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All games will be played 1:45 no new, 6 innings, or run rule. Championship games will be played with no time limit. 6 innings or run rule

Pool A Teams- Central Florida Suns - BONO / Prime Baseball Lujan / SBA Bolts National 11U / WFBA Hammerheads
Pool B Teams- Canes East 11U / Home Plate Chili Dogs 11U Glozier / Let Them Play - Citi 11U / Team NuYork Elite
4 Cross Pool Games
Top (2) Seeds from each pool advance to Semi Finals vs Each Other.

Teams MUST be ready to play by 4PM Friday May 19th.
Teams SHOULD book flights and plan to leave first thing Monday May 22nd. 
If you have any questions and/or concerns please contact Tony Harper at tharper@perfectgame.org
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings

A copy of your message will be sent to the event director and the contact email you enter. Our team will respond within one to two business day(s).
 319-298-2923 Option 2 for Tournaments