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We are accepting online payments ONLY. Cash and check payments will no longer be accepted. In order to pay with ACH (Bank Account), you must submit payment at LEAST two weeks prior to the start of the event. If you submit payment less than two weeks from the event, you have to pay by Credit Card and will be charged the 3.5% technology fee.

Game Times 
8u - 1:30 no new inning after 1:30

9-12u - 1:45 no new after 1:45

13/14u - 1:50 no new after 1:50 Friday and Saturday

13/14u - 2:00 no new after 2:00 Sunday ONLY
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Cali National Baseball Academy - Pac
Aaron Duran 20 6 Courtiers 5/1/2022
27 Xavier Guerrero 34 6 Islanders 4/30/2022
0 Chance Martin 20 3 Islanders 4/30/2022
22 Ian Patterson 55 11 Courtiers 5/1/2022
2 Logan Peña 87 17 Zt Prospects 4/30/2022
Siale Tulua 1 3 Zt Prospects 4/30/2022
Sione Tulua 39 5 Islanders 4/30/2022
California Baseball Gold
4 Caleb Lozano 46 4 Gbg San Diego 4/30/2022
17 4 Zt Prospects 5/1/2022
Total 63 8
11 Eli Martinez 40 9 HEAT 4/30/2022
48 8 Zt Prospects 5/1/2022
Total 88 17
22 Jesse Mendoza 59 9 HEAT 4/30/2022
0 Ryan Samuel 15 3 Gbg San Diego 4/30/2022
8 Vincent Tang 27 6 Gbg San Diego 4/30/2022
24 Chris Woodson 28 5 Gbg San Diego 4/30/2022
35 7 Zt Prospects 5/1/2022
Total 63 12
Canes SoCal 12U
0 Logan Arnold 24 0 Sn Tribe 12u Select 4/30/2022
4 0 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
Total 28 0
3 Nathan Cash 26 6 Sn Tribe 12u Select 4/30/2022
3 Carson Cato 34 6 GBG South Bay 5/1/2022
Tucker Christman 80 17 ZT Elite Prospects 12U Shaw 5/1/2022
23 Noah Irwin 38 8 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
22 Deegan Martinez 34 9 Sn Tribe 12u Select 4/30/2022
31 Sam Pink 42 7 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
2 Blake Wilson 55 9 GBG South Bay 5/1/2022
Cba Marlins -South Valley
22 Hunter Arebalo 46 5 Cory Lidle National 4/30/2022
32 Gabriel Gutierrez 52 9 The Nine 5/1/2022
27 Michael Magallanes 54 11 Canes SoCal 12U 4/30/2022
21 Jose Daniel “Jd” Moreno 21 5 Cory Lidle National 4/30/2022
28 Gilberto Ortiz 16 3 Cory Lidle National 4/30/2022
32 Andrew Plyman 34 6 The Nine 5/1/2022
24 Cortez Portillo 18 2 The Nine 5/1/2022
8 Jackson Todd 33 3 Canes SoCal 12U 4/30/2022
Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo
34 Wyatt Dahl 30 6 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 4/30/2022
2 Jrue Hurd 48 9 Courtiers 4/30/2022
24 Jayden Kim 73 11 Islanders 5/1/2022
7 Alonso Moreno 25 3 Islanders 5/1/2022
0 Easton Sarmiento 38 6 Courtiers 4/30/2022
14 Jared Wimberly 35 9 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 4/30/2022
Cory Lidle National
36 Josiah Galvan 36 9 The Nine 4/30/2022
31 Sebastian Garcia-Jara 17 6 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
33 Izayah Najera 6 1 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
19 4 Prime X 5/1/2022
Total 25 5
Adam Ornelas 0 0 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
32 Nathan Reyes 28 1 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
40 Cole San Antonio 34 9 Cba Marlins -South Valley 4/30/2022
34 Daniel Wilson 82 13 Prime X 5/1/2022
10 Cesar Castro 36 6 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 4/30/2022
14 Osvaldo De La Cruz 18 2 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 4/30/2022
64 12 Zt Prospects 5/1/2022
Total 82 14
7 1 Cali National Baseball Academy - Pac 5/1/2022
Total 89 15
17 Darwin Khor 33 3 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 4/30/2022
66 Omar Martinez 22 6 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 4/30/2022
41 6 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 4/30/2022
Total 63 12
31 Aiden Mirabal 60 17 Cali National Baseball Academy - Pac 5/1/2022
23 Jakob Morales 51 7 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 4/30/2022
48 6 Zt Prospects 5/1/2022
Total 99 13
Cv Canes
22 Bennett Borboa 47 2 Prime X 4/30/2022
16 2 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
Total 63 4
23 2 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
Total 86 6
25 Thomas Devany 26 6 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
73 11 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
Total 99 17
41 Ethan Gonzalez 37 7 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
30 3 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
Total 67 10
14 Jake Guerra 30 4 Prime X 4/30/2022
11 Jordan Hernandez 9 0 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
14 0 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
Total 23 0
47 Arthur Kandarian 17 3 Prime X 4/30/2022
6 1 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
Total 23 4
13 Max Ramirez 14 3 Prime X 4/30/2022
8 Nathan White 33 6 Prime X 4/30/2022
Gbg San Diego
24 Miles Filamor 59 9 Scottsdale Dirtbags 5/1/2022
19 Nico Gomez 72 12 HEAT 4/30/2022
48 Joshua Johnson 83 18 California Baseball Gold 4/30/2022
35 Trevor Marcial 12 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 5/1/2022
GBG South Bay
12 Davis Adams 11 3 Canes SoCal 12U 5/1/2022
10 Connor Collins 10 1 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
6 James Durant 54 11 ZT Elite Prospects 12U Shaw 4/30/2022
5 Macin Garciaparra 63 18 Zt Prospects 5/1/2022
1 David Holliday 35 6 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
24 Jackson Jun 20 1 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
99 Austin Junk 0 0 Canes SoCal 12U 5/1/2022
15 Blake Martin 22 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
27 Nick Pangaro 67 12 Canes SoCal 12U 5/1/2022
66 Joaquin Ponce 14 1 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
23 3 Canes SoCal 12U 5/1/2022
Total 37 4
17 Yitzy Blauner 25 2 California Baseball Gold 4/30/2022
6 1 The Nine 5/1/2022
Total 31 3
21 Sean Brennan 15 1 Gbg San Diego 4/30/2022
35 5 The Nine 5/1/2022
Total 50 6
26 Connor Cox 13 3 Gbg San Diego 4/30/2022
0 Jordan "Bam Bam" Lindsay 15 1 California Baseball Gold 4/30/2022
99 ONeill Monahan 55 5 Gbg San Diego 4/30/2022
27 Isaac Silva 22 3 California Baseball Gold 4/30/2022
53 12 The Nine 5/1/2022
Total 75 15
10 Diego Wunderly 57 11 California Baseball Gold 4/30/2022
32 Hayden Ajimine-Dela Cruz 69 15 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 5/1/2022
21 Eriz Kamau Passi 13 3 Zt Prospects 4/30/2022
