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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Tampa Gold
Serico Allen 0 0 Elite Squad 3/6/2022
Lucas Dominie 86 21 Elite Squad 3/6/2022
Kaine Ellis 62 10 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
Jack Fults 92 20 METS GUAYNABO 2025 PR 3/5/2022
Tanner Henrickson 19 3 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/5/2022
28 4 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
Total 47 7
Taryn Henrickson 6 3 METS GUAYNABO 2025 PR 3/5/2022
5 3 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/5/2022
Total 11 6
70 12 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/6/2022
Total 81 18
Grant Timmons 92 18 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/5/2022
Nicholas Walters 36 9 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/5/2022
41 7 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/6/2022
Total 77 16
Lucas Zarlenga 21 3 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u
35 Bodie Benortham 66 12 FTB SELECT 3/5/2022
22 Chase Bleistein 23 1 Gatorball 14u 3/5/2022
34 Jordan Campos 44 8 Southern Squeeze 2026 Black 3/6/2022
23 Daniel Duno 61 9 Gatorball 14u 3/5/2022
0 0 FTB SELECT 3/5/2022
Total 61 9
27 Presley Padilla 20 3 Southern Squeeze 2026 Black 3/6/2022
3 Cole Ranchel 3 1 Southern Squeeze 2026 Black 3/6/2022
0 Roger Silva 21 2 Gatorball 14u 3/5/2022
4 Ryan Simmons 7 3 FTB SELECT 3/5/2022
Canes Florida 14U
27 Ethan Cottom 48 9 Ftb Rockets 2026 3/4/2022
4 John Max Engstrom 45 12 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/6/2022
11 Preston Frisch 49 9 VSA Lions 3/5/2022
2 Phillip Jones 50 12 Ftb Rockets 2026 3/4/2022
16 Christopher Wall 70 12 VSA Lions 3/5/2022
30 Jayden Wise 47 8 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/6/2022
Cbu National 2026
Brady Bushnell 96 20 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/5/2022
Christopher Cassino 2 1 Elite Squad 3/5/2022
Quinn Connors 35 7 Southern Squeeze 2026 Black 3/4/2022
Matthew Corn 48 9 Elite Squad 3/5/2022
Isaiah Fernandez 53 11 Southern Squeeze 2026 Black 3/4/2022
Connor Sloane 74 8 Elite Squad 3/5/2022
4 1 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/5/2022
Total 78 9
CBU Tampa 2026 United
30 Robertson Dipietro 53 9 Hard Ninety Baseball Club 14u 3/6/2022
999 Samuel Hyman 95 19 Scorpions 14U 3/5/2022
6 Carter Kindberg 32 6 Shockers 3/5/2022
13 Danny Melendez 47 6 Hard Ninety Baseball Club 14u 3/6/2022
1 Max Parisi 10 2 Scorpions 14U 3/5/2022
7 Chase Petker 37 6 Hard Ninety Baseball Club 14u 3/6/2022
4 Jake Taylor 94 15 Shockers 3/5/2022
Cbu United 2026 Red
Aiden Cameron 48 9 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/4/2022
64 8 Team Orlando 14u 3/6/2022
Total 112 17
Joshua Cespedes 92 19 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
3 1 Team Orlando 14u 3/6/2022
Total 95 20
Jasper Davis 88 18 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/5/2022
Jonathan Esponda 9 2 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
Brandon Lorenzo 17 3 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/4/2022
23 4 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/5/2022
Total 40 7
Mason McGeehan 56 9 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/5/2022
Brandon Pfeiffer 59 11 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/5/2022
Reggie Rodriguez 24 3 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/4/2022
77 12 Team Orlando 14u 3/6/2022
Total 101 15
Gabriel Rozenfeld 0 0 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/5/2022
Everett Suazo 30 6 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/4/2022
60 12 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/6/2022
Total 90 18
Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler
