u 5/28/2022
39 9 365 Shockers Gold 12u 5/29/2022
Total 47 12
22 2 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
Total 69 14
29 Dylan Galvin 22 5 Sn Tribe 12u 5/28/2022
13 Chase Hartley 12 1 Sn Tribe 12u 5/28/2022
10 Caydin Jacob 49 6 Vegas Xpress 5/28/2022
0 0 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
Total 49 6
58 10 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/30/2022
Total 107 16
Damon Koldesko 36 6 Sn Tribe 12u 5/28/2022
22 6 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
Total 58 12
22 Colten Lewis 15 0 Sn Tribe 12u 5/28/2022
33 Brody Ricci 40 7 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
7 Ollie Schoppmann 51 9 Vegas Xpress 5/28/2022
45 4 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/30/2022
Total 96 13
Las Vegas Prospects
55 Zaiyah Barrozo 26 4 Lvr 5/29/2022
24 Aiden Bushart 7 1 Team Baseball Palace 5/29/2022
9 Jared Griffith 92 14 Team Baseball Palace 5/29/2022
13 Kysyn Kauahipaula 32 4 365 Shockers Elite 5/28/2022
17 Kane Krabbe 42 5 Lvr 5/29/2022
12 Lucas Ota-Salas 52 8 Swing Factory Prospects 12U 5/28/2022
1 Jude Romero 40 4 Lvr 5/29/2022
50 Jaynoa Tumaneng 35 5 365 Shockers Elite 5/28/2022
LVBA Lightning 12u
20 Jaxon Burr 16 3 Las Vegas High Heat 5/29/2022
23 Jameson Day 28 6 Las Vegas High Heat 5/29/2022
34 Bryson Delprete 18 3 Swing Factory Prospects 12U 5/28/2022
31 Rocco Germano 38 6 Swing Factory Prospects 12U 5/28/2022
0 Ryder Loveless 21 3 365 Shockers Elite 5/28/2022
62 9 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/30/2022
Total 83 12
2 Connor McDonald 60 7 365 Shockers Elite 5/28/2022
2 Jayden Meyers 30 6 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/30/2022
7 Benjamin Oliver 35 3 Swing Factory Prospects 12U 5/28/2022
18 4 365 Shockers Black 5/29/2022
Total 53 7
54 10 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 107 17
4 Ridge Orton 21 3 Las Vegas High Heat 5/29/2022
3 0 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 24 3
99 Maddox Sedlacek 67 11 365 Shockers Black 5/29/2022
15 Rylan Swanbeck 17 2 365 Shockers Elite 5/28/2022
23 1 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 40 3
44 Mason Davis 47 9 Las Vegas Prospects 5/29/2022
19 Gage Gandy 38 9 Johnstown Riders 5/28/2022
6 Gavyn Kim 75 12 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
16 Cooper Martin 58 12 365 Shockers Gold 12u 5/29/2022
21 Crosby McGreal 26 6 Team Baseball Palace 5/28/2022
7 3 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/30/2022
Total 33 9
18 Sawyer Perry 36 6 Las Vegas Prospects 5/29/2022
14 3 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
Total 50 9
4 Reese Robinson 43 6 Team Baseball Palace 5/28/2022
Gabriel Romero-Agosto 20 3 365 Shockers Gold 12u 5/29/2022
19 0 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
Total 39 3
22 Mitch Walker 80 11 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/30/2022
Pp Elite / Eastbay
16 Drew Brewer 13 1 Vegas Xpress 5/28/2022
24 3 Lvr 5/30/2022
Total 37 4
11 Anders Doblie 45 6 Sn Tribe 12u 5/29/2022
16 3 Lvr 5/30/2022
Total 61 9
35 Trey Holdren 33 8 Vegas Xpress 5/28/2022
24 0 Lvr 5/30/2022
Total 57 8
27 Tyler Holmes 33 7 Swing Factory Prospects 12U 5/29/2022
34 Beau Johnson 41 6 Vegas Xpress 5/28/2022
8 2 365 Shockers Gold 12u 5/28/2022
Total 49 8
35 6 Lvr 5/30/2022
Total 84 14
8 Ethan Peng 51 6 365 Shockers Gold 12u 5/28/2022
15 Aiden Strifert 0 0 Vegas Xpress 5/28/2022
30 4 365 Shockers Gold 12u 5/28/2022
Total 30 4
1 Zeke Thomas 84 12 Sn Tribe 12u 5/29/2022
18 Tanner Toney 16 2 Swing Factory Prospects 12U 5/29/2022
Sn Tribe 12u
Parker Janssen 94 17 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/28/2022
Bryson Lee 27 3 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
Gabriel McDowell 35 6 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/29/2022
51 6 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
Total 86 12
Ryder Metz 40 6 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/29/2022
60 9 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
Total 100 15
Jake Nakahara 22 3 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
0 0 Vegas Xpress 5/30/2022
Total 22 3
Austin Rodriguez 63 12 365 Shockers Gold 12u 5/28/2022
Junha Song 20 3 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
9 2 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/29/2022
Total 29 5
Jackson Towers 42 6 Johnstown Riders 5/29/2022
Swing Factory Prospects 12U
22 Nicholas Corbett 48 6 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/28/2022
0 Thomas Grant 80 5 LVBA Lightning 12u 5/28/2022
3 Michael Guida 65 3 Las Vegas Prospects 5/28/2022
84 9 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/29/2022
Total 149 12
8 Cameron Nguyen 36 3 Las Vegas Prospects 5/28/2022
8 1 365 Shockers Elite 5/29/2022
Total 44 4
88 Curtis Sullivan 91 6 365 Shockers Elite 5/29/2022
Team Baseball Palace
21 Camden Bradfield 57 6 365 Shockers Elite 5/29/2022
Jace Burrt 62 6 Las Vegas High Heat 5/28/2022
8 Kodie Campbell 73 15 Las Vegas Prospects 5/29/2022
22 Bodhi Delellis 28 5 Lvr 5/28/2022
37 6 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 65 11
16 Colt Herald 48 7 Las Vegas High Heat 5/28/2022
13 Cruz Kiley 34 5 365 Shockers Elite 5/29/2022
Cooper Kinne 29 1 365 Shockers Elite 5/29/2022
13 2 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 42 3
Thomas Ransdell 57 7 Lvr 5/28/2022
10 1 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 67 8
77 Noah Young 0 1 Lvr 5/28/2022
5 0 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 5 1
Vegas Xpress
70 Kayden Childers 34 4 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/28/2022
13 1 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/28/2022
Total 47 5
16 2 Sn Tribe 12u 5/30/2022
Total 63 7
1 Jaxson Christoffersen 51 15 Las Vegas High Heat 5/29/2022
3 Hayden Eckert 40 8 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/28/2022
21 4 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 61 12
20 Oliver Hayes 34 4 365 Shockers Black 5/29/2022
99 Noah Knudson 39 5 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/28/2022
61 9 365 Shockers Elite 5/30/2022
Total 100 14
22 Fernando Nevarez III 34 3 Las Vegas Misfits Ft Select 5/28/2022
57 15 Lvr 5/30/2022
Total 91 18
8 Diego Pena 43 9 Pp Elite / Eastbay 5/28/2022
60 9 Sn Tribe 12u 5/30/2022
Total 103 18
50 Keegan Sabelko 36 7 Sn Tribe 12u 5/30/2022