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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
20 Michael Barbosa 25 5 Ctx Baseball 10/2/2021
2 Adrian Castillo 14 0 Five Tool Players 10/2/2021
17 Joe Delgadillo III 34 6 Ctx Baseball 10/2/2021
9 Kingston Galaviz-Soto 46 4 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/3/2021
34 Joel Garcia III 12 6 Five Tool Players 10/2/2021
38 1 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/3/2021
Total 50 7
7 Mariano Ortiz 54 8 Five Tool Players 10/2/2021
1 3 Ctx Baseball 10/2/2021
Total 55 11
21 4 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/3/2021
Total 76 15
American Legends Baseball Black
50 Tony Ciurca 11 3 Htx Rebels 10/2/2021
7 Justice Crippen 14 4 Htx Rebels 10/2/2021
33 3 Los Tigres 12u 10/3/2021
Total 47 7
99 John Duran 31 3 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
50 Isaiah Guerrero 4 1 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
0 Jackson Hubbard 11 5 Htx Rebels 10/2/2021
30 9 Los Tigres 12u 10/3/2021
Total 41 14
51 Derek Nall 27 4 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
42 Yahir Perez 19 0 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
35 Jordan Trinta 0 0 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
2 Jaiden Velasquez 31 4 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
0 0 Htx Rebels 10/2/2021
Total 31 4
Banditos Black 12u
7 Carter Bennett 48 12 Epa 12u Black 10/3/2021
6 Jaxton Doelitsch 80 17 Team Never Quit 12u Black 10/2/2021
4 Luke Galik 57 10 Epa 12u Black 10/2/2021
1 Cason Irwin 65 18 Los Tigres 12u 10/3/2021
Kyle Kirk 73 9 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Parker Rogers 61 5 Epa 12u Black 10/2/2021
8 John Harrison Socha 20 1 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Jayden Theoc 8 0 Team Never Quit 12u Black 10/2/2021
Jayden Williams 54 15 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/3/2021
Batter'S Box Black
1 Kaden Birkelbach 9 0 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
44 Jaseton Bolcerek 32 4 Htx Rebels 10/3/2021
5 Chet Eckert 39 4 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
17 Brayden Hemann 32 2 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
25 Garrett Hupe 26 2 Htx Rebels 10/3/2021
21 Cutter Kaye 56 10 RWB Hooks 10/2/2021
7 Barry Mikeska 30 3 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
6 Dylan Rush 3 0 RWB Hooks 10/2/2021
16 Carson Wensel 2 1 Htx Rebels 10/3/2021
Ctx Baseball
11 Santo Aranzeta II 11 3 Cypress Copperheads 10/2/2021
30 5 RWB Hooks 10/3/2021
Total 41 8
20 Noah Gilfoil 19 3 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/2/2021
1 3 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Total 20 6
Calan Huskey 33 2 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/2/2021
88 Landen Ivy 14 3 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/2/2021
35 3 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Total 49 6
21 Conlee Noble 5 3 Cypress Copperheads 10/2/2021
4 1 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/2/2021
Total 9 4
49 7 RWB Hooks 10/3/2021
Total 58 11
27 Eli Sanchez 10 3 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/2/2021
22 0 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Total 32 3
19 Luke Vadala 14 3 Cypress Copperheads 10/2/2021
9 Scotty Zuehlke 26 3 Cypress Copperheads 10/2/2021
41 2 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Total 67 5
Cypress Copperheads
1 Grant Dehmer 14 3 Ctx Baseball 10/2/2021
23 0 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
Total 37 3
22 Caden Flores 24 3 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
48 11 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/3/2021
Total 72 14
10 Carter Flores 1 3 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
41 4 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/3/2021
Total 42 7
15 Rodrigo Moran 31 0 Ctx Baseball 10/2/2021
27 Bentley Poole 49 8 Ctx Baseball 10/2/2021
28 3 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/3/2021
Total 77 11
4 Yancy Scott II 13 2 Los Tigres 12u 10/2/2021
Dynasty Black
Caleb Alexander 71 12 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
Jackson Giese 21 8 American Legends Baseball Black 10/2/2021
Mason Mead 50 9 Ctx Baseball 10/3/2021
Jon Pavlatos 12 3 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
Ryder Renfro 25 4 American Legends Baseball Black 10/2/2021
Adam Sevilla 78 12 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
Diego Silva 45 9 Htx Rebels 10/2/2021
Epa 12u Black
Braysen Anselmi 58 9 Premier 12u-Allen 10/2/2021
Dylan Barrera 0 0 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
John Carlos 15 1 Premier 12u-Allen 10/2/2021
Brayden Felicia 66 10 Banditos Black 12u 10/2/2021
Cole Foshee 17 6 Banditos Black 12u 10/2/2021
Nolan Home 62 9 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
Christopher Ortiz 8 0 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
Five Tool Players
7 Kyle Crockett 52 15 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
42 Miguel Johnson 9 2 RWB Hooks 10/2/2021
22 Braxton Jones 24 6 Prospect U Houston 10/3/2021
9 Jonah Rocha 9 3 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/2/2021
6 3 Prospect U Houston 10/3/2021
Total 15 6
8 Kalen Simmons 42 8 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/2/2021
25 Bobby Talavera 48 7 RWB Hooks 10/2/2021
58 Samuel White 62 9 Prospect U Houston 10/3/2021
Jaxson Wright 12 0 RWB Hooks 10/2/2021
Htx Rebels
21 Adriene Barrios 36 6 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/3/2021
40 9 Batter'S Box Black 10/3/2021
Total 76 15
4 Isaiah Creado 30 2 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/3/2021
24 Abel Figueroa 26 3 American Legends Baseball Black 10/2/2021
2 1 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/3/2021
Total 28 4
7 Albert Martinez 56 8 American Legends Baseball Black 10/2/2021
0 Ryland Melton 34 3 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
1 Brayden Pearce 18 0 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
99 Vincent Saludares 43 6 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/3/2021
2 Adrian Sanchez 30 3 Dynasty Black 10/2/2021
Los Tigres 12u
33 Matteo Gross 19 3 Cypress Copperheads 10/2/2021
17 3 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
Total 36 6
2 Isaias Hernandez 5 1 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
13 Marcus Juarez 44 3 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
5 Aiden Lopez 18 3 American Legends Baseball Black 10/3/2021
24 Wyatt Mann 27 2 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
99 Amos Paredes 28 1 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
4 Terrence Spriggs 32 2 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
3 Willy Taveras 37 3 Cypress Copperheads 10/2/2021
63 12 American Legends Baseball Black 10/3/2021
Total 100 15
1 Carlos Thachar 11 3 Cypress Copperheads 10/2/2021
65 12 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
Total 76 15
Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin
5 Drake Cherry 10 3 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
13 Tristan Cruz 33 4 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
1 Isaac Dillman 0 0 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
0 0 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
Total 0 0
39 6 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
Total 39 6
10 Cody Eggleston 27 3 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
3 Aiden Gentry 12 3 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
12 Bennett Mosley 14 3 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
18 3 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/3/2021
Total 32 6
21 Adan Ruiz 22 5 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
27 Brandon Sauceda 15 3 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
36 9 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/3/2021
Total 51 12
42 Milton Watkin 55 10 Banditos Black 12u 10/3/2021
Premier 12u-Allen
0 Jacob Arrants 60 9 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Jacob Buenrostro 11 0 Team Never Quit 12u Black 10/2/2021
Keegan Cardona 41 9 Team Never Quit 12u Black 10/2/2021
33 5 Dynasty Black 10/3/2021
Total 74 14
Copeland Dennis 34 6 Epa 12u Black 10/2/2021
Camden Kurtz 15 3 Team Never Quit 12u Black 10/2/2021
63 15 Team Never Quit 12u Black 10/3/2021
Total 78 18
Cooper Mitchamore 79 18 Five Tool Players 10/3/2021
Taven Oluwa 41 6 Epa 12u Black 10/2/2021
Premier Baseball - Coble
11 Garrett Harrell 29 4 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
24 Jack Kelley 30 2 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
16 3 Htx Rebels 10/3/2021
Total 46 5
27 Cole Lecompte 45 2 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
25 Ethan Marlitz 17 0 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
19 Carson Riffe 30 3 Prospect U Houston 10/2/2021
23 Nelson Rivero 5 1 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
79 15 Htx Rebels 10/3/2021
Total 84 16
10 Noah Ross 81 18 Cypress Copperheads 10/3/2021
27 Connor Seay 42 9 Texas Bluechips 12u Grey 10/2/2021
Prospect U Houston
7 Jack Bielamowicz 37 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/2/2021
68 15 Five Tool Players 10/3/2021
Total 105 21
3 Hunter Brown 34 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/2/2021
15 Jack Freeman 13 2 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/2/2021
5 Miles Geiger 0 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/2/2021
33 Ryan Nowak 47 6 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/2/2021
4 Henry Pharr 3 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/2/2021
99 Grayson Ware 32 2 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/2/2021
RWB Hooks
7 Aiden Ballejo 51 5 Ctx Baseball 10/3/2021
27 Konnor Beal 55 4 Five Tool Players 10/2/2021
9 Hudson Bystrek 25 6 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
29 Keaton Koudela 45 6 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
30 Caleb Leach 33 3 Ctx Baseball 10/3/2021
4 Bryce Morrison 4 1 Five Tool Players 10/2/2021
19 Jonah Poenitzsch 0 0 Batter'S Box Black 10/2/2021
39 3 Ctx Baseball 10/3/2021
Total 39 3
Team Never Quit 12u Black
2 Casen Alred 34 5 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
Tripp Bearden 28 6 Premier 12u-Allen 10/2/2021
14 3 Banditos Black 12u 10/2/2021
Total 42 9
11 0 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
Total 53 9
Wyatt Benson 31 5 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
Casey Collum Jr. 34 5 Premier 12u-Allen 10/2/2021
40 4 Banditos Black 12u 10/2/2021
Total 74 9
Michael MJ Lee JR 30 1 Premier 12u-Allen 10/2/2021
3 0 Banditos Black 12u 10/2/2021
Total 33 1
20 2 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
Total 53 3
Cj Meyer 42 8 Banditos Black 12u 10/2/2021
9 1 Premier 12u-Allen 10/3/2021
Total 51 9
Texas Bluechips 12u Grey
Caleb Bornscheuer 27 7 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/2/2021
Malachi Clark 34 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/2/2021
46 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/3/2021
Total 80 10
Koen Davis 32 6 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/2/2021
Richard Jones Jr 32 0 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/2/2021
Julian Robinson 38 6 Premier Baseball - Coble 10/2/2021
Kaiden Shelton 45 9 21 BASEBALL ACADEMY 10/3/2021
43 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Watkin 10/3/2021
Total 88 15