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The playoff seeding format has been clarified in the event format section below.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
2 Way Athletics 10u
3 Bowen Beach 60 6 Dirtbags TR7 6/10/2023
4 0 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 64 6
5 Colston Frye 65 10 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/9/2023
60 18 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 125 28
10 Grayson George 31 3 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/9/2023
61 12 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 92 15
0 Brentley Miesel 28 3 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/11/2023
7 Easton Perry 12 2 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/9/2023
27 3 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 39 5
Luke Roberson 2 3 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/9/2023
2 Noah Stevens 48 4 Dirtbags TR7 6/10/2023
17 Oliver Teti 56 3 VBA Black 10u 6/10/2023
27 Payton Walker 22 1 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/9/2023
5 2 Dirtbags TR7 6/10/2023
Total 27 3
13 Luke Zbinden 32 3 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/9/2023
5 Star Longhorns 10U Black
44 Braden Cobb 63 8 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/9/2023
3 Mason Drugley 50 8 Klutch 10U Lees 6/10/2023
4 Lloyd Gladmon 9 3 Tbt National White 6/11/2023
54 Levi Harmon 42 6 Texas Saints 10U 6/9/2023
29 Liam Hogan 37 9 Klutch 10U Lees 6/10/2023
0 Dylan Little 26 7 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/12/2023
33 Traison Schram 12 1 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/9/2023
16 Jesse Smith 21 3 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/9/2023
62 5 Tbt National White 6/11/2023
Total 83 8
7 Matthew Stanford 62 9 Texas Saints 10U 6/9/2023
36 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/12/2023
Total 98 14
12 Karsten Williams 47 8 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/10/2023
5 Star National 10u Black
17 Beck Bradley 0 0 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/11/2023
44 Cruz Brannen 40 8 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/12/2023
13 Eli Callison 45 7 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/9/2023
19 4 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/11/2023
Total 64 11
28 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 92 14
17 6 West Cobb Sox 6/13/2023
Total 109 20
8 Bowman Hall 6 3 Rbc-Red 10u 6/10/2023
35 4 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/12/2023
Total 41 7
10 Joel Hussey Jr. 69 15 Rbc-Red 10u 6/10/2023
39 4 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 108 19
24 Keith Legree 65 11 East Cobb Aviators 6/12/2023
23 Ace McDonald 62 12 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/9/2023
63 12 West Cobb Sox 6/13/2023
Total 125 24
5 Keaton McMahan 38 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/10/2023
3 Charles Sheppard 31 3 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/10/2023
63 12 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/11/2023
Total 94 15
22 Rex Wickstrom 56 7 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/9/2023
21 2 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 77 9
643 Dp Cougars 10u
10 Timothy Dippel 5 1 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/9/2023
38 10 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/10/2023
Total 43 11
27 Jonah Dunn 31 6 5 Star National 10u Black 6/9/2023
72 10 Rbc-Red 10u 6/11/2023
Total 103 16
0 Weston Gray 71 12 5 Star National 10u Black 6/9/2023
68 8 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/12/2023
Total 139 20
21 Matthew Johnston 47 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/10/2023
9 Logan Michelson 55 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/9/2023
47 4 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/12/2023
Total 102 10
7 Carson Page 54 8 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/10/2023
6 Parker Pharo 33 5 Rbc-Red 10u 6/11/2023
34 Nolan Stone 41 6 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/10/2023
8 Henry Wetzler 67 8 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/9/2023
643 DP Tigers 10U
44 Luke Barger 47 12 VBA Black 10u 6/11/2023
42 Dallas Barton 53 5 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/9/2023
1 Brayden Brookmire 61 7 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/10/2023
13 Boss Burchett 26 5 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/10/2023
8 2 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/12/2023
Total 34 7
50 Max Hughes 34 1 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/9/2023
39 5 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 73 6
31 Eli Pak 11 1 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/9/2023
