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Rules Amendment for this Tournament.
Mercy run rules for this event
9U – 12U – 15 run rule after 3 innings, 8 run rule after 4 innings.
13U – 14U – 15 Run rule after 3 innings, 12 Run Rule after 4 innings, 8 After 5 innings

13U OPEN & 13U AA

14U AA  - 14U OPEN 

Game time limits
Pool Play
9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).

9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).

Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.
9U-12U is 6 innings. 
13U thru 14U is 7 innings.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Canes Temecula
6 Nathan Berry 25 3 Nevada Crew 5/1/2021
45 Nathan Bock 4 1 Southern Nevada Red 5/1/2021
39 6 Nevada Crew 5/1/2021
Total 43 7
99 Alejandro Cabral 70 12 Pahrump Trojans 5/2/2021
15 Maxwell Dupree 8 3 Pahrump Trojans 5/2/2021
23 5 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/2/2021
Total 31 8
12 Jacob Estrela 78 14 Southern Nevada Red 5/1/2021
11 Brandon Hillis 26 3 Pahrump Trojans 5/2/2021
4 Taylor Mesa 64 10 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/2/2021
City Terrace Lookouts Navy
21 Tomas Beltran 75 3 Pahrump Trojans 5/1/2021
5 Julian Huerta 93 15 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/1/2021
27 Christian Leon 83 15 Obf 12u Red 5/2/2021
GBG Vegas Black
1 Brayden Bender 75 3 SC Stixx 5/2/2021
4 Michael Bergin 54 12 Obf 12u Red 5/1/2021
8 2 Lv Phillies 5/1/2021
Total 62 14
44 Payton Bryan 89 12 Lv Phillies 5/1/2021
22 Cesar Verduzco 28 6 Obf 12u Red 5/1/2021
27 Spencer Walters 49 12 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/2/2021
IE Dirt Dawgs 12U
95 Jonathan Aguiluz 22 3 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
27 5 Sidewinders 5/2/2021
Total 49 8
18 Damien Evans 15 0 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
32 Santino Garcia 30 2 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
19 Jacob Gray 27 3 SC Stixx 5/1/2021
24 0 SC Stixx 5/2/2021
Total 51 3
11 Michael Hernandez 35 7 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
14 1 SC Stixx 5/2/2021
Total 49 8
35 Jaiden Lopez 48 9 SC Stixx 5/1/2021
26 7 Sidewinders 5/2/2021
Total 74 16
7 Daniel Medina 17 3 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
33 0 SC Stixx 5/2/2021
Total 50 3
21 Michael Minor III 35 4 SC Stixx 5/1/2021
41 5 SC Stixx 5/2/2021
Total 76 9
Lv Phillies
10 Conner Alagozyan 9 1 GBG Vegas Black 5/1/2021
2 Jaidon Boyd 38 3 Obf 12u Red 5/1/2021
31 Cohen Hoover 19 0 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/2/2021
3 Dylan Jaeger 21 2 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/2/2021
7 Derek Knight 44 6 GBG Vegas Black 5/1/2021
27 3 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/2/2021
Total 71 9
24 Jacob Loosbroock 7 1 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/2/2021
4 Lucas Marlier 25 1 GBG Vegas Black 5/1/2021
46 4 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/2/2021
Total 71 5
45 Uriah Pereida 70 9 Obf 12u Red 5/1/2021
Nevada Crew
3 Malachi Alstatt 62 11 SCE SAVAGES 5/2/2021
50 Luke Desoto 44 9 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/1/2021
27 Hudson Gainor 29 6 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/1/2021
9 Eric Gomez 39 9 Canes Temecula 5/1/2021
14 3 SCE SAVAGES 5/2/2021
Total 53 12
Obf 12u Red
99 Talan Corral 12 3 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/2/2021
2 Mason Hernandez 15 3 GBG Vegas Black 5/1/2021
33 6 SCE SAVAGES 5/2/2021
Total 48 9
4 Brody Lewis 32 6 GBG Vegas Black 5/1/2021
10 2 Lv Phillies 5/1/2021
Total 42 8
24 5 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/2/2021
Total 66 13
17 Anthony Rodriguez 75 12 SCE SAVAGES 5/2/2021
20 Noah Seim 57 9 GBG Vegas Black 5/1/2021
40 7 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/2/2021
Total 97 16
31 Jordan Va 23 4 Lv Phillies 5/1/2021
5 Jose Velazquez 43 9 Lv Phillies 5/1/2021
15 Ethan Venkatesan 31 5 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/2/2021
Pahrump Trojans
17 Ben Chimperman 75 3 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/1/2021
24 Kevin Farrell-Cardoza 40 6 Canes Temecula 5/2/2021
9 Cody Fried 52 9 SCE SAVAGES 5/1/2021
8 Ryan Hamlin 21 6 Canes Temecula 5/2/2021
0 Samuel Mendoza 9 0 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/1/2021
14 Alejandro Rayas 30 3 SCE SAVAGES 5/1/2021
28 3 Canes Temecula 5/2/2021
Total 58 6
PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez
21 Damien Chacon 17 3 Southern Nevada Red 5/1/2021
99 Cristian Davis 10 1 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
11 Robert Estrada 42 7 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/1/2021
41 6 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
Total 83 13
16 Jordan Fujinaga 28 3 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
10 Nathan Ramos 29 7 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/1/2021
29 2 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
Total 58 9
3 Micah Sigler 74 12 Southern Nevada Red 5/1/2021
20 0 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
Total 94 12
Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange
35 Russell Knaub 27 5 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/1/2021
55 10 Nevada Crew 5/1/2021
Total 82 15
28 Nicholas Maffey 6 1 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/1/2021
18 1 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/2/2021
Total 24 2
15 Daniel Offield 44 8 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/2/2021
3 1 Lv Phillies 5/2/2021
Total 47 9
9 Anthony Perez 51 6 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/1/2021
88 Josh Teal 33 2 Nevada Crew 5/1/2021
SC Stixx
13 Josiah Acosta 7 0 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/2/2021
34 Julian Alvarez 57 9 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/1/2021
16 Nathan Barrera 41 6 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
11 Alfonso Carranza 82 16 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/2/2021
3 Honor Chacon 19 3 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/1/2021
27 Isaiah Corona 51 0 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
10 Sebastian Donlucas 9 1 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
14 Christian Ramirez 20 0 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
37 Lathan Rivas 1 1 Sidewinders 5/1/2021
30 Jake Romero 17 3 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/1/2021
14 3 GBG Vegas Black 5/2/2021
Total 31 6
72 Henry Borden 23 6 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/1/2021
3 Christian Galvan 55 10 Southern Nevada Red 5/2/2021
25 Zander Guerrero 26 5 Southern Nevada Red 5/2/2021
57 Peter Padilla 25 3 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/1/2021
66 Gilberto Perez 62 6 Vegas Strong Baseball 12u 5/1/2021
72 12 Obf 12u Red 5/2/2021
Total 134 18
19 Matthew Tejeda 11 4 Pahrump Trojans 5/1/2021
46 15 Nevada Crew 5/2/2021
Total 57 19
44 Nicholas Vasquez 40 9 Pahrump Trojans 5/1/2021
21 Aiden Wong-Brunes 29 2 Pahrump Trojans 5/1/2021
29 6 Obf 12u Red 5/2/2021
Total 58 8
9 Denis Alvonellos 71 9 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/2/2021
5 Grayden Baker 6 1 SC Stixx 5/1/2021
28 Jorge Castellanos 10 0 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/2/2021
24 Kalai Chan 21 0 SC Stixx 5/1/2021
8 1 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/1/2021
Total 29 1
7 Wyatt Mintun 80 14 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/1/2021
Kyies Walters 55 8 SC Stixx 5/1/2021
Kayden Yapo-Castillo 17 3 IE Dirt Dawgs 12U 5/2/2021
Southern Nevada Red
25 Tyler Bustamante 24 6 Canes Temecula 5/1/2021
44 Preston Clemmons 17 2 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/1/2021
22 Rocco Costello 10 0 SCE SAVAGES 5/2/2021
21 Zachary Franke 16 3 Canes Temecula 5/1/2021
8 2 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/1/2021
Total 24 5
58 9 SCE SAVAGES 5/2/2021
Total 82 14
51 Kenzo Hatta 62 9 Canes Temecula 5/1/2021
30 3 SCE SAVAGES 5/2/2021
Total 92 12
3 Daniel Kauser 38 9 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/1/2021
28 Cody Weaver 24 2 PIco Rivera Hitmen-Perez 5/1/2021
Vegas Strong Baseball 12u
20 Anthony Aragon 83 17 SCE SAVAGES 5/1/2021
35 Adrian Catalan 53 6 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/1/2021
68 18 Canes Temecula 5/2/2021
Total 121 24
47 Ronaldo (Ronnie) Munoz 45 5 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/1/2021
41 6 Canes Temecula 5/2/2021
Total 86 11
50 9 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/2/2021
Total 136 20
28 Colin Tocker 11 3 Rawlings Tigers 12u Orange 5/2/2021
32 Gavin Wagner 104 0 City Terrace Lookouts Navy 5/1/2021