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(4:06pm) Bracket is Live! Seeds #6 and #7 were swapped due to pool protection. Now all teams will play 3 unique opponents.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Midsouth 2030
7 Vincent Bell 38 9 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/6/2023
41 9 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/7/2023
Total 79 18
8 Maddux Desposito 60 6 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
24 Daniel Hazelip 9 3 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
27 3 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/6/2023
Total 36 6
75 Beau Sprankle 37 1 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
26 3 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/6/2023
Total 63 4
10 Ethan Stockwell 75 8 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/7/2023
14 Parker Wix 23 0 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
61 12 Klutch 5/7/2023
Total 84 12
Framework Athletics 11u
15 Jack Anglin 56 7 Pro Hitting Prospects 5/6/2023
49 5 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 105 12
10 Crew Campbell 61 8 Pro Hitting Prospects 5/6/2023
17 2 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 78 10
31 Ryan Fathauer 11 2 Young Guns 5/7/2023
19 Matthew Flecksteiner 8 1 Young Guns 5/7/2023
13 Tripp Harrison 33 3 Murfreesboro Militia 5/6/2023
22 6 Hbc 11u Navy 5/7/2023
Total 55 9
32 5 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 87 14
28 Nolan Horvath 17 1 Young Guns 5/7/2023
68 15 Pro Hitting Prospects 5/7/2023
Total 85 16
23 Jackson Spillers 76 12 Murfreesboro Militia 5/6/2023
9 Mason Weis 77 9 Hbc 11u Navy 5/7/2023
4 1 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 81 10
Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle
27 Ollie Bennett 21 6 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/6/2023
30 6 Mt Titans 5/7/2023
Total 51 12
50 Miller Bynum 20 1 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/6/2023
53 8 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 73 9
25 Carter Clements 21 3 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/6/2023
2 Anderson Dudak 16 2 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/6/2023
12 Brody Kincanon 17 3 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/6/2023
55 12 Mt Titans 5/7/2023
Total 72 15
14 Cannon Krabbenhoft 44 7 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/6/2023
8 Bentley Moss 47 6 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/6/2023
4 Phillip Nevils Ii 28 5 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/6/2023
32 7 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 60 12
Hbc 11u Navy
42 Hudson Belfield 14 3 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
7 Carden Corts 21 3 Mt Titans 5/6/2023
3 Yates Crosby 27 5 Young Guns 5/6/2023
31 2 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
Total 58 7
35 Trace Crow 10 0 Mt Titans 5/6/2023
2 Riley Husbands 51 7 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
99 Cabell Leventis 52 12 Young Guns 5/6/2023
4 Tucker Paxton 50 6 Mt Titans 5/6/2023
9 Dominic Aldana 34 8 Wildcards 5/6/2023
29 3 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/7/2023
Total 63 11
47 Audie Bundy 25 1 Mt Titans 5/6/2023
19 Kaden Conners 26 2 Mt Titans 5/6/2023
50 6 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/7/2023
Total 76 8
0 Ej Wall 35 3 Mt Titans 5/6/2023
53 9 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/7/2023
Total 88 12
0 Ej Wall 0 0 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/7/2023
27 Jaisyn Williams 60 10 Wildcards 5/6/2023
16 Nate Williams 29 6 Mt Titans 5/6/2023
49 6 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/7/2023
Total 78 12
37 4 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/7/2023
Total 115 16
Mt Titans
21 Jack Birkofer 30 4 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/7/2023
99 Hutch Cargile 91 14 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/7/2023
77 Greyson Hearn 17 3 Klutch 5/6/2023
7 Logan Huddleston 33 8 Klutch 5/6/2023
13 Gavin Van De Pitte 64 12 Hbc 11u Navy 5/6/2023