21 Brodie Bouley 56 6 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/5/2022
54 Everson Jackson 74 12 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/4/2022
27 Mark Lindsey 73 15 Ostingers Baseball 2026 Jones 3/6/2022
13 Ayden McDonald 47 6 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/4/2022
26 Gonzalo Ros 5 3 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/4/2022
72 Jackson Salisbury 34 6 Ostingers Baseball 2026 Jones 3/6/2022
15 Kaden Samuels 68 6 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/5/2022
Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler
5 Carter Capen 13 1 METS GUAYNABO 2025 PR 3/4/2022
25 Noah Grubbs 96 18 METS GUAYNABO 2025 PR 3/4/2022
22 Derek Huston 29 2 METS GUAYNABO 2025 PR 3/4/2022
45 6 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/6/2022
Total 74 8
20 Kyle Lindstrom 63 6 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/6/2022
17 Xavier Rodriguez 39 6 FTB 2026 3/5/2022
Gavin Shepley 43 9 FTB 2026 3/5/2022
21 Landon Stinnett 26 6 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/6/2022
Dirtbags Florida
95 Gus Doskey 62 6 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/6/2022
1 Michael Fredel 45 8 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/5/2022
6 3 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/6/2022
Total 51 11
9 Jackson Malham 59 5 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/5/2022
44 John "Sito" Olea 32 5 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/4/2022
40 5 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/6/2022
Total 72 10
41 Sven Ostrander 96 10 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/4/2022
Elite Squad
0 Braden Aguila 12 1 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/4/2022
75 14 Cbu National 2026 3/5/2022
Total 87 15
6 Santiago Arismendi 80 15 Southern Squeeze 14u 3/5/2022
2 Adrian Bermudez 2 1 Cbu National 2026 3/5/2022
7 2 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
Total 9 3
12 Miguel Delgado 27 2 Cbu National 2026 3/5/2022
5 Thomas Giltner 3 1 Cbu National 2026 3/5/2022
21 Robert Kerns 40 4 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
22 Hayden Robinson 42 4 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/4/2022
14 Joey Shapiro 39 9 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/4/2022
47 14 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
Total 86 23
Elite Squad 14u-PB
11 Joshua Burnston 29 4 Canes Florida 14U 3/6/2022
12 Brady Chandler 62 12 Ostingers Baseball 2026 Jones 3/4/2022
0 Jacob Greenspon 32 6 Inferno Black 3/5/2022
2 Brayden Moore 45 9 Ostingers Baseball 2026 Jones 3/4/2022
0 Logan Reed 42 4 Inferno Black 3/5/2022
27 Christopher Shaw 55 9 Canes Florida 14U 3/6/2022
16 Richard (Tre) Stropp 1 3 Inferno Black 3/5/2022
0 Charlie Stumberger 35 3 Canes Florida 14U 3/6/2022
4 Ethan Trivison 59 9 Inferno Black 3/5/2022
1 Chase Turner 37 4 Canes Florida 14U 3/6/2022
Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u
11 Ethan Barclay 5 1 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/6/2022
31 Julian Batista 84 14 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/6/2022
8 Connor Bly 19 3 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/5/2022
54 8 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/6/2022
Total 73 11
10 Christian Vollstedt 49 7 Scorpions 14U Purple 3/5/2022
6 Drew Weinberg 21 5 Scorpions 14U Purple 3/5/2022
35 6 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/5/2022
Total 56 11
Florida Burn Tampa Platinum
30 Fisher Emery 93 14 Dirtbags Florida 3/5/2022
6 Brett Garcy 27 2 Dirtbags Florida 3/5/2022
13 Corbin Godoy 17 1 Dirtbags Florida 3/5/2022
8 Mitch Jans 64 12 FTB SELECT 3/6/2022
35 Brennan Lavina 14 3 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/5/2022
