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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 DP Cougars 14U
8 Aydan Andrade 92 21 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/23/2023
27 TJ Borow 35 9 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/21/2023
55 Frankie Boyle 0 0 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/21/2023
73 9 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/23/2023
Total 73 9
45 Evan Brand 10 5 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/21/2023
26 9 Devine Baseball 14u 4/23/2023
Total 36 14
3 Chase Campbell 44 7 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/21/2023
30 4 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
Total 74 11
28 Cooper Graves 67 12 Devine Baseball 14u 4/23/2023
13 Amaree Griffin 51 12 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/23/2023
21 Jack Johnson 14 3 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/21/2023
35 5 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
Total 49 8
1 Austin Tamborra 28 6 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/21/2023
43 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
Total 71 9
23 Jayden Whiteside 21 3 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/21/2023
643 DP Jaguars 14U
1 Aaron Best 32 7 The Hood 14u - Black 4/23/2023
12 Hap Allen Fleming 82 14 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 4/22/2023
4 Quinn Herring 37 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
27 Jackson Loy 25 6 Devine Baseball 14u 4/22/2023
44 Davis Robinson 81 15 Canes Southeast 14u Lawless 4/22/2023
14 Hayes Stephens 23 8 Devine Baseball 14u 4/22/2023
63 9 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
Total 86 17
42 Tyson Todd 28 4 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 4/22/2023
64 11 The Hood 14u - Black 4/23/2023
Total 92 15
5 Will Zeigler 8 1 Devine Baseball 14u 4/22/2023
14 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
Total 22 4
11 Noah Zinman 41 3 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 4/22/2023
643 DP Tigers 14U
6 Andrew Booth 52 6 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/21/2023
28 Robert Boyd 50 5 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/23/2023
7 Cameron Denis 5 2 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/21/2023
3 Andrew Herrington 39 9 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/21/2023
10 Christopher Kuzniak 14 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/23/2023
14 Logan Mayers 45 9 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/21/2023
9 Michael Prather 58 12 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/22/2023
1 Connor Zerbenski 57 6 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/23/2023
ATL Lightning 14U Harrell
18 Sam Chasteen 57 6 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
4 Robert Chiaffredo 62 6 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
11 Luke Cushman 22 2 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/23/2023
16 Daniel Evangelista 79 11 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/23/2023
7 Roman Fishman 0 0 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
43 4 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
Total 43 4
11 3 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/23/2023
Total 54 7
22 John Minutelli 76 7 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
1 Patrick Rebillot 15 1 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
21 6 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/23/2023
Total 36 7
3 Grant Smith 87 11 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/23/2023
25 Alex Tsai 21 3 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
9 Jack Wilson 92 11 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga
34 Jackson Allen 96 17 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
3 Geoffrey Anderson 19 0 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
31 Reed Joslin 91 18 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/21/2023
11 Dylan Nelson 81 18 Team Halo 13U 4/21/2023
5 Graham Overby 37 3 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/21/2023
3 Dominic Butler 105 14 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/23/2023
21 Eli Christian 43 10 Team Halo 13U 4/22/2023
2 Draylen Milline 94 20 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 4/21/2023
4 Brandon Ray 14 3 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/23/2023
11 Kendall Turner 102 21 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
Canes Southeast 14u Lawless
71 Luke Bennett 26 6 Southeast Barons - Maroon 4/22/2023
48 6 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/23/2023
Total 74 12
0 Jacob Krivanek 38 9 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
73 12 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/23/2023
Total 111 21
32 Kameron Leibel 28 2 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
5 Everett Perkins 22 3 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
7 Ace Ramsey 55 8 Southeast Barons - Maroon 4/22/2023
Canes Southeast 14u Select
6 Henry Carden 81 10 Mansfield Mad Dawgs 4/22/2023
