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WWBA Tournament UPDATE 11:30 PM Saturday: 
All teams that are in playoff contention need to be at the complex ready to possibly play at 12:40. We will have 8 playoff games at that time and 8 games at 3pm. If you don't play at 12:40, you will play at 3pm. The winners of the 12:40 games will play at 5:20 and the winners of the 3pm games will play at 7:40pm. We will be taking 8 teams into Monday, with the Championship game starting around 2pm.

We will be taking 32 teams to the playoffs on Sunday. We will be taking the 21 pool winners, 2nd place team out of Pool E (pool of 5), and 10 top 2nd place teams. Pool winners will be seeded #1-21, the rest will be seeded #22-32. Teams from the same pool and/or organization will be placed on opposite sides of the bracket to the best of our ability.

FORMAT CHANGE FOR JUPITER – as of 1:30PM October 26
The pools format, schedule, and playoffs have been changed due to weather. There are now 20 pools with 4 teams and 1 pool with 5 teams (Pool E in the original schedule). PG will do everything possible to get each team a minimum of 4 games. The 4th game will be scheduled against a team from a different pool. The consolation games will be scheduled for first thing Monday AM.

Water will be available in every dugout. NO COOLERS will be allowed at any field.
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 64 Event Articles
Rockies Scout Team/Dulin Dodgers (1-2-1)
Tournament Schedule Enter Probable Pitchers
Gm# 12
10/26/2012    12:00 PM
Stadium @ Roger Dean Complex  
Gm# 57
10/27/2012    10:20 AM
Blue 2 @ Roger Dean Complex  
Gm# 193
10/29/2012    8:00 AM
Blue 3 @ Roger Dean Complex  
Tournament Roster
15 Cheyne Bickel RHP 1B 6-2220 R/R 2013William T. Dwyer North Palm Beach, FL 278 Mississippi
40 Patrick Clark RHP 6-5185 R/R 2013St. George's Cordova, TN Follow Rhodes College
10 Garrett Copeland MIF 5-10185 S/R 2013Bolton Bartlett, TN Top 1000 Austin Peay State
4 West Covington RHP 6-1160 R/R 2013St. Benedict At Auburndale Lakeland, TN 500 East Carolina/Gulf Coast CC
50 Dalton Dulin MIF 5-9165 S/R 2013Memphis University Memphis, TN 166 Mississippi
22 Michael Fitzsimmons 1B 3B, RHP 6-1205 R/R 2014Memphis University Eads, TN 500 Mississippi
2 Chase Hamilton OF 1B, LHP 6-3185 L/L 2013Arlington Arlington, TN 500 Austin Peay State
33 Katon Harwood RHP 6-3210 R/R 2014T C Roberson Asheville, NC 500 Appalachian State
7 Connor Hawthorne SS 6-1185 L/R 2013Houston Collierville, TN High Follow South Alabama
42 John McCarthy 1B OF, RHP 6-2190 R/R 2013Jupiter Jupiter, FL 500 Army
44 Tanner Murphy C RHP 6-0200 R/R 2013Malden Malden, MO 500 Southern Illinois
12 Rob Perteet OF LHP 5-8150 L/L 2014Spanish Fort Tuscalosa, AL 500 Samford
8 Porter Reinhart OF 6-1190 R/R 2013St. Christopher's Richmond, VA 379 William & Mary
52 Adam Seibert RHP OF 6-6195 R/R 2014Episcopal Academy West Chester, PA 500 Hofstra
11 Austin Sexton RHP 1B, 3B 6-2165 R/R 2013Sparkman Madison, AL 242 Mississippi State
49 Ridge Smith C 3B, MIF 5-10190 R/R 2013Germantown Memphis, TN High Follow Austin Peay State
Pool Standings
Pool seeding tie breaker
Pool D
All Star Baseball Academy PA0.833201510
Royals Scout Team MO0.6672101112
FTB Louisville Slugger FL0.33301232
Rockies Scout Team/Dulin Dodgers TN0.167021149