1 3 Dirtbags Florida 3/5/2022
Total 15 6
3 Cooper Notz 94 14 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/5/2022
Florida Sluggers 14u
6 Tyler Arafet 14 1 Dirtbags Florida 3/4/2022
7 Angel Berrios 69 15 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/5/2022
16 Kingston Ebanks 46 3 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
Bryce Niebrugge 21 6 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/5/2022
39 6 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
Total 60 12
42 Ryon Smith 63 14 Inferno Black 3/5/2022
17 Mick Streibig 0 0 Dirtbags Florida 3/4/2022
6 1 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
Total 6 1
10 Jose Taveras 41 5 Dirtbags Florida 3/4/2022
23 Nick Wolsonovich 62 7 Dirtbags Florida 3/4/2022
FTB 2026
1 Kaden Aguiar 12 2 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/5/2022
39 5 Scorpions 14U Purple 3/6/2022
Total 51 7
22 JV Brennick 63 9 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/5/2022
42 Jaxson Farchione 65 9 METS GUAYNABO 2025 PR 3/5/2022
31 David Ruiz Jr 34 4 METS GUAYNABO 2025 PR 3/5/2022
12 3 Scorpions 14U Purple 3/6/2022
Total 46 7
17 Evan Scallon 62 7 Scorpions 14U Purple 3/6/2022
23 Maxwell Stockton 40 4 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/5/2022
Ftb Rawlings 14u
3 Jonathan Bryant 19 1 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/5/2022
4 Griffin Donay 27 2 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/5/2022
0 0 Dirtbags Florida 3/6/2022
Total 27 2
25 Alex Fraietta 32 3 Scorpions 14U Purple 3/5/2022
32 6 Dirtbags Florida 3/6/2022
Total 64 9
11 Payton Jennings 66 15 Scorpions 14U Purple 3/5/2022
27 Talan Miranda 55 6 Dirtbags Florida 3/6/2022
13 Rowland Ruiz 20 3 Dirtbags Florida 3/6/2022
12 Christian Skaggs 51 5 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/5/2022
Ftb Rockets 2026
11 Andrew Abad 33 5 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
99 Tyler Atkins 74 12 Canes Florida 14U 3/4/2022
5 Dominick Grimaldi 44 10 VSA Lions 3/5/2022
44 Tyler Johnson 71 11 VSA Lions 3/5/2022
4 Miguel Marrero 71 12 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
10 Thomas Murray 41 8 Canes Florida 14U 3/4/2022
21 Domenic Pecoraro 19 3 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
17 Alistor Poyner 30 2 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
Grady Davis 32 5 Gatorball 14u 3/4/2022
Gavin Joslin 32 3 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/6/2022
Peyton Neeley 61 8 Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u 3/5/2022
11 Bryson Nicol 1 0 Gatorball 14u 3/4/2022
Robbie Philson 1 3 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/6/2022
13 Carlos Santos 29 3 Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u 3/5/2022
Harrison Smith 35 6 Gatorball 14u 3/4/2022
24 2 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/6/2022
Total 59 8
Gavin Stanton 55 3 Florida Burn Tampa Platinum 3/6/2022
Will Vaughn 51 4 Gatorball 14u 3/4/2022
Gatorball 14u
8 Antoine Deleyrolle 17 3 FTB SELECT 3/4/2022
12 Trace Johnson 72 15 Team Orlando 14u 3/6/2022
13 Aidan Kastensmidt 24 6 Team Orlando 14u 3/6/2022
17 Tyson Knox 46 6 Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u 3/5/2022
9 Cohen Lafler 34 9 FTB SELECT 3/4/2022
34 Chace Vaughn 18 3 FTB SELECT 3/4/2022
11 Dion Wilburn 38 9 Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u 3/5/2022
Hard Ninety Baseball Club 14u
23 Amare Campbell 55 9 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
34 Tate Conner 20 2 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/6/2022
12 Jamie Crosier 37 2 Hit Factory Pro 2026 3/5/2022
16 3 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
Total 53 5
2 Tommy Hayes 48 9 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