29 Wyatt Carter 17 3 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/22/2023
5 Malachi Duncan 36 2 Gwinnett Stripers 4/22/2023
10 Tripp Layng 21 5 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/22/2023
3 Max Miller 21 1 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/22/2023
9 Mason Scoville 0 0 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/22/2023
28 Garrett Smith 92 17 Gwinnett Stripers 4/22/2023
35 Brooks Stella 60 11 Mansfield Mad Dawgs 4/22/2023
40 Casey von Waldner 71 9 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/22/2023
21 2 Gwinnett Stripers 4/22/2023
Total 92 11
CBA 14U Georgia
12 Jaxon Archibald 59 14 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
16 Anderson Brown 58 9 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/23/2023
25 Porter Child 19 0 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/22/2023
8 Montavious Fowler 12 0 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/22/2023
14 Max Harris 78 8 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/23/2023
2 Hudson Harrison 0 0 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/23/2023
13 3 Southeast Barons - Maroon 4/23/2023
Total 13 3
11 Carter Kinley 38 7 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/21/2023
20 2 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/22/2023
Total 58 9
46 9 Southeast Barons - Maroon 4/23/2023
Total 104 18
9 Will Siler 74 12 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/22/2023
10 Thomas Strickland 96 14 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/21/2023
93 Ayden Thornton 42 1 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
Devine Baseball 14u
31 Hudson Huff 57 9 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
23 Micah Huff 63 12 Southeast Barons - Maroon 4/22/2023
999 Ryan Trout 85 17 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/22/2023
11 Jordan Wilkerson 24 0 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
27 Ben Zawacki 34 6 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/22/2023
East Cobb Astros 14u Navy
44 Luke Adams 40 9 Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne 4/22/2023
21 Jake Brannon 44 6 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
17 Ashton Clare 50 6 Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne 4/22/2023
20 Ian Cobbs 27 1 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/22/2023
0 Johnson Dubose 15 0 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
7 Gunner Fokken 14 3 Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne 4/22/2023
6 Brody Hurd 11 1 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
9 3 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/22/2023
Total 20 4
34 8 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/23/2023
Total 54 12
4 Ben Ivey 2 0 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
55 5 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/23/2023
Total 57 5
1 Skyler Lee 18 5 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/23/2023
34 Ravi Lord 39 5 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
23 Nash Martinez 80 10 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/23/2023
88 Jack Rowlette 15 3 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/22/2023
0 0 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
Total 15 3
16 Chance Walters 42 6 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/22/2023
28 3 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/23/2023
Total 70 9
East Cobb Astros 14u Orange
35 Lincoln Barton 14 3 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
17 3 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/22/2023
Total 31 6
10 3 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/23/2023
Total 41 9
23 Beau Bruns 0 0 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/22/2023
18 0 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
Total 18 0
44 Caden Christianson 37 9 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
34 5 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/23/2023
Total 71 14
24 Cole Crawford 70 12 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/22/2023
15 William Cutshall 18 3 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
48 12 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/23/2023
Total 66 15
4 Elias Gandy 0 0 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/22/2023
42 Riley Huggins 32 6 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/22/2023
68 13 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/23/2023
Total 100 19
2 Jayson Parker 9 3 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/22/2023
17 Sullivan Reed 0 0 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/22/2023
32 Matthew Westbrook 75 18 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/23/2023
East Cobb Colt 45s 14u
50 Eli Ampel 26 3 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
6 Carson Craig 19 2 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/21/2023
99 Nirven Dalal 15 0 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/21/2023
19 LJ Gianneschi 34 4 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/21/2023
42 Nathan Grijalva 26 5 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
23 Will Haskin 25 0 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/21/2023
33 Joshua Jordi 0 0 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/21/2023
78 12 Team Halo 13U 4/23/2023
Total 78 12
0 Nicholas Joy 58 6 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/21/2023
17 Andrew King 50 7 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/21/2023
23 3 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
Total 73 10
27 Ashton Murphy 25 1 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
Elijah Smith 44 4 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/21/2023
East Cobb National 14u
24 Jackson Beatty 29 6 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/22/2023
11 Christopher Bryce 50 9 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/22/2023
20 Brock Burrus 20 3 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
6 Ben Gardner 47 9 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
27 Genis Lopez Jr 74 7 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/22/2023
22 Noah Nixon 9 0 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/22/2023
0 0 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/22/2023
Total 9 0
42 6 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
Total 51 6
55 Brady Wagner 27 5 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/22/2023
2 Payton Walker 9 0 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/22/2023
24 3 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/22/2023
Total 33 3
East Cobb Nationals 14u Red
15 Cash Fenhagen 34 9 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/21/2023
63 13 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/23/2023
Total 97 22
13 Francisco Garcia 28 3 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/21/2023
4 1 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/21/2023
Total 32 4
50 7 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/23/2023
Total 82 11
Xavier Howard 47 9 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/21/2023
45 Jordan Jones 35 6 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/22/2023
47 12 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
Total 82 18
9 Jordan Stokes 45 8 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/21/2023
40 10 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
Total 85 18
6 Andrew Williams 86 11 Georgia Jackets 14u - Navy 4/23/2023
East Side Aces - Schmal
20 Halen Bennett 82 12 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/23/2023
16 Colton Brown 46 6 TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy 4/23/2023
22 Jack Childress 90 18 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/23/2023
6 Luke Darsey 29 4 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
67 12 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/23/2023
Total 96 16
11 Nolan Fahrner 25 2 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
21 Cayden Moran 38 6 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
48 8 Georgia Jackets 14u - American 4/23/2023
Total 86 14
15 Christian Pearson 52 8 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
28 Jacob Saboura 77 7 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
44 Kcaj Walker-Smith 23 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/23/2023
26 Henry Zaring 73 15 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/23/2023
East Side Aces - Yandel
8 Maddox Corya 29 5 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/21/2023
7 Devin Krohn 26 9 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/21/2023
42 Joshua McCall 29 1 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/21/2023
2 Jensen Morneau 23 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
10 Jaiden Tse 81 14 East Cobb National 14u 4/23/2023
19 Dylan Walls 6 1 East Cobb National 14u 4/22/2023
30 5 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
Total 36 6
50 Sammy Wilson 1 2 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/21/2023
63 9 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/23/2023
Total 64 11
17 Luke Winbush 29 6 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/21/2023
Fca Newnan Naturals
22 Nate Brown 10 3 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
5 Will Downing 86 18 CBA 14U Georgia 4/21/2023
27 Jakob Gonzalez 87 14 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/21/2023
26 Braxton Johnson 34 0 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
7 Knox Lofstad 37 6 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/21/2023
51 Drew Rachels 25 3 CBA 14U Georgia 4/21/2023
70 15 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
Total 95 18
Georgia Jackets 14u - American
34 Matthew Davis Jr 54 7 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/22/2023
24 Davaun Dowdy 13 1 Canes Southeast 14u Lawless 4/23/2023
19 Alex Furlong 26 0 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/21/2023
7 Miles Hasty 73 15 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
21 Carl McCook 14 3 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/21/2023