4 Jayden Perry-Waikiki 37 9 Zt Prospects 4/30/2022
60 12 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
Total 97 21
8 Tyson "Iona" Uyehara 48 9 Cali National Baseball Academy - Pac 4/30/2022
13 3 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
Total 61 12
5 Raecen Velez 37 6 Zt Prospects 4/30/2022
33 SKYLAR VINSON 15 3 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 5/1/2022
7 Kai Watanabe 46 9 Cali National Baseball Academy - Pac 4/30/2022
Leather & Lumber Baseball
8 Carter Canada 35 2 Prime X 4/30/2022
28 Mayan De Nava 29 2 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
4 2 Long Beach 6th Tool 5/1/2022
Total 33 4
6 Andrew Levy 21 4 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
67 13 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
Total 88 17
24 Cole Martin 21 2 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
9 Damian Martinez 4 0 Prime X 4/30/2022
10 Jameson Pierce 18 4 Prime X 4/30/2022
18 1 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
Total 36 5
1 Owen Savage 18 3 Prime X 4/30/2022
16 Cayden Sawyer 13 3 Prime X 4/30/2022
84 16 Long Beach 6th Tool 5/1/2022
Total 97 19
27 Brayden Vanderhulst 25 1 Rjba Johnson 4/30/2022
Long Beach 6th Tool
35 Brandon Adams 8 2 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
55 Luke Centeno 24 0 ZT Elite Prospects 12U Shaw 4/30/2022
35 4 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
Total 59 4
77 Alex Girard 37 5 ZT Elite Prospects 12U Shaw 4/30/2022
20 3 Leather & Lumber Baseball 5/1/2022
Total 57 8
23 Colin Red Eagle 13 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
33 Shane Skelly 30 6 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
66 7 Leather & Lumber Baseball 5/1/2022
Total 96 13
3 Tanner Taylor 19 9 ZT Elite Prospects 12U Shaw 4/30/2022
32 7 Leather & Lumber Baseball 5/1/2022
Total 51 16
5 Ethan Williams 21 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 4/30/2022
Prime X
50 Anders Baldwin 51 6 Scottsdale Dirtbags 5/1/2022
21 Alden Burnett 78 15 Leather & Lumber Baseball 4/30/2022
3 Jaxson Kirkelis 8 2 Cory Lidle National 5/1/2022
44 6 Scottsdale Dirtbags 5/1/2022
Total 52 8
25 Dylan Lee 85 15 Cory Lidle National 5/1/2022
46 Austin Maiden 2 0 Cv Canes 4/30/2022
9 Cameron Rosenberg 17 3 Scottsdale Dirtbags 5/1/2022
13 Mason Tannous 60 17 Cv Canes 4/30/2022
Rjba Johnson
42 Isaiah Bastardo Rauseo 18 3 Leather & Lumber Baseball 4/30/2022
9 3 Cv Canes 4/30/2022
Total 27 6
73 12 Scottsdale Dirtbags 5/1/2022
Total 100 18
4 Logan Pascarella 21 5 Cv Canes 4/30/2022
39 5 Scottsdale Dirtbags 5/1/2022
Total 60 10
41 10 Islanders 5/1/2022
Total 101 20
17 Xavier Romero 27 5 Leather & Lumber Baseball 4/30/2022
9 3 Cv Canes 4/30/2022
Total 36 8
53 12 Sn Tribe 12u Select 5/1/2022
Total 89 20
23 Ethan Torres 53 7 Cv Canes 4/30/2022
47 7 Islanders 5/1/2022
Total 100 14
Scottsdale Dirtbags
6 Sammy Garcia 22 4 Long Beach 6th Tool 4/30/2022
22 Jeremiah Hall 21 3 GBG South Bay 4/30/2022
4 1 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
Total 25 4
14 Ben Jacobus 17 0 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
16 Ethan LeBreton 45 8 GBG South Bay 4/30/2022
53 12 Gbg San Diego 5/1/2022
Total 98 20
24 Erik Lopez 20 1 GBG South Bay 4/30/2022
70 15 Prime X 5/1/2022
Total 90 16
1 Lennex Minor 5 2 GBG South Bay 4/30/2022
86 16 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
Total 91 18
44 Easton Morgan 54 8 Long Beach 6th Tool 4/30/2022
66 Kingston Sinner 26 6 Long Beach 6th Tool 4/30/2022
Sn Tribe 12u Select
0 Parker Janssen 64 9 Canes SoCal 12U 4/30/2022
Kane Krabbe 4 2 The Nine 4/30/2022
25 Gabriel McDowell 8 3 The Nine 4/30/2022
58 9 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
Total 66 12
5 Ryder Metz 38 5 Canes SoCal 12U 4/30/2022
4 0 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
Total 42 5
28 Wyatt Nakahara 0 0 The Nine 4/30/2022
37 Tyrone Roberson Jr 13 3 The Nine 4/30/2022
7 Austin Rodriguez 40 2 Rjba Johnson 5/1/2022
16 Alex Savov 33 9 The Nine 4/30/2022
Taylen Travis 0 0 The Nine 4/30/2022
The Nine
28 Nolan Andrews 50 12 Cba Marlins -South Valley 5/1/2022
35 Sean Burke 0 0 Sn Tribe 12u Select 4/30/2022
22 Jaxon Climer 69 15 Zeller Baseball -Zeller 5/1/2022
25 Ty Glaus 40 3 Cory Lidle National 4/30/2022
11 Charles Lasher 52 6 Cory Lidle National 4/30/2022
18 Creek Nettekoven 64 10 Sn Tribe 12u Select 4/30/2022
23 Michael Park 68 14 HEAT 5/1/2022
99 Carter Rose 31 6 Cba Marlins -South Valley 5/1/2022
6 Ryder Sturgeon 25 3 Sn Tribe 12u Select 4/30/2022
19 4 HEAT 5/1/2022
Total 44 7
Zeller Baseball -Zeller
22 Phillip An 20 3 Cv Canes 5/1/2022
18 1 The Nine 5/1/2022
Total 38 4
6 Salvador Carrillo 31 9 Courtiers 4/30/2022
69 14 Cv Canes 5/1/2022
Total 100 23
23 Trevor Fortuna 28 3 Courtiers 4/30/2022
23 3 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 4/30/2022
Total 51 6
28 4 Leather & Lumber Baseball 5/1/2022
Total 79 10
5 1 Cv Canes 5/1/2022
Total 84 11
10 Canon Glasband 0 0 Courtiers 4/30/2022
24 Nico Lagunas 21 0 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 4/30/2022
31 2 Courtiers 4/30/2022
Total 52 2
53 12 Leather & Lumber Baseball 5/1/2022
Total 105 14
Josh Lee 14 2 Leather & Lumber Baseball 5/1/2022
40 9 The Nine 5/1/2022
Total 54 11
99 Joshua Lee 10 1 Courtiers 4/30/2022
34 8 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 4/30/2022
Total 44 9
35 Jaydan Sawai 24 3 Chino Hills Thunder 12u Buenconsejo 4/30/2022
2 1 The Nine 5/1/2022
Total 26 4
51 Eric Yamashiro 20 3 The Nine 5/1/2022
ZT Elite Prospects 12U Shaw
16 Patrick Castaneda Jr. 41 7 GBG South Bay 4/30/2022
51 Diego Hernandez 47 7 Long Beach 6th Tool 4/30/2022
27 Stone (Chiu) Ho 54 8 Long Beach 6th Tool 4/30/2022
12 Sebastian Roseli 13 0 GBG South Bay 4/30/2022
3 Patrick Volaski 0 0 GBG South Bay 4/30/2022
23 Semisi Zermeno 80 14 Canes SoCal 12U 5/1/2022
Zt Prospects
19 Jaden Aguilar 18 2 Courtiers 5/1/2022
66 Zach Estrada 50 9 Islanders 4/30/2022
35 5 Courtiers 5/1/2022
Total 85 14
31 Angel Gonzalez 53 6 Cali National Baseball Academy - Pac 4/30/2022
27 Blaze Kahale 49 9 Cali National Baseball Academy - Pac 4/30/2022
47 9 Courtiers 5/1/2022
Total 96 18
24 Elijah Monarrez 29 5 Islanders 4/30/2022
Adam Ornelas 13 3 GBG South Bay 5/1/2022
10 Noah Rodriguez 19 3 Islanders 4/30/2022
66 9 GBG South Bay 5/1/2022
Total 85 12
34 Kale Zarate 101 19 California Baseball Gold 5/1/2022