44 12 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/6/2022
Total 92 21
22 Jacob McKinnon 22 4 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/6/2022
42 Matthew Oehmke 77 9 Hit Factory Pro 2026 3/5/2022
Hit Factory Diamonds
7 Jeffrey Alex Abreu 26 2 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
4 Marcelo Diaz 97 21 Shockers 3/5/2022
24 Aristotle Housel 0 0 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
71 (Jeremy) Aydan Popielarcheck 45 8 Elite Squad 3/4/2022
56 13 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/6/2022
Total 101 21
6 Johnny Rodriguez 7 1 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/6/2022
58 11 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
Total 65 12
23 Kj Sampson 76 8 Elite Squad 3/4/2022
25 4 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
Total 101 12
0 Xamuel Travis 30 8 Southern Squeeze 14u 3/5/2022
30 3 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/6/2022
Total 60 11
41 6 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/6/2022
Total 101 17
18 Nathan Vig 83 12 Southern Squeeze 14u 3/5/2022
Hit Factory Pro 2026
23 Cole Bitman 43 6 Southern Squeeze 14u 3/6/2022
19 Ben Burke 43 9 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
44 Eric Knowles 41 6 Southern Squeeze 14u 3/6/2022
13 Cannon Murtagh 24 2 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
19 Aiden Nguyen 26 6 Hard Ninety Baseball Club 14u 3/5/2022
34 Sebastian Prieto 38 6 Hard Ninety Baseball Club 14u 3/5/2022
42 Brian Schultz 48 2 Southern Squeeze 14u 3/6/2022
Christian Serralles 39 9 Team Orlando 14u 3/5/2022
Inferno Black
1 Quentin Berry 38 5 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/5/2022
9 Jayden Cotton 70 15 Ostingers Baseball 2026 Jones 3/5/2022
2 Sam Figueroa 33 5 Ostingers Baseball 2026 Jones 3/5/2022
10 3 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/5/2022
Total 43 8
42 Chris Kable 49 9 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/5/2022
50 Jathan Leary 20 1 Florida Sluggers 14u 3/5/2022
34 Bryce Mauger 84 17 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/5/2022
Kangaroo Court Roos 14U
19 Jack Ahmann 43 4 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/6/2022
13 Drew Gerber 64 13 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/6/2022
52 Jack Maher 74 15 Cbu National 2026 3/5/2022
10 Eli Millian 13 3 Cbu National 2026 3/5/2022
57 10 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/5/2022
Total 70 13
6 Cooper Riley 68 21 Southern Squeeze 2026 Black 3/5/2022
22 Demetri Tsesmelis 41 8 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/5/2022
57 Davis Yambor 26 3 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/5/2022
Khenluis Lopez 48 6 FTB 2026 3/5/2022
Geraniel J. Nieves Fontanez 19 3 FTB 2026 3/5/2022
76 13 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/5/2022
Total 95 16
Gabriel Normandia 40 9 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/4/2022
Santiago Ortiz 44 6 FTB 2026 3/5/2022
Jabdiel Pagan 16 3 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/4/2022
4 1 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/5/2022
Total 20 4
Manuel Rodriguez Bracero 35 6 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/4/2022
Pablo G. Vargas 69 8 5 Star Tampa Gold 3/5/2022
Angel M Vazquez Molina 25 3 Cfl Pride 14u Red Mahler 3/4/2022
Ostingers Baseball 2026 Jones
23 Nathan Diaz 20 3 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/6/2022
27 Eli Edwards 33 2 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/6/2022
28 Joel Johnson 56 17 Inferno Black 3/5/2022
13 Raymond Llanes 11 0 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/4/2022
21 Luke Long 73 14 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/4/2022