22 Avery Scott 17 0 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/21/2023
4 Brody Varner 97 13 Canes Southeast 14u Lawless 4/23/2023
Ethan Wearing 47 9 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/21/2023
20 3 Canes Southeast 14u Lawless 4/23/2023
Total 67 12
26 6 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
Total 93 18
18 Greyden Wilson 38 6 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/21/2023
Georgia Jackets 14u - Navy
19 Charlie Fox 50 8 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
17 Joseph Gallivan 45 6 Team Elite 14U Prime - Black 4/22/2023
30 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/23/2023
Total 75 9
13 Andrew Garrison 40 6 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/23/2023
3 Jake James 21 6 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/22/2023
43 5 Mansfield Mad Dawgs 4/23/2023
Total 64 11
2 Beau Selby 50 11 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/22/2023
14 Austin Sims 2 1 Mansfield Mad Dawgs 4/23/2023
34 2 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/23/2023
Total 36 3
27 Connor Ymbras 67 15 Mansfield Mad Dawgs 4/23/2023
Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano
2 Connor Copp 62 8 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/22/2023
5 Blake Gordon 7 0 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/21/2023
25 2 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
Total 32 2
26 Mathis Powell 8 0 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
45 Emmett Reeves 58 9 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/21/2023
13 0 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
Total 71 9
3 Hunter Segal 83 15 Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne 4/23/2023
17 Cole Spencer 22 6 643 DP Cougars 14U 4/21/2023
19 Connor Torres 55 6 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
34 6 Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne 4/23/2023
Total 89 12
8 Gavin Wood 46 6 East Side Aces - Yandel 4/21/2023
43 5 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
Total 89 11
Gwinnett Stripers
21 Austin Edwards 25 6 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
54 7 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/23/2023
Total 79 13
14 Davis McMillan 73 21 Mansfield Mad Dawgs 4/22/2023
9 Brody Miller 36 8 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
9 2 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/23/2023
Total 45 10
19 Davis Robinson 29 1 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
69 9 West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite 4/23/2023
Total 98 10
15 Graydon Sellers 22 3 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
Mansfield Mad Dawgs
4 Adler Bradford 36 9 Georgia Jackets 14u - Navy 4/23/2023
2 Rylan Daniel 51 9 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
6 Avery Lazenby 4 2 Gwinnett Stripers 4/22/2023
0 Amond Sands 14 3 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
38 5 Gwinnett Stripers 4/22/2023
Total 52 8
5 Joseph Standard 0 0 Gwinnett Stripers 4/22/2023
1 Cooper Stokes 27 9 Canes Southeast 14u Select 4/22/2023
9 Mason Thomason 98 13 Georgia Jackets 14u - Navy 4/23/2023
35 Tristan White 47 10 Gwinnett Stripers 4/22/2023
Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne
77 Hunter Duchaj 23 0 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
32 Rush Faulk 29 4 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
6 1 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/23/2023
Total 35 5
7 Clint Hosea 0 0 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
0 Andrew Kelley 8 1 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
52 11 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/23/2023
Total 60 12
16 Jace McIntyre 16 2 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
2 Isaiah Rogers 43 6 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
24 Jordan Sanders 47 5 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
8 Grant Travelstead 36 7 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
28 6 Georgia Roadrunners 14u- Catalano 4/23/2023
Total 64 13
15 Chance Williams 53 3 Team Elite 14U Prime - White 4/22/2023
Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley
4 Ethan Buddoo 43 8 East Cobb National 14u 4/22/2023
11 Bobby Frierson 57 6 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
3 Caleb Holloman 21 4 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/22/2023
21 DJ Jones 88 17 Titans Baseball 14U Blue 4/22/2023
12 Will Wazevich 55 9 East Cobb National 14u 4/22/2023
1 Jacob Wooten 70 9 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
Southeast Barons - Maroon
13 Weston Atherton 51 5 Canes Southeast 14u Lawless 4/22/2023
57 5 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
Total 108 10
3 Sebastian Daal 20 1 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
Brayden Patrick 5 2 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
25 Evan Stack 75 6 Devine Baseball 14u 4/22/2023
alistair swiggett 57 6 Devine Baseball 14u 4/22/2023
28 Cameron Whitworth 57 9 Canes Southeast 14u Lawless 4/22/2023
20 0 CBA 14U Georgia 4/23/2023
