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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankPlaceTeamClassificationFromCoach
  KC Classics 14U (14-9-2 in 2022) 14Major Blue Springs, MO Colton Pogue
  Iowa Prospects (25-13-0 in 2022) 14Major Des Moines, IA
  KC Blue Rocks (9-8-0 in 2022) 14Major Kansas City, MO Jace Burdette
  14U Cavaliers - Maroon (12-11-0 in 2022) 14AAA Overland Park, KS
  BTL Hornets (Mojica/Barnes) (5-9-0 in 2022) 14Major SHAWNEE, KS
  Building Champions UA 14u Blue (4-15-0 in 2022) 14Major Overland Park, KS
  Building Champions UA 14u Green (11-15-0 in 2022) 14Major Overland Park, KS
  Building Champions UA 14u Grey (3-16-0 in 2022) 14Major Overland Park, KS
  Elite Baseball - Vais (10-5-2 in 2022) 14Major Arvada, CO Danny Vais
  Prime 27:17 Ryherd (21-9-0 in 2022) 14Major OVERLAND PARK, KS
  Wichita Wolfpack 2026 (2-2-0 in 2022) 14Major Wichita, KS