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The entrance for the Clover Park Complex (Mets) is located down the first base side of the stadium.

Reminder: NO METAL CLEATS  OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS allowed on Mets Turf or in the Batting Cages
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
15 Jose Alvarado 51 6 Parkland Pokers 5/21/2022
99 Sebastian Aude 48 6 Bpb Hard 90 5/22/2022
20 Ethan Figueroa 14 3 Dirtbags Florida 5/21/2022
23 3 Bpb Hard 90 5/22/2022
Total 37 6
12 Jefte Fuentes 57 5 Parkland Pokers 5/21/2022
2 Eliam Hernandez 30 3 Parkland Pokers 5/21/2022
16 Fabian Rivas 19 3 Bpb Hard 90 5/22/2022
13 Fabrizio Sangronis 33 9 Dirtbags Florida 5/21/2022
Bpb Hard 90
6 Benji Cohen 69 8 Florida Panthers 5/21/2022
0 0 Bat 5/22/2022
Total 69 8
2 Brayden Farrell 29 2 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/20/2022
99 Travis Hogan 47 6 Bat 5/22/2022
23 Thor Hwasta 34 4 Bat 5/22/2022
8 Ryan Karbalaieasghar 24 4 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/20/2022
14 Luis Morales 17 6 Florida Panthers 5/21/2022
17 Justin Palermo 30 4 Bat 5/22/2022
9 Jonathan Shelton 7 0 Bat 5/22/2022
12 Jack Strochak 71 6 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/20/2022
3 1 Bat 5/22/2022
Total 74 7
Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports
22 Blake Bagwell 23 5 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
17 Matthew Berger 29 1 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/21/2022
63 7 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
Total 92 8
10 Brody Gargiulo 64 20 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/21/2022
42 Aidan Jacobs 62 6 Parkland Pokers 5/22/2022
32 5 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
Total 94 11
11 Max McCawley 104 17 Scorpions 13u 5/22/2022
23 Brycen Plante 75 14 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/21/2022
20 Caleb Smith 90 12 Parkland Pokers 5/22/2022
32 Jonah Smith 6 2 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/21/2022
43 4 Scorpions 13u 5/22/2022
Total 49 6
Canes Florida -Vero Beach
28 Layton Chandler 81 15 Florida Panthers 5/22/2022
27 Hayden Cudney 50 9 Central Florida Hooks 5/20/2022
18 Peyton Landers 54 5 Central Florida Hooks 5/20/2022
12 1 Florida Panthers 5/22/2022
Total 66 6
49 Jarrett Myers 76 18 Okeeheelee Tide 5/21/2022
8 Bodie Seaman 10 0 Florida Panthers 5/22/2022
44 Jordan Tomas 44 4 Central Florida Hooks 5/20/2022
6 2 Florida Panthers 5/22/2022
Total 50 6
Central Florida Hooks
23 Jett Dewitt 38 5 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/20/2022
10 Gabriel Ford 19 3 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
71 William Handley 12 3 Okeeheelee Tide 5/21/2022
40 5 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
Total 52 8
39 Trey Holman 56 5 Okeeheelee Tide 5/21/2022
3 Zachary Huret 50 9 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
12 Maddox Pollitt 7 1 Okeeheelee Tide 5/21/2022
0 Mekhi Taylor 55 9 Okeeheelee Tide 5/21/2022
2 Dawsyn West 74 12 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/20/2022
Dirtbags Florida
9 Jack Feuer 10 2 Bat 5/21/2022
13 Trent Fronrath 57 8 Bat 5/21/2022
17 Briggs Harris 48 1 Bat 5/21/2022
Kyle Hutson 56 6 Parkland Pokers 5/21/2022
Lawton Johnson 15 1 Parkland Pokers 5/21/2022
40 John Kenny 13 2 Hollywood Heat Orange 13u 5/22/2022
99 Reilley Moore 0 0 Bat 5/21/2022
2 Nate Swank 83 12 Hollywood Heat Orange 13u 5/22/2022
30 Joseph Sykes 35 3 Parkland Pokers 5/21/2022
Fca Treasure Coast 13u
19 Calvin Bledsoe 24 3 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/22/2022
23 Rylan Efron 23 6 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/21/2022
29 6 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/21/2022
Total 52 12
18 Caleb Holland 50 2 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/22/2022
17 Jayden Indiviglia 55 9 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/21/2022
15 Seth Osborn 0 0 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/21/2022
77 15 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/21/2022
Total 77 15
10 Will Wintercorn 59 6 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/21/2022
22 Luke Wonders 20 1 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/22/2022
Florida Panthers
4 Logan Cucchi 34 4 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/21/2022
12 Landon Del Tufo 42 5 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/22/2022
5 Hunter Johnston 5 3 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/22/2022
21 Jackson Kravetz 20 5 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/21/2022
13 Brycen Payne 18 4 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/22/2022
50 Jaxon Pomar 27 1 Bpb Hard 90 5/21/2022
25 Braydon Schlitt 45 8 Bpb Hard 90 5/21/2022
6 Hudson Schlitt 53 9 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/21/2022
2 Jack Smythe 41 6 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/22/2022
Ftb Prime
6 Anthony Bieber 59 5 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/21/2022
44 Logan Buchanan 28 3 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022
32 Braden Burke 38 7 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/21/2022
15 2 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/22/2022
Total 53 9
18 Ethan Earley 44 9 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/22/2022
16 Tanner Kenny 31 6 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022
23 Calin Schneider 35 5 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022
27 Colten Stephens 21 3 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/21/2022
1 Max Wilkerson 16 1 Scorpions 13u Purple 5/22/2022
Hollywood Heat Orange 13u
63 Josh Andel 57 9 Parkland Pokers White 5/21/2022
10 Matthew Butter 55 8 Parkland Pokers White 5/21/2022
3 Jonathan Castillo 41 6 Scorpions 13u 5/21/2022
23 Adriano Diaz 21 0 Dirtbags Florida 5/22/2022
24 Vincent Diaz 23 1 Scorpions 13u 5/21/2022
48 Sebastian Duran 6 1 Dirtbags Florida 5/22/2022
27 Kenneth Miceli 62 11 Scorpions 13u 5/21/2022
20 Miguel Roa 43 9 Dirtbags Florida 5/22/2022
9 Alecsio Torrente 25 5 Dirtbags Florida 5/22/2022
Kangaroo Court Roos National
7 Camden Boehm 41 6 Ftb Prime 5/21/2022
60 13 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
Total 101 19
2 Carson Cocco 13 5 Ftb Prime 5/21/2022
27 Jacob Henderson 46 7 Ftb Prime 5/21/2022
47 8 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
Total 93 15
3 Jd James 86 15 Central Florida Hooks 5/22/2022
Christain Kain 55 8 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/21/2022
5 Samir Mohammed 10 3 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/21/2022
51 11 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/22/2022
Total 61 14
Ben Todd 30 6 Central Florida Hooks 5/22/2022
99 Cole Vogel 23 7 TBT Ballers 13U Boca 5/21/2022
60 9 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/22/2022
Total 83 16
Okeeheelee Tide
44 Kevin Blas 17 3 Central Florida Hooks 5/21/2022
32 Kane Decker 20 2 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/22/2022
21 Gabrian Diaz 52 9 Central Florida Hooks 5/21/2022
42 Victor Garcia 67 8 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/22/2022
6 Tanner Gilman 38 9 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/21/2022
16 Camden McFadden 32 3 Central Florida Hooks 5/21/2022
0 Caleb Soto 32 6 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/21/2022
9 3 Central Florida Hooks 5/21/2022
Total 41 9
11 Carlo Vazquez 25 6 Canes Florida -Vero Beach 5/21/2022
35 2 Phipps Park Bulldawgs 5/22/2022
Total 60 8
Parkland Pokers
3 Gavin Andreu 12 3 Dirtbags Florida 5/21/2022
18 3 Parkland Pokers White 5/22/2022
Total 30 6
25 Blayden Caballero 9 3 Bat 5/21/2022
27 Reid Dadic 12 3 Dirtbags Florida 5/21/2022
1 Nicholas Fernandez 61 9 Parkland Pokers White 5/22/2022
8 Ryan Guthrie 25 6 Bat 5/21/2022
9 Marcus Hall 10 3 Bat 5/21/2022
7 Jorge Kau 17 3 Bat 5/21/2022
67 13 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
Total 84 16
26 Victor Norori 30 3 Dirtbags Florida 5/21/2022
42 5 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
Total 72 8
51 Maximilian Pliske 15 3 Dirtbags Florida 5/21/2022
0 0 Bat 5/21/2022
Total 15 3
13 Cade Raley 16 1 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
Parkland Pokers White
12 Jaxson Cirella 45 9 Scorpions 13u 5/21/2022
88 Wyatt Cox 75 8 Parkland Pokers 5/22/2022
23 Aliet Garcia 56 12 Hollywood Heat Orange 13u 5/21/2022
2 Connor Gillanders 52 10 Scorpions 13u 5/21/2022
16 Nathan Kaplan 25 2 Parkland Pokers 5/22/2022
99 Noah Mendez 64 9 Hollywood Heat Orange 13u 5/21/2022
Phipps Park Bulldawgs
23 Preston Applebaum 0 0 Bpb Hard 90 5/20/2022
43 6 Florida Panthers 5/21/2022
Total 43 6
5 Chase Crawford 11 3 Bpb Hard 90 5/20/2022
3 Dominic Luchina 31 6 Florida Panthers 5/21/2022
7 Kamai Purce 32 6 Bpb Hard 90 5/20/2022
43 7 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
Total 75 13
42 Joaquin Urrutia 25 6 Bpb Hard 90 5/20/2022
77 13 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/22/2022
Total 102 19
4 Peyton Warner 77 15 Okeeheelee Tide 5/22/2022
27 Logan Wilson 41 6 Florida Panthers 5/21/2022
Scorpions 13u
27 Michael Bradley 14 2 Hollywood Heat Orange 13u 5/21/2022
28 Alexander Climo 42 7 Parkland Pokers White 5/21/2022
23 2 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
Total 65 9
9 Morgan Corder 59 11 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
88 Nathan Rhodes 16 0 Hollywood Heat Orange 13u 5/21/2022
26 4 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/22/2022
Total 42 4
26 Cole Udell 82 14 Parkland Pokers White 5/21/2022
3 Hunter Wieckowski 80 15 Hollywood Heat Orange 13u 5/21/2022
Scorpions 13u Purple
1 Charles Bello 37 5 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/21/2022
17 Justin Cronin 21 4 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/21/2022
41 9 Ftb Prime 5/22/2022
Total 62 13
7 Rhys Dellinger 24 2 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/21/2022
39 Alton Hughes 47 7 Broward Blizzard - Alpha Prime Sports 5/21/2022
2 Jayden Lombardi 36 2 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/21/2022
17 6 Ftb Prime 5/22/2022
Total 53 8
33 Alec Ochipinti 46 5 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/21/2022
34 Riley Williams 38 9 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/21/2022
TBT Ballers 13U Boca
28 Phillip Barris 17 3 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/22/2022
Jaxsen Bistyga 24 3 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022
10 Luca Erazo 7 2 Ftb Prime 5/21/2022
20 0 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/22/2022
Total 27 2
2 Sergio Garcia 2 1 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022
32 6 Fca Treasure Coast 13u 5/22/2022
Total 34 7
18 Andrew Kaizen 38 5 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022
24 Koleman Ragan 33 5 Ftb Prime 5/21/2022
19 Tyson Robles 24 4 Ftb Prime 5/21/2022
27 Julian Romero 33 3 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022
34 Ethan Rosario 34 3 Ftb Prime 5/21/2022
42 Anthony Vargas 37 4 Kangaroo Court Roos National 5/21/2022