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Schedule is now posted.

Format: 6 Team, All teams receive 3 random match-up Pool Play games.  After Pool Play, top 2 seeds will advance to the Championship Game.

PARKING:  When you arrive at VSC please drive straight between the two QUADS.  Just before the large building turn right and park behind the building.  This will be where the access into the Small field QUAD is.

**Merchandise and concessions will be available all weekend long at VSC.

***NO Metal Cleats ALLOWED***

WEATHER/SCHEDULE Text Alert System:  Please text 11u12uRichmondSQ to 84483to subscribe to our weather and schedule update text alert system.  This will be our primary source of communication in regards to any major weather schedule changes/updates. 
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankPlaceTeamClassificationFromCoach
Champion Olney Pirates Olney, MD Bob Maxwell
Runner-Up Aldie Senators Aldie, VA
  RBA South Chesterfield, VA
  Stars & Stripes VA State New Market, VA Jamie McNamara
  Va Stars Colangelo Gainesville, VA Mike Colangelo
  Virginia Stars Nardone Gainesville, VA Victor Nardone

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend