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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.


Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Aba 13u Cook
1 Ethan Cook 29 12 KC Blues Elite 9/24/2023
4 Julian Duckworth-Leung 32 6 Building Champions - Orth 9/22/2023
4 0 KC Blues Elite 9/24/2023
Total 36 6
15 Austin Pontillo 37 9 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/22/2023
27 2 KC Blues Elite 9/24/2023
Total 64 11
35 Cash Sexton 41 6 Building Champions - Orth 9/22/2023
2 Cooper Tarvin 34 6 Building Champions - Orth 9/22/2023
9 Caeden Tennis 44 7 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/24/2023
99 Kellen Weisguth 60 6 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/22/2023
27 Matthew Wills 22 3 KC Blues Elite 9/24/2023
36 8 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/24/2023
Total 58 11
Apd Rookies
2 Brady Benefiel 40 9 Building Champions - Niebuhr 9/22/2023
17 Carson Borchers 28 3 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/22/2023
15 5 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
Total 43 8
18 Colton Cline 10 3 Building Champions - Niebuhr 9/22/2023
7 Owen Frymire 37 6 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/22/2023
13 Zayn Parsons 67 11 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
5 Elam Perdaris 43 6 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/22/2023
BTL 2029 Johansen
23 Nash Borchardt 26 4 Ls Rockers 9/23/2023
54 4 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
Total 80 8
7 Caden Callahan 3 0 Ls Rockers 9/23/2023
14 Davis Cantu 24 3 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/23/2023
2 Owen Fleet 27 6 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/23/2023
6 0 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
Total 33 6
99 Cash Segal 16 3 Ls Rockers 9/23/2023
1 Sam Van Dieren 11 3 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/23/2023
17 Bentley Washburn 30 6 Ls Rockers 9/23/2023
59 6 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
Total 89 12
Building Champions - Niebuhr
35 Alek Cook 33 7 Competitive Edge Black 9/22/2023
4 2 Macnseitz – Garnett 9/24/2023
Total 37 9
29 Keegan Eckert 73 16 Macnseitz – Garnett 9/24/2023
42 Troy Mayfield 57 7 Apd Rookies 9/22/2023
24 Tyson Niebuhr 21 2 Competitive Edge Black 9/22/2023
36 Parker Smith 39 1 Apd Rookies 9/22/2023
27 Royal Turner 16 3 Apd Rookies 9/22/2023
18 3 Competitive Edge Black 9/22/2023
Total 34 6
Building Champions - Orth
15 Tucker Brown 32 6 Aba 13u Cook 9/22/2023
54 7 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 86 13
23 Leeam Meyer 41 12 Aba 13u Cook 9/22/2023
8 Connor Orth 40 5 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
87 Dylan Winter 12 0 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Competitive Edge Black
13 Zach Lincoln 75 13 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
15 Kaleb Salmon 16 0 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/22/2023
11 Landon Stewart 24 3 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/22/2023
0 0 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
Total 24 3
8 Braydon Thomas 35 8 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
3 Hunter Thorne 55 8 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/22/2023
83 15 Building Champions - Niebuhr 9/22/2023
Total 138 23
Complete Game (Mirr)
2 Caden Cleland 27 1 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
35 Colin Dew 41 9 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/23/2023
0 0 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 41 9
18 Kash Hamilton 31 9 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/23/2023
17 0 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 48 9
33 Abe Harms 44 6 Nebraska Prospects 2029s White 9/23/2023
7 Easton Heeke 35 5 Nebraska Prospects 2029s White 9/23/2023
10 Shya Jameel 6 2 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
44 Brixton Mirr 50 10 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Eagles Baseball - Hurley
50 Isaiah Armstrong 37 3 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/24/2023
16 Jack Blanton 13 0 Kc Warriors 9/23/2023
26 Liam Buckwalter 44 4 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/24/2023
