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Skills competition will be held at BLD from 11am-1pm on 7/14/2022
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

Championship Bracket

Winner's Bracket
#4 Angleton Outlaws 10  #1 Texas Rebels 9u 5            
GM: 6 | 7/16 | 9:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
  GM: 8 | 7/16 | 12:30 PM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
#5 Lake Jackson Tigers 9  #4 Angleton Outlaws 1  #1 Texas Rebels 9u 10         
     GM: 12 | 7/17 | 9:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
  #2 Mainland Militia 9u 3  #3 BC Bandits 3         
  GM: 7 | 7/16 | 10:45 AM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
  #3 BC Bandits 6            
            #1 Texas Rebels 9u 9   
           GM: 15 | 7/17 | 12:30 PM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
Loser's Bracket           #2 Mainland Militia 9u 8   
#2 Mainland Militia 9u 11  #2 Mainland Militia 9u 7            
GM: 9 | 7/16 | 2:15 PM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
  GM: 10 | 7/16 | 4:00 PM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
#5 Lake Jackson Tigers 0  #4 Angleton Outlaws 2  #2 Mainland Militia 9u 15  #2 Mainland Militia 9u 7      
     GM: 13 | 7/17 | 9:00 AM | GAME RECAP
Yankee @ The Ballpark at League City
  GM: 14 | 7/17 | 10:45 AM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
  #4 Angleton Outlaws 6  #5 Lake Jackson Tigers 3  #3 BC Bandits 1      
  GM: 11 | 7/16 | 5:45 PM | GAME RECAP
Crosley @ The Ballpark at League City
  #5 Lake Jackson Tigers 7