Total 77 9
Team Elite 14U Prime - Black
4 Ben Brannen 19 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
73 Wyatt Bull 58 7 East Cobb National 14u 4/22/2023
67 Ryan Harless 19 1 East Cobb National 14u 4/22/2023
56 8 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
Total 75 9
35 Brady Lee 53 9 East Cobb National 14u 4/22/2023
68 Rohan Puri 6 2 East Cobb National 14u 4/22/2023
Landon Rawlins 69 15 Georgia Jackets 14u - Navy 4/22/2023
44 Will Richardson 34 1 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
Team Elite 14U Prime - White
2 Miller Crane 30 2 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
Patrick Hassan 11 1 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
21 Ty Kerns 9 3 Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne 4/22/2023
99 Brayden Mentzer 76 18 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/22/2023
Austin Neese 73 8 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
Ryan Pardini 56 10 Nextlvl Prospects Gold Gwynne 4/22/2023
8 3 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/22/2023
Total 64 13
76 Andrew Wilkinson 36 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Navy 4/22/2023
Team Elite 14U Prospects
84 Gavin Bray 18 1 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
11 Logan Corney 58 4 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
83 George Dickinson 46 9 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
82 Patrick McCann 22 3 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
47 Maddox McCollum 63 9 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/23/2023
61 Tyler Rasheed 66 15 The Hood 14u - Black 4/22/2023
14 Sebastian Rojas 21 3 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
55 Grant Sagro 32 2 East Cobb Astros 14u Orange 4/22/2023
Team Halo 13U
Matthew Beall 40 8 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 4/21/2023
34 6 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/23/2023
Total 74 14
Joshua Grimmett 13 3 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 4/21/2023
7 Aaron Higgins 81 14 BEASTMODE 14U PROSPECTS (2026/27) 4/22/2023
28 Fletcher Howard 57 7 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 4/21/2023
31 3 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/23/2023
Total 88 10
Landon Kyle 28 3 East Cobb Colt 45s 14u 4/23/2023
TG DBacks 14U National - Furphy
44 Brady Flock 21 2 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/21/2023
52 Ryan Keating 49 9 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/21/2023
42 Bryce Nolan 5 3 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/21/2023
47 9 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
Total 52 12
27 Knox Overstreet 41 2 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/21/2023
5 Tilden Reams 41 4 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/21/2023
11 Tyler Stacey 34 3 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
18 Jonathan White 60 10 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/21/2023
34 Nick Wright 17 3 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/21/2023
44 6 East Side Aces - Schmal 4/23/2023
Total 61 9
The Hood 14u - Black
17 Andrew Biggers 21 6 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/22/2023
5 Quin Brown 92 19 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/22/2023
11 Lucas Clark 31 6 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/22/2023
16 Pearce Henry 3 0 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/22/2023
42 Walker May 3 1 Team Elite 14U Prospects 4/22/2023
1 Landon Nessl 79 14 ATL Lightning 14U Harrell 4/22/2023
22 Mason Peek 37 1 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/23/2023
99 James Sharp 30 3 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/23/2023
34 Lucas Zustiak 45 9 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/22/2023
55 11 643 DP Jaguars 14U 4/23/2023
Total 100 20
Titans Baseball 14U Blue
22 Rocco Baxter 40 6 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/22/2023
2 Weston Clements 17 3 Georgia Jackets 14u - Navy 4/22/2023
18 Ryder Hood 39 5 643 DP Tigers 14U 4/22/2023
6 McCayden Hufstetler 39 6 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/22/2023
15 Davis Parker 87 18 Georgia Jackets 14u - Navy 4/22/2023
4 Brantley Patch 43 6 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/22/2023
1 Carson Thomas 29 6 Ninth Inning Royals 14U Crumley 4/22/2023
West Ga. Bombers 14u Elite
3 Asher Allen 46 9 Gwinnett Stripers 4/23/2023
2 Gunner Copeland 9 2 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/21/2023
14 0 CBA 14U Georgia 4/22/2023
Total 23 2
10 Cason Holtzclaw 20 6 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/23/2023
77 Knox Israel 57 9 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/21/2023
13 Luke Kilgore 9 2 Gwinnett Stripers 4/23/2023
72 11 East Cobb Nationals 14u Red 4/23/2023
Total 81 13
8 Brian Moore 70 13 CBA 14U Georgia 4/22/2023
46 Jack Roden 34 3 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/21/2023
5 Carson Tolbert 15 3 Fca Newnan Naturals 4/21/2023
28 5 CBA 14U Georgia 4/22/2023
Total 43 8
45 7 Gwinnett Stripers 4/23/2023
Total 88 15