Murfreesboro Militia
11 Max Ezell 9 3 Framework Athletics 11u 5/6/2023
17 4 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/6/2023
Total 26 7
28 Mason Floyd 71 9 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/6/2023
24 Frank Huber 66 6 Framework Athletics 11u 5/6/2023
30 Liam Johnson 46 6 Framework Athletics 11u 5/6/2023
14 1 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 60 7
15 Ryder Smith 10 2 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/6/2023
26 2 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Total 36 4
5 Sully Townes 50 12 Young Guns 5/7/2023
Pro Hitting Prospects
44 Craig Caudill 19 4 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/6/2023
50 Liam Holt 38 9 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
37 Owen Pierce 2 0 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/6/2023
7 Nolan Ritchey 71 14 Tennessee Grizzlies 11U 5/6/2023
15 1 Framework Athletics 11u 5/6/2023
Total 86 15
19 Bryson Root 27 4 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
17 Parker Rudd 32 7 Framework Athletics 11u 5/6/2023
2 Bryson Smyth 27 3 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/7/2023
28 Edison White 34 6 Framework Athletics 11u 5/6/2023
52 9 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/7/2023
Total 86 15
Redbirds Baseball Club (Red)
27 Griffin Burns 25 1 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/6/2023
19 Charlie Corcoran 10 0 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/6/2023
3 Ben Deerkoski 4 1 Pro Hitting Prospects 5/7/2023
99 Maddox Kurita 6 3 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/6/2023
17 Joey Spalluto 46 7 Pro Hitting Prospects 5/7/2023
11 Henry Telfeyan 32 6 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/6/2023
61 4 Pro Hitting Prospects 5/7/2023
Total 93 10
7 Brooks Welborn 13 3 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/6/2023
4 Finn White 58 13 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/6/2023
Tennessee Grizzlies 11U
17 Rylee Bass 66 9 Murfreesboro Militia 5/6/2023
50 Jayden Battle 103 14 Pro Hitting Prospects 5/6/2023
9 Oliver (Thomas) Gothrup 82 15 5 Star Midsouth 2030 5/7/2023
54 Cole Marks 29 6 Murfreesboro Militia 5/6/2023
Tennessee Tomahawks
7 James Baldwin 66 8 Wildcards 5/7/2023
2 Michael Fleming 30 5 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/6/2023
30 4 Klutch 5/7/2023
Total 60 9
13 Lucas Forshee 39 9 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
8 Bryce Pauley 57 3 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/6/2023
13 0 Klutch 5/7/2023
Total 70 3
21 Sam Spaanstra 63 9 Wildcards 5/7/2023
18 David Van Winkle 20 0 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
44 Luke Vieira 43 9 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/6/2023
10 0 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
Total 53 9
24 Tillman Waldron 31 6 Redbirds Baseball Club (Red) 5/6/2023
52 5 Klutch 5/7/2023
Total 83 11
3 Evan Felts 64 12 Young Guns 5/6/2023
6 Parker Kersey 20 3 Young Guns 5/6/2023
27 4 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/7/2023
Total 47 7
5 Connor Nicol 10 2 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/7/2023
1 James Tarpley 42 9 Klutch 5/6/2023
23 Bryson Williams 45 5 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/7/2023
10 Carson Williams 62 9 Klutch 5/6/2023
0 Connor York 48 8 Tennessee Tomahawks 5/7/2023
Young Guns
10 Logan Gard 0 0 Hbc 11u Navy 5/6/2023
31 8 Wildcards 5/6/2023
Total 31 8
88 17 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/7/2023
Total 119 25
22 Bentley Gaw 4 1 Hbc 11u Navy 5/6/2023
31 7 Wildcards 5/6/2023
Total 35 8
3 1 Framework Athletics Bennett/Earle 5/7/2023
Total 38 9
28 1 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
Total 66 10
21 Lukas Hutchens 31 4 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
12 Jd Sullivan 52 7 Hbc 11u Navy 5/6/2023
51 12 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
Total 103 19
18 Parker Upchurch 60 6 Hbc 11u Navy 5/6/2023
14 2 Wildcards 5/6/2023
Total 74 8
5 0 Framework Athletics 11u 5/7/2023
Total 79 8
72 18 Murfreesboro Militia 5/7/2023
Total 151 26