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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star National 9u Black
10 Beau Andrews 35 3 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/6/2023
27 Colton Goodman 12 2 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
65 9 9u Combat Gold 5/7/2023
Total 77 11
3 Wells Grubbs 18 1 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
37 3 9u Combat Gold 5/7/2023
Total 55 4
21 Spencer Johns 17 3 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
14 2 9u Combat Gold 5/7/2023
Total 31 5
18 4 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
Total 49 9
7 Abel McBride 58 11 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/6/2023
1 Jase Neighbors 66 12 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
9 Gabe Pritchard 13 0 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/6/2023
60 11 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
Total 73 11
5 Star Preps 9U Red
18 Carson Armes 19 6 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/6/2023
64 14 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/7/2023
Total 83 20
2 Bryce Kiestler 67 8 9u Combat Gold 5/6/2023
1 Declan McMahon 22 4 9u Combat Gold 5/6/2023
48 8 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/6/2023
Total 70 12
41 Duncan Mount 29 3 9u Combat Gold 5/6/2023
6 1 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/7/2023
Total 35 4
18 5 Carl Black Longhorns 9u 5/7/2023
Total 53 9
23 Sawyer Phillips 18 3 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/6/2023
10 Kaison Reed 69 15 Carl Black Longhorns 9u 5/7/2023
27 Braydon Worsham 23 2 9u Combat Gold 5/6/2023
5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe
99 Mason Blair 27 4 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/6/2023
23 Thomas Borowski 17 4 Midway Wolverines 5/6/2023
22 1 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
Total 39 5
12 Cambell "Jacks" Carroll 13 2 Midway Wolverines 5/6/2023
30 Jude Donaldson 27 9 Midway Wolverines 5/6/2023
2 Wyatt Fly 26 5 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/6/2023
1 Reid Myers 38 6 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
42 Briggs Pennington 35 8 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
16 Sam Watchorn 38 6 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/6/2023
9u Combat Gold
3 Hunter Baker 4 0 5 Star National 9u Black 5/7/2023
15 Bentley Collins 44 11 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/6/2023
1 Hayes Conaway 67 12 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/6/2023
7 Sam Dollander 67 10 5 Star National 9u Black 5/7/2023
26 Chance Gilbert 36 4 5 Star National 9u Black 5/7/2023
28 Andrew Lowery 11 0 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/6/2023
4 Enzo McGeachy 18 2 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/6/2023
30 1 5 Star National 9u Black 5/7/2023
Total 48 3
Alabama Prime (Rbi)
2 Barrett Andrews 4 1 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/7/2023
31 Clay Chisenhall 34 2 9u Combat Gold 5/6/2023
43 5 Buford Elite Bui 5/7/2023
Total 77 7
24 2 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023
Total 101 9
45 Colt Harper 52 9 9u Combat Gold 5/6/2023
47 6 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/7/2023
Total 99 15
9 Jaxon Mayes 50 5 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/6/2023
50 8 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/7/2023
Total 100 13
7 Jalan Smith 16 3 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/6/2023
48 11 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023
Total 64 14
24 Macon Thompson 47 9 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/6/2023
24 3 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023
Total 71 12
51 9 Buford Elite Bui 5/7/2023
Total 122 21
Buford Elite Bui
2 Tyson Bui 35 7 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/5/2023
23 AJ Gribbin 8 3 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/5/2023
7 Reece Johnston 16 3 Hopewell Hawks 5/6/2023
28 5 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
Total 44 8
1 Miguel Moreno 43 5 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/5/2023
0 0 Hopewell Hawks 5/6/2023
Total 43 5
24 Griffin Palmer 12 3 Hopewell Hawks 5/6/2023
41 5 Home Plate Chili Dogs 9u Stevens 5/7/2023
Total 53 8
13 4 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
Total 66 12
13 Jackson Waugh 38 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs 9u Stevens 5/7/2023
5 Caleb Zielinski 26 9 Hopewell Hawks 5/6/2023
50 7 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
Total 76 16
Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg
0 Carter Austin 33 10 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
43 7 Knox Select 5/7/2023
Total 76 17
3 Tripp Baeumel 12 3 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
2 Spencer Burge 14 2 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
30 Braylin Cowart 25 1 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
50 7 Knox Select 5/7/2023
