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The #7 and #8 Seeds were flipped in bracket due to the rule stating: No two teams from the same organization will match-up in their first playoff game, unless the game is affected by a bye (Applicable to brackets with 8+ teams)
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 6 Event Articles

18U PG Southeast Elite Championship Bracket
#1 East Cobb Yankees 6
GM: 56 | 6/5 | 11:20 AM | GAME RECAP
Baseball @ Lassiter High School
#8 Georgia Bombers 17u Victus 2 #1 East Cobb Yankees 1
GM: 62 | 6/6 | 12:20 PM | GAME RECAP
Field 3 @ East Cobb Complex
#4 643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan 6 #4 643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan 7
GM: 51 | 6/5 | 11:20 AM | GAME RECAP
Baseball @ Alpharetta High School
#5 Nelson Baseball School 2 #2 Georgia Bombers 1
GM: 63 | 6/6 | 2:40 PM | GAME RECAP
Field 3 @ East Cobb Complex
#3 5 Star West 18u Grant 1   #4 643 Dp Cougars 18u Pagan 9
GM: 54 | 6/5 | 11:20 AM | GAME RECAP
Baseball @ DO NOT USE
#6 East Cobb Astros 18u Navy 0 #2 Georgia Bombers 3
GM: 61 | 6/6 | 10:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Field 3 @ East Cobb Complex
#2 Georgia Bombers 8 #3 5 Star West 18u Grant 1
GM: 55 | 6/5 | 11:20 AM | GAME RECAP
Baseball @ Kennesaw Mountain High School
#7 TN Nationals 2022's 0