9 Broderick Farrow 37 3 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/23/2023
32 Wyatt Lawrence 11 1 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/24/2023
10 Brady McInvale 42 8 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/23/2023
11 Dexter Shirley 67 4 Kc Warriors 9/23/2023
26 0 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/24/2023
Total 93 4
Five Four Diamond Kings
14 Kal Davis 15 3 Macnseitz – Garnett 9/24/2023
8 Carter Lanning 7 1 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/22/2023
90 15 Macnseitz – Garnett 9/24/2023
Total 97 16
44 Max Lucas 64 13 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/24/2023
16 Brady Nieman 92 13 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/22/2023
23 Will Truman 22 2 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/24/2023
Inside Edge - Lininger
15 Brock Christian 56 8 BTL 2029 Johansen 9/23/2023
11 Braden Hanna 4 1 BTL 2029 Johansen 9/23/2023
12 Landon Kiehl 30 3 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/23/2023
4 Noah Maldonado 15 1 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
99 Kason Morehouse 50 8 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
8 Landyn Wehmeir 54 8 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/23/2023
KC Blues Elite
2 Judah Beck 57 9 Macnseitz – Garnett 9/23/2023
26 Titus Blackford 53 5 Shawnee Stars 9/23/2023
45 Brayden Burg 15 2 Aba 13u Cook 9/24/2023
13 Gage Carrillo 22 2 Shawnee Stars 9/23/2023
39 7 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/24/2023
Total 61 9
15 Brodee Hey 0 0 Patriots 9/24/2023
7 Deion Lindsey 16 6 Aba 13u Cook 9/24/2023
57 11 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/24/2023
Total 73 17
20 Brody O'Gara 47 15 Patriots 9/24/2023
4 Andrew Willhite 34 5 Shawnee Stars 9/23/2023
32 5 Aba 13u Cook 9/24/2023
Total 66 10
Kc Hornets
34 Cody Beashore 29 6 Patriots 9/23/2023
18 6 Competitive Edge Black 9/24/2023
Total 47 12
16 6 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 63 18
34 7 Apd Rookies 9/24/2023
Total 97 25
14 Jack Bechelmayr 39 6 Patriots 9/23/2023
22 6 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 61 12
1 Ty Buxman 30 3 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
7 Anthony Hann 26 6 Macnseitz – Garnett 9/23/2023
56 10 Competitive Edge Black 9/24/2023
Total 82 16
16 1 Apd Rookies 9/24/2023
Total 98 17
35 Brody Horn 51 6 Patriots 9/23/2023
0 0 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 51 6
38 8 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
Total 89 14
12 Grant Johnson 48 10 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
38 5 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 86 15
23 Titus Marasco 51 11 Apd Rookies 9/24/2023
17 2 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 68 13
9 Brock Vaughn 56 8 Macnseitz – Garnett 9/23/2023
45 6 Competitive Edge Black 9/24/2023
Total 101 14
Kc Warriors
25 Max Ackerley 36 1 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
18 Mac Consiglio 34 9 Eagles Baseball - Hurley 9/23/2023
10 1 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
Total 44 10
Grayson Gallagher 50 9 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
75 Carter Ingerson 22 1 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
9 Chase Laster 18 2 Nebraska Prospects 2029s White 9/23/2023
3 Thomas Stegman 50 9 Nebraska Prospects 2029s White 9/23/2023
0 0 Eagles Baseball - Hurley 9/23/2023
Total 50 9
Ls Rockers
22 Grant Diehl 30 5 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/23/2023
27 Callen Jones 40 9 Precision Baseball - Burdette 9/23/2023
15 Gideon Strahm 29 6 BTL 2029 Johansen 9/23/2023
66 18 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
Total 95 24
42 Paxton Welch 60 8 BTL 2029 Johansen 9/23/2023
11 2 Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo 9/24/2023
Total 71 10
Macnseitz – Garnett
1 Alex Bruns 30 6 Kc Hornets 9/23/2023
10 1 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/24/2023
Total 40 7
21 Josh Casey 56 4 KC Blues Elite 9/23/2023
26 5 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/24/2023
Total 82 9
15 Kolton Chambers 46 1 KC Blues Elite 9/23/2023
34 Tyler Garnett 17 1 KC Blues Elite 9/23/2023
42 Brooks Hedrick 0 0 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/24/2023
11 Alexi Maragos 33 5 Kc Hornets 9/23/2023
38 9 Building Champions - Niebuhr 9/24/2023
Total 71 14
23 Ari Natenberg 52 12 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/24/2023
99 Landon Nickell 57 12 Building Champions - Niebuhr 9/24/2023
7 Aj Ramirez 42 2 KC Blues Elite 9/23/2023
Nebraska Prospects 2029s White
Jackson Bathen 43 9 Complete Game (Mirr) 9/23/2023
Colson Conley 80 13 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/24/2023
Caleb Harrill 89 12 Kc Warriors 9/23/2023
Bodan Hlavac 13 2 Team Kc- Jensen 13u 9/24/2023
Old School Ducks 13U - White
0 Jackson Adams 37 9 Complete Game (Mirr) 9/23/2023
12 3 Building Champions - Orth 9/24/2023
Total 49 12
1 Jack Atkinson 20 6 Eagles Baseball - Hurley 9/23/2023
56 11 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
Total 76 17
Emerson Ferrell 46 5 Eagles Baseball - Hurley 9/23/2023
41 6 Shawnee Stars 9/24/2023
Total 87 11
44 Creighton Lopata 93 17 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
10 Brayden White 20 3 Complete Game (Mirr) 9/23/2023
76 12 Building Champions - Orth 9/24/2023
Total 96 15
5 Troy White 33 6 Complete Game (Mirr) 9/23/2023
Braxdon Wright 0 0 Eagles Baseball - Hurley 9/23/2023
77 15 Complete Game (Mirr) 9/24/2023
Total 77 15
23 Kenden Arnold 23 4 Shawnee Stars 9/23/2023
37 3 KC Blues Elite 9/24/2023
Total 60 7
7 Chase Holloway 50 7 KC Blues Elite 9/24/2023
Dawson Kaminski 63 9 Kc Hornets 9/23/2023
2 Salem Laporte 57 5 Shawnee Stars 9/23/2023
16 3 Kc Hornets 9/23/2023
Total 73 8
12 Easton Matthews 52 5 Kc Hornets 9/23/2023
Precision Baseball - Burdette
1 Khyson Elting 0 0 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/23/2023
33 Jensen Helling 19 2 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/23/2023
43 6 Aba 13u Cook 9/24/2023
Total 62 8
2 Rylan Kuhasz 46 6 Ls Rockers 9/23/2023
1 0 Aba 13u Cook 9/24/2023
Total 47 6
31 Erik Minor 46 6 Ls Rockers 9/23/2023
51 9 Eagles Baseball - Hurley 9/24/2023
Total 97 15
32 Beckett Noble 22 3 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/23/2023
9 Myles Revelle 24 6 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/23/2023
51 8 Aba 13u Cook 9/24/2023
Total 75 14
10 3 Eagles Baseball - Hurley 9/24/2023
Total 85 17
35 Bryden Wojahn 15 3 Ls Rockers 9/23/2023
Shawnee Stars
9 Jett Benson 69 9 Kc Warriors 9/24/2023
22 James Crooks 49 12 Inside Edge - Lininger 9/24/2023
5 Ethan Dezotell 13 1 Patriots 9/23/2023
23 3 Kc Warriors 9/24/2023
Total 36 4
16 Grady Eagan 67 12 KC Blues Elite 9/23/2023
11 Collin Ellis 0 0 Patriots 9/23/2023
35 2 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 35 2
13 Patrick Fitzgerald 35 4 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
33 Cooper Knox 36 8 Patriots 9/23/2023
65 11 Old School Ducks 13U - White 9/24/2023
Total 101 19
2 Ethan Ruel 21 3 Patriots 9/23/2023
Team Kc- Jensen 13u
18 Emery Detwiler 20 2 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/22/2023
33 6 Nebraska Prospects 2029s White 9/24/2023
Total 53 8
7 Drew Dickstein 32 3 Aba 13u Cook 9/22/2023
1 Chase Didion 31 5 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/24/2023
67 Karter Hawkins 79 9 Nebraska Prospects 2029s White 9/24/2023
16 Nash Jensen 36 5 Aba 13u Cook 9/22/2023
4 Logan Latier 47 5 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/22/2023
64 8 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/24/2023
Total 111 13
15 Cooper McFarland 34 4 Aba 13u Cook 9/22/2023
13 Bentley Sims 24 1 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/24/2023
10 Austin Wilson 34 6 Five Four Diamond Kings 9/22/2023
102 17 KC Blues Elite 9/24/2023
Total 136 23
Us Nationals Midwestern - Mo
3 Wade Erickson 58 13 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
9 Jamoson Gonzalez-Whinery 37 6 Competitive Edge Black 9/22/2023
14 3 BTL 2029 Johansen 9/24/2023
Total 51 9
4 Kannon Hill 21 1 Apd Rookies 9/22/2023
35 Logan Redding 3 3 BTL 2029 Johansen 9/24/2023
23 6 Ls Rockers 9/24/2023
Total 26 9
24 Kai Sablan 11 3 Competitive Edge Black 9/22/2023
11 Lincoln Sersch 15 2 Apd Rookies 9/22/2023
29 4 Kc Hornets 9/24/2023
Total 44 6
7 Brady Snedden 33 4 Competitive Edge Black 9/22/2023
44 14 Ls Rockers 9/24/2023
Total 77 18
23 Cole Sterna 34 6 Apd Rookies 9/22/2023
27 Briggs Weaver 36 6 BTL 2029 Johansen 9/24/2023