7 William Simmons 4 3 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/4/2022
34 11 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/6/2022
Total 38 14
17 Cooper Topp 19 1 Elite Squad 14u-PB 3/4/2022
37 6 Cfl Pride 14u Blue Mahler 3/6/2022
Total 56 7
Scorpions 14U
51 Marion Clayton 17 4 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/5/2022
41 Mason Draper 25 3 Shockers 3/4/2022
23 6 VSA Lions 3/6/2022
Total 48 9
21 Carson Flis 29 6 VSA Lions 3/6/2022
13 Jez Hamrick 40 11 Shockers 3/4/2022
12 Joseph Kraus 22 4 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/5/2022
Terrance “Tre” Mireles-Roach III 6 0 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/5/2022
32 Alex Orr 40 6 VSA Lions 3/6/2022
20 Liam Purcell 21 1 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/5/2022
8 Elijah Sealey 32 6 Shockers 3/4/2022
Cooper West 46 12 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/5/2022
7 Jeremy Wright 26 3 VSA Lions 3/6/2022
Scorpions 14U Purple
26 Ethan Artman 37 6 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/5/2022
14 Jack Benson 31 6 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/5/2022
34 Gunner Dixon 32 2 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/5/2022
42 9 FTB 2026 3/6/2022
Total 74 11
72 Ethan Farrington 49 8 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/5/2022
18 4 FTB 2026 3/6/2022
Total 67 12
25 James Grimm 27 1 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/5/2022
24 Tavin Healey 6 1 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/5/2022
25 3 Florida Burn Tampa Blast 14u 3/5/2022
Total 31 4
Nicholas Veneziano 52 2 Ftb Rawlings 14u 3/5/2022
11 2 FTB 2026 3/6/2022
Total 63 4
34 Conner Franklin 86 18 Scorpions 14U 3/4/2022
0 Jackson Gill 14 3 Scorpions 14U 3/4/2022
82 17 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/5/2022
Total 96 20
22 Ismael Rodriguez 55 9 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/5/2022
22 4 CBU Tampa 2026 United 3/5/2022
Total 77 13
4 Nick Schwartz 61 12 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/5/2022
Southern Squeeze 14u
5 Juan Araujo 62 12 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/5/2022
7 Jayden Benfer 50 9 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/5/2022
18 Sean Elliott 95 18 Hit Factory Pro 2026 3/6/2022
6 Jonathan Kacinas 26 3 Elite Squad 3/5/2022
14 Luke Ramsey 63 8 Elite Squad 3/5/2022
15 Andres Segura 9 0 Hit Factory Diamonds 3/5/2022
Southern Squeeze 2026 Black
21 Cade Campbell 10 3 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/5/2022
47 7 Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u 3/6/2022
Total 57 10
31 Aidan Craver 59 9 Cbu National 2026 3/4/2022
21 Julian Crespo 43 4 Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u 3/6/2022
5 Aidan Edwards 57 8 Cbu National 2026 3/4/2022
8 Deniel Serrano 1 3 Alfonzo Baseball Academy Gold 14u 3/6/2022
44 Nicholas Smith 7 1 Cbu National 2026 3/4/2022
55 Rhys Woodrow 85 15 Kangaroo Court Roos 14U 3/5/2022
Team Orlando 14u
28 Nolan Borgia 83 16 Gatorball 14u 3/6/2022
5 Blake Brewer 20 3 Hit Factory Pro 2026 3/5/2022
29 4 Gatorball 14u 3/6/2022
Total 49 7
10 Maddux Bultema 14 3 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
2 Justus Mike 65 22 Hard Ninety Baseball Club 14u 3/5/2022
9 Ethan Pate 81 15 Cbu United 2026 Red 3/6/2022
35 Trenton Ramsey 86 7 Ftb Rockets 2026 3/5/2022
3 Ethan Rathmann 86 17 Ftb Rockets 2026 3/5/2022
11 James Schermerhorn 88 17 Hit Factory Pro 2026 3/5/2022
VSA Lions
13 Collin Hatfield 57 11 Scorpions 14U 3/6/2022
5 Alex Livshin 65 13 Ftb Rockets 2026 3/5/2022
23 Max McDougall 52 10 Scorpions 14U 3/6/2022
19 Diego Rojas 80 14 Canes Florida 14U 3/5/2022
11 Nathan Walters 23 6 Ftb Rockets 2026 3/5/2022
30 5 Canes Florida 14U 3/5/2022
Total 53 11