Total 75 8
10 Tucker Cunningham 51 4 5 Star National 9u Black 5/6/2023
18 0 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/6/2023
Total 69 4
1 Weston Howes 28 4 Knox Select 5/7/2023
12 Jace Joyner 41 6 5 Star National 9u Black 5/6/2023
8 Gabriel Perez 29 5 5 Star National 9u Black 5/6/2023
Carl Black Longhorns 9u
0 Jaxon Alexander 3 1 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/5/2023
61 8 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/5/2023
Total 64 9
30 4 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/7/2023
Total 94 13
3 Isaiah Ellis 54 6 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/5/2023
35 5 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/7/2023
Total 89 11
2 Kason Kimm 51 4 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/5/2023
42 9 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/7/2023
Total 93 13
16 Declan Morris 9 1 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/5/2023
28 Carson Phillips 45 7 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/5/2023
6 0 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/7/2023
Total 51 7
23 Joseph Tesar 25 3 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/6/2023
Carolina Rockies Black 9u
10 Jase Adams 43 6 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
12 3 Devine Baseball 9u 5/7/2023
Total 55 9
13 Brody Bost 29 2 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
46 6 Knox Select 5/7/2023
Total 75 8
31 Ben Crumpler 15 6 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/6/2023
7 Grayson McClure 49 8 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/6/2023
1 Beckett McFetridge 9 2 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
49 9 Devine Baseball 9u 5/7/2023
Total 58 11
6 Kade Nichols 38 11 Home Plate Chili Dogs 9u Stevens 5/6/2023
99 Easton Rodriguez 14 3 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/6/2023
28 6 Knox Select 5/7/2023
Total 42 9
28 5 Devine Baseball 9u 5/7/2023
Total 70 14
Devine Baseball 9u
27 Jacob Allen 38 9 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/5/2023
34 4 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
Total 72 13
33 Mason Goodwin 5 1 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
3 Josiah Hawes 66 8 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
2 Nash Kiewert 9 3 Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry 5/6/2023
21 Aiden Park 51 9 Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry 5/6/2023
12 5 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
Total 63 14
17 2 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
Total 80 16
7 Sawyer Rickman 20 0 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
34 2 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
Total 54 2
23 James Rosario 21 3 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/5/2023
71 7 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
Total 92 10
29 Noah Thibodeaux 19 3 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/5/2023
East Cobb Astros 9U
12 King George 31 6 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/6/2023
2 Adam Jacobs 32 5 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/7/2023
11 Isaiah Martin 58 7 5 Star National 9u Black 5/6/2023
23 William McDonald 49 10 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/7/2023
25 Isaiah Olivo 48 4 5 Star National 9u Black 5/6/2023
13 Cayson Panter 12 3 5 Star National 9u Black 5/6/2023
15 3 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/6/2023
Total 27 6
18 Barrett Sharp 50 9 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/6/2023
Forsyth Grizzlies
34 Nolan Althardt 64 5 Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry 5/5/2023
19 Anderson Grieser 15 3 Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry 5/5/2023
37 3 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023
Total 52 6
24 Edward LaFoe 42 9 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023
27 Bo Law 37 4 Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry 5/5/2023
75 18 East Cobb Astros 9U 5/7/2023
Total 112 22
12 Jack White 76 14 Devine Baseball 9u 5/5/2023
Georgia Impulse
50 Glayson Cook 38 9 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/5/2023
11 3 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/7/2023
Total 49 12
25 Luke Duncan 76 14 5 Star National 9u Black 5/7/2023
9 Lane Echols 32 2 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
24 4 5 Star National 9u Black 5/7/2023
Total 56 6
44 Brettley Hampton 23 3 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
29 5 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/7/2023
Total 52 8
4 Brandt Pendleton 34 6 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
40 4 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/7/2023
Total 74 10
1 Kamdyn Rowland 41 9 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/5/2023
8 Jed Smith 6 3 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/5/2023
Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt
31 Wes Clark 45 6 Hopewell Hawks 5/5/2023
4 1 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/7/2023
Total 49 7
39 5 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
Total 88 12
20 Max Coker 43 11 Buford Elite Bui 5/5/2023
23 Camden Degala 46 9 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/7/2023
25 4 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/7/2023
Total 71 13
13 Zane Dickens 34 4 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/7/2023
10 3 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
Total 44 7
34 Jackson Ferrara 22 2 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/7/2023
29 1 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
Total 51 3
34 Hudson Fuller 24 1 Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez 5/7/2023
9 2 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
Total 33 3
5 Judson Gernatt 21 0 Georgia Impulse 5/7/2023
33 Davis Horne 29 3 Buford Elite Bui 5/5/2023
10 Nolan McAvoy 39 6 Hopewell Hawks 5/5/2023
39 8 5 Star Preps 9U Red 5/7/2023
Total 78 14
Home Plate Chili Dogs 9u Stevens
5 Jase Lester 55 5 Knox Select 5/6/2023
27 Wyatt Sealey 83 8 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/6/2023
17 1 Buford Elite Bui 5/7/2023
Total 100 9
13 William Stevens 15 3 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/6/2023
7 Chase Watson 66 8 Buford Elite Bui 5/7/2023
9 Owen White 58 9 Knox Select 5/6/2023
31 3 Buford Elite Bui 5/7/2023
Total 89 12
Hopewell Hawks
28 Collin Campbell 31 8 Midway Wolverines 5/7/2023
51 6 Devine Baseball 9u 5/7/2023
Total 82 14
10 Austin Collins 69 15 Buford Elite Bui 5/6/2023
23 Hudson Croft 70 4 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/5/2023
99 Brooks Hillman 24 3 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/5/2023
35 5 Devine Baseball 9u 5/7/2023
Total 59 8
21 Caden Ragans 9 2 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/5/2023
13 2 Buford Elite Bui 5/6/2023
Total 22 4
66 7 Midway Wolverines 5/7/2023
Total 88 11
27 Joseph Lee Romano 15 1 Devine Baseball 9u 5/7/2023
Knox Select
6 Levi Albright 21 3 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/7/2023
42 8 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
Total 63 11
23 Damien Arenivar 30 6 Midway Wolverines 5/6/2023
8 Xander Cruz 74 15 Home Plate Chili Dogs 9u Stevens 5/6/2023
66 Jack Maginn 20 1 Carolina Rockies Black 9u 5/7/2023
42 Eli Moffett 23 3 Midway Wolverines 5/6/2023
5 Barrett Robbins 13 3 Midway Wolverines 5/6/2023
99 Hudson York 71 15 Canes Southeast 9u - Whittenburg 5/7/2023
Midway Wolverines
1 Landon Cruse 23 3 Knox Select 5/6/2023
50 6 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
Total 73 9
27 Crewe Ferguson 30 3 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
10 Maddox Gray 26 6 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/6/2023
35 4 Hopewell Hawks 5/7/2023
Total 61 10
2 Jackson Guion 17 3 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/6/2023
27 2 Knox Select 5/6/2023
Total 44 5
7 Reed Humphries 10 6 5 Tool Baseball - 9U Crowe 5/6/2023
50 Camden Huntley 25 3 Knox Select 5/6/2023
44 Camden Rose 36 6 Knox Select 5/6/2023
NextLVL 9U Prospects
21 Gatlin Dean 42 5 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
22 Ryder Eifert 11 1 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
77 12 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
Total 88 13
26 Bryce Gauker 75 7 Carl Black Longhorns 9u 5/5/2023
4 Eli Greenwood 14 0 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
56 12 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/7/2023
Total 70 12
24 Cooper Howard 23 4 Carl Black Longhorns 9u 5/5/2023
14 Jasper Lovett 44 9 Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry 5/7/2023
31 6 Alabama Prime (Rbi) 5/7/2023
Total 75 15
15 Jaxen Mitchell 0 0 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
17 3 Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry 5/7/2023
Total 17 3
1 Taylan Spivey 13 0 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
12 Kellen Womack 24 1 Carl Black Longhorns 9u 5/5/2023
Ninth Inning Royals 9u Fernandez
5 Eli Ades 43 6 Carl Black Longhorns 9u 5/5/2023
13 Andrew Carley 63 9 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/7/2023
27 Harrison Chambley 11 1 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
77 Jack Love 58 12 Carl Black Longhorns 9u 5/5/2023
44 Parker McGlown 44 5 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
18 Lyle Sargent 48 6 Georgia Impulse 5/5/2023
7 Benet Shin 13 1 Georgia Jackets 9U - Gernatt 5/7/2023
Tg Dbacks 9u Castleberry
28 Cooper Bishop 59 10 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/5/2023
8 Ripken Castleberry 31 1 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023
11 Davis Coonan 39 3 Devine Baseball 9u 5/6/2023
27 Owen Ellis 35 5 Devine Baseball 9u 5/6/2023
42 Mj Golden 7 2 Forsyth Grizzlies 5/5/2023
9 2 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023
Total 16 4
12 Andrew Rabern 42 4 Devine Baseball 9u 5/6/2023
2 Ryder Sommerville 46 9 NextLVL 9U Prospects 5/7/2023