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Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Bloomingdale Bulldogs Wolff (3-7-0 in 2022) 13AAA Bloomingdale, IL Bill Wolff
CNBA 2027-Day (16-2-0 in 2022) 13Major Kearney, NE Damon Day
DRBA Prime 2027 (4-8-0 in 2022) 13AAA Dubuque, IA Dusty Rogers
Duneland Flyers 13u-Doud (1-3-0 in 2022) 13AA Chesterton, IN Nick Doud
Eastern Iowa Select (2-2-0 in 2022) 13Major Iowa City, IA Patrick Gavin
Iowa Gremlins (8-1-0 in 2022) 13Major West Des Moines, IA Matt Palazzo
Iowa Select Astros (5-8-0 in 2022) 13Major Cedar Rapids, IA Tom Doyle
Little Caesars 13U (3-1-0 in 2022) 13AA Detroit, MI Jay Ricci
Mavs (1-3-0 in 2022) 13AAA Minneapolis, MN Peter Boss
Midwest Halos (3-1-0 in 2022) 13Major Milwaukee, WI Cody Smith
Turn 2 Athletics 13U (0-7-0 in 2022) 13AAA Eau Claire, WI Jesse Brockman
West Englewood Tigers (2-2-0 in 2022) 13Major Chicago, IL Dennis Butler

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend