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Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Angleton Assassins 9U (26-23-2 in 2023) 9AAA Angleton, TX Beau Lara
AP Express 9U Turley (11-12-0 in 2023) 9AA Montgomery, TX Donald Turley
AP Express 9U Watson (1-14-0 in 2023) 9AA Montgomery, TX Daniel Lyons
Backyard Ballers Red (8-12-0 in 2023) 9AA Montgomery, TX Kassi Foster
Batter'S Box Black (14-14-0 in 2023) 9AAA Brenham, TX
Batter's Box White (10-14-0 in 2023) 9AA Brenham, TX
Dark Knights (4-11-1 in 2023) 9AA Humble, TX
Houston Thunder 9u (9-24-2 in 2023) 9AA Houston, TX
Kingwood Express 9U (24-16-1 in 2023) 9AAA Kingwood, TX Jonathan Sowyrda
Kingwood Skeeters (3-15-1 in 2023) 9AA Kingwood, TX Chuck Fulkerson
Lynx Romo 9U (0-7-0 in 2023) 9AA Spring, TX
Marucci Elite TX - Ragsdale (16-10-1 in 2023) 9AAA Conroe, TX
Marucci Elite TX-Stinson (18-15-0 in 2023) 9AA Conroe, TX Jesse Stinson
Nation Elite 9u (27-34-2 in 2023) 9AA Missour city, TX
Premier 9U Garcia (11-6-0 in 2023) 9AA Tomball, TX
Regulators Baseball Club- 9U Black (27-21-1 in 2023) 9AA Cypress, TX Zach Powell
SETX OUTLAWS (11-14-0 in 2023) 9AA DAYTON, TX
Texas Bluechips 9u (14-30-2 in 2023) 9AA Missouri City, TX
The Core (24-12-3 in 2023) 9AAA New Caney, TX
Timbergrove Thunder 9U Cody (19-21-0 in 2023) 9AA HOUSTON, TX
Vengeance 9u White (17-9-2 in 2023) 9AA Houston, TX
Xtreme Baseball 9U (16-20-0 in 2023) 9AA Houston, TX Laron Gilliam