31 3 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/9/2023
Total 42 4
42 2 VBA Black 10u 6/11/2023
Total 84 6
22 Carson Prewitt 62 12 Dirtbags TR7 6/10/2023
7 Jackson Roberts 51 9 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/9/2023
70 15 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/12/2023
Total 121 24
25 William Sudderth 18 2 Dirtbags TR7 6/10/2023
4 Harper Swartwood 7 2 VBA Black 10u 6/11/2023
12 Paxton Yowler 11 3 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/9/2023
62 8 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 73 11
Aces Black
101 Connor Copeland 3 0 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/9/2023
0 Lucas Crossley 35 8 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/10/2023
23 5 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/12/2023
Total 58 13
32 Davis Cummins 27 6 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/10/2023
55 Baylor Gazzier 31 5 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/9/2023
5 Mills Hattox 22 1 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/9/2023
39 9 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 61 10
27 Cash Land 20 5 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/9/2023
12 3 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 32 8
3 0 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/12/2023
Total 35 8
12 Brantley Pippin 20 0 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/12/2023
6 Jackson Robinson 28 4 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/9/2023
28 Jordan Sims 32 6 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/10/2023
102 Jaxon Stagner 47 9 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/11/2023
37 Waylon Turner 41 7 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/9/2023
14 3 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/11/2023
Total 55 10
43 5 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/12/2023
Total 98 15
Area Stars 919
22 Mason Cruz 35 9 East Cobb Aviators 6/9/2023
4 Jonathan Dawes 6 2 West Cobb Sox 6/9/2023
57 2 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/11/2023
Total 63 4
28 Josh Keller 61 9 East Cobb Aviators 6/9/2023
39 8 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
Total 100 17
8 Canon Kuklick 62 11 FB Braves 10U Red 6/10/2023
30 Jax McInroy 16 1 FB Braves 10U Red 6/10/2023
24 Alexander Osborne 54 9 West Cobb Sox 6/9/2023
25 3 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
Total 79 12
9 Banks Pritchard 20 1 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
12 Braxton Purdy 13 0 West Cobb Sox 6/9/2023
84 17 Texas Made 6/10/2023
Total 97 17
34 Vance Rowland 45 7 West Cobb Sox 6/9/2023
47 12 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/11/2023
Total 92 19
Area Stars Zach 10U
5 Mason Bitzenhofer 75 17 Tbt National White 6/13/2023
33 Ashton Dail 53 9 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/11/2023
1 Ricardo Flores 56 12 Aces Black 6/9/2023
60 18 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/12/2023
Total 116 30
3 Ashthon Marcano 50 9 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/9/2023
88 Easton Metzelaars 79 13 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/13/2023
7 Liam Parnell 71 15 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/10/2023
4 Alejandro Patrick 61 14 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/13/2023
11 Parker Smith 12 2 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/13/2023
2 1 Tbt National White 6/13/2023
Total 14 3
24 Izaiah Webster 48 11 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/10/2023
2 Landon Williams 71 11 Tn Prime 6/12/2023
Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U
23 Hudson Bott 25 9 Indiana Blaze 6/10/2023
2 Tyce Dechant 46 9 Team Florida Pirates 6/11/2023
11 1 NYO Toros 10U 6/12/2023
Total 57 10
3 Carter Donnell 69 12 Beastmode Black 6/9/2023
30 Jackson Hartzel 50 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/10/2023
26 4 NYO Toros 10U 6/12/2023
Total 76 13
23 Braylon Jones 14 6 Tx Militia 10u 6/9/2023
5 2 Beastmode Black 6/9/2023
Total 19 8
40 7 NYO Toros 10U 6/12/2023
Total 59 15
33 Travis Ludwig 44 9 Tx Militia 10u 6/9/2023
10 Eli Rodriguez 38 6 Indiana Blaze 6/10/2023
30 6 Team Florida Pirates 6/11/2023
Total 68 12
27 Gunnar Searles 30 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/10/2023
37 5 NYO Toros 10U 6/12/2023
Total 67 14
18 Jacob Silius 4 1 NYO Toros 10U 6/12/2023
20 Alexander Tidmarsh 15 0 Team Florida Pirates 6/11/2023
7 Kason Westcott 16 3 Indiana Blaze 6/10/2023
Bagel Bombers 10U Windish
9 Brice Davis 27 1 Parkland Pokers 6/10/2023
4 Dylan` Deloy 61 12 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/9/2023
31 0 West Cobb Sox 6/12/2023
Total 92 12
11 Lucca Fazio 13 3 Southeast Elite 6/9/2023
23 3 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/10/2023
Total 36 6
13 Brooks Fisher 23 1 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/11/2023
8 Trent Fry 43 7 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/11/2023
2 Conor Greenly 54 5 Parkland Pokers 6/10/2023
22 Nathaniel Herrick 37 2 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/10/2023
33 5 West Cobb Sox 6/12/2023
Total 70 7
33 Bren Mones 40 12 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/10/2023
5 Ben Pease 34 5 Southeast Elite 6/9/2023
98 Colton Webb 75 7 Southeast Elite 6/9/2023
20 1 West Cobb Sox 6/12/2023
Total 95 8
35 Jacob Windish 8 3 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/9/2023
22 4 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/11/2023
Total 30 7
Bba Titans - Cox
13 Hudson Briscoe 40 6 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/9/2023
30 6 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/12/2023
Total 70 12
22 Caden Campbell 41 7 Tennessee ELITE 6/10/2023
4 Jett Cashon 41 6 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/12/2023
8 Boston Cox 31 2 Tennessee ELITE 6/10/2023
11 Holden Davidson 23 3 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/9/2023
43 12 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/11/2023
Total 66 15
99 Cooper Foster 68 8 Tennessee ELITE 6/10/2023
20 Charlie Huff 27 1 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/9/2023
4 1 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/10/2023
Total 31 2
16 3 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/12/2023
Total 47 5
28 Jaxon Lisle 31 6 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/9/2023
41 6 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/11/2023
Total 72 12
27 Joseph McKisick 28 6 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/9/2023
44 7 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/11/2023
Total 72 13
14 Jackson Timmerman 75 7 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/11/2023
Beastmode Black
4 Tristan Adams 44 2 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
28 3 Indiana Blaze 6/11/2023
Total 72 5
79 Judah Ayah 12 1 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/9/2023
15 2 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/10/2023
Total 27 3
8 Dennis Brooks 13 1 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/9/2023
13 Jackson Butler 48 9 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/9/2023
0 Parker Cannon 44 6 Tx Militia 10u 6/10/2023
0 Dallas Jones 6 2 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/9/2023
28 6 Indiana Blaze 6/11/2023
Total 34 8
98 Kai Khabeer 50 8 Team Florida Pirates 6/9/2023
42 Jacob Richey 67 12 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/12/2023
4 Abreyon Trotman 78 8 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/10/2023
33 6 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/12/2023
Total 111 14
2 Zach Yarborough 53 5 Tx Militia 10u 6/10/2023
Beaver Valley Red
17 Ethan Ahn 56 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/9/2023
48 6 Tbt National White 6/12/2023
Total 104 12
23 Landen Breese 47 6 Bulldog Baseball 6/9/2023
43 6 Tbt National White 6/12/2023
Total 90 12
37 Dom Deriggi 62 12 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/10/2023
30 Aiden Dinger 61 7 Bulldog Baseball 6/9/2023
3 0 Tbt National White 6/12/2023
Total 64 7
58 Liam Ginsburg 13 0 La Storm 10u Black 6/11/2023
16 Landon Hughey 17 4 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/9/2023
15 Cole Kaufman 82 11 La Storm 10u Black 6/11/2023
34 Luke Miller 35 2 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/9/2023
20 Dezmond Motton 9 1 La Storm 10u Black 6/11/2023
1 Marco Sanz 32 2 Bulldog Baseball 6/9/2023
3 Cameron Sefchok 64 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/10/2023
Bulldog Baseball
4 Briggs Fletcher 11 3 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/10/2023
42 5 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/11/2023
Total 53 8
12 Jordy Guiterrez 37 6 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/10/2023
64 13 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/11/2023
Total 101 19
9 Cole Hennessy 0 0 La Storm 10u Black 6/9/2023
99 Cannon Lee 15 1 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/10/2023
49 5 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/10/2023
Total 64 6
44 6 Tennessee ELITE 6/12/2023
Total 108 12
13 Colton Morrow 64 11 La Storm 10u Black 6/9/2023
26 6 Tennessee ELITE 6/12/2023
Total 90 17
49 6 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/13/2023
Total 139 23
25 Steele Stevenson 65 14 Beaver Valley Red 6/9/2023
57 15 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/12/2023
Total 122 29
5 Judson Taylor 13 3 Beaver Valley Red 6/9/2023
19 4 La Storm 10u Black 6/9/2023
Total 32 7
28 5 Tennessee ELITE 6/12/2023
Total 60 12
14 Ethan Thomas 7 2 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/10/2023
18 Easton Whittington 76 15 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/10/2023
35 6 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/13/2023
Total 111 21
Canes Baseball 10U South
2 Michael Bonner 7 0 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
Cameron Brown 48 8 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/9/2023
19 3 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/11/2023
Total 67 11
70 9 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 137 20
Owen Johnson 18 1 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
1 Isaiah Lee 25 3 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/9/2023
70 9 Aces Black 6/10/2023
Total 95 12
28 6 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 123 18
Luca Lilla 53 6 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/9/2023
45 6 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
Total 98 12
19 6 Southeast Elite 6/12/2023
Total 117 18
5 Samuel Oglesby 49 6 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
35 9 Southeast Elite 6/12/2023
Total 84 15
Salvador Caleb Pacheco-Davis 39 3 Aces Black 6/10/2023
16 0 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 55 3
3 Braylen Proffitt 45 9 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/9/2023
28 5 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/11/2023
Total 73 14
Tate Sparks 52 6 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/9/2023
35 12 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/12/2023
Total 87 18
21 Colt Welch 9 2 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
44 10 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/11/2023
Total 53 12
Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson
24 Casey Gabriel 38 6 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/9/2023
26 4 Texas Made 6/12/2023
Total 64 10
5 Kayden Hearn 10 3 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/9/2023
32 1 Aces Black 6/10/2023
Total 42 4
14 1 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 56 5
13 2 West Cobb Sox 6/12/2023
Total 69 7
34 Tanner Higgins 33 1 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/11/2023
3 Rhett Johnson 35 9 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/9/2023
7 1 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 42 10
57 12 Texas Made 6/12/2023
Total 99 22
12 Vuk Kalinovic 42 6 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/9/2023
45 5 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 87 11
31 2 West Cobb Sox 6/12/2023
Total 118 13
15 Logan Krestan 16 3 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/9/2023
29 3 Aces Black 6/10/2023
Total 45 6
9 3 West Cobb Sox 6/12/2023
Total 54 9
7 Dax Manicki 45 9 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/9/2023
19 1 Aces Black 6/10/2023
Total 64 10
1 Nicholas O'Neill 13 0 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/10/2023
88 Bradyn Short 56 6 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/11/2023
28 Colin Wise 28 1 Aces Black 6/10/2023
26 4 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 54 5
6 2 Texas Made 6/12/2023
Total 60 7
44 8 West Cobb Sox 6/12/2023
Total 104 15
DC Baseball 10U Privett
Easton Gudinas 0 0 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
13 Camden Jones 43 14 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/9/2023
31 2 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/12/2023
Total 74 16
4 Hudson Lucas 20 3 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/9/2023
2 1 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/12/2023
Total 22 4
48 7 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/12/2023
Total 70 11
34 Easton McGuire 64 9 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/9/2023
63 9 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/12/2023
Total 127 18
11 Kai Merriweather 19 3 Indiana Bulls 6/10/2023
Crue Moreland 18 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
51 6 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/11/2023
Total 69 10
3 Kolston Privett 13 1 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
43 9 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/11/2023
Total 56 10
16 Weston Rayburn 0 0 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
49 9 Indiana Bulls 6/11/2023
Total 49 9
50 9 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/12/2023
Total 99 18
1 Bryce Roberts 43 2 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/9/2023
38 3 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/12/2023
Total 81 5
20 Eli Shipley 27 1 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
14 Ryan Taylor 70 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz
22 Jake Beleckis 29 4 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
24 Brielle Bitz 21 3 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
7 C'Nim Cayasso 36 6 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/10/2023
23 Lucas Diaz 59 11 Tn Prime 6/9/2023
61 14 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/12/2023
Total 120 25
19 Aiden Euley 41 7 Tn Prime 6/9/2023
40 5 Bba Titans - Cox 6/12/2023
Total 81 12
29 Patrick (Trey) Hloska III 32 3 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/10/2023
37 7 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/10/2023
Total 69 10
57 6 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
Total 126 16
10 Blake Jaster 15 3 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/10/2023
18 5 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/10/2023
Total 33 8
20 Maddox Long 41 6 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/9/2023
55 13 Bba Titans - Cox 6/12/2023
Total 96 19
6 1 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/12/2023
Total 102 20
2 Ryan Spann 35 6 Indiana Bulls 6/11/2023
Dirtbags TR7
21 Logan Anderson 46 8 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/10/2023
13 Mac Aul 9 1 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/9/2023
44 9 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/10/2023
Total 53 10
34 Landon Bullard 72 14 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/9/2023
27 1 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/12/2023
Total 99 15
23 Brady Fields 31 3 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/11/2023
1 Parker Fought 62 12 VBA Black 10u 6/9/2023
76 11 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/12/2023
Total 138 23
99 Rocco Gianatassio 38 3 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/11/2023
12 Carter Gibbs 22 3 VBA Black 10u 6/9/2023
20 Ryne Land 14 1 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/11/2023
18 Tanner Register 50 8 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/11/2023
19 Max Saunders 39 7 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/10/2023
6 Cale Williams 22 3 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/10/2023
East Cobb Astros 10U Orange
17 Jace Acord 20 1 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/10/2023
22 4 Dirtbags TR7 6/11/2023
Total 42 5
12 Peyton Blackman 10 0 VBA Black 10u 6/9/2023
6 2 Team Florida Pirates 6/12/2023
Total 16 2
16 Jackson Crawford 60 9 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/9/2023
46 2 Dirtbags TR7 6/11/2023
Total 106 11
10 Kole Eller 15 3 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/10/2023
13 1 Dirtbags TR7 6/11/2023
Total 28 4
23 Sonny Ferrara 61 8 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/10/2023
27 Luke Hardenbrook 0 0 Team Florida Pirates 6/12/2023
24 Jaxson Jiga 28 1 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/10/2023
15 Asher Mitchell 45 5 Dirtbags TR7 6/11/2023
42 Bo Owensby 15 3 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/9/2023
13 Cason Pickett 11 3 VBA Black 10u 6/9/2023
65 9 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/10/2023
Total 76 12
50 9 Team Florida Pirates 6/12/2023
Total 126 21
28 Marcus Sanchez 56 12 VBA Black 10u 6/9/2023
6 2 Dirtbags TR7 6/11/2023
Total 62 14
5 Andrew Smart 24 5 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/10/2023
49 4 Team Florida Pirates 6/12/2023
Total 73 9
East Cobb Astros 10U White
1 Ben Addison 9 0 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
10 Tucker Cable 71 12 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/9/2023
68 7 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/12/2023
Total 139 19
6 Bryce Donahue 33 9 Bulldog Baseball 6/10/2023
41 8 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/12/2023
Total 74 17
0 Ryan Hamby 9 1 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
2 Tristan Hurst 18 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/9/2023
27 2 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
Total 45 5
9 3 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/12/2023
Total 54 8
50 Cade Langkopf 21 3 La Storm 10u Black 6/9/2023
47 4 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/11/2023
Total 68 7
23 Christian Makuch 16 3 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
77 10 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/11/2023
Total 93 13
0 Jarrett Miller 53 6 La Storm 10u Black 6/9/2023
13 Tripp Sanders 59 9 La Storm 10u Black 6/9/2023
31 Braxton Short 27 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/9/2023
32 3 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
Total 59 6
12 Kai Wadhwania 65 9 Bulldog Baseball 6/10/2023
East Cobb Aviators
3 Noah Bowden 24 3 Area Stars 919 6/9/2023
27 0 FB Braves 10U Red 6/10/2023
Total 51 3
14 Wyatt Carter 25 2 Area Stars 919 6/9/2023
17 3 Texas Made 6/11/2023
Total 42 5
21 1 5 Star National 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 63 6
12 Max Chisholm 42 6 Area Stars 919 6/9/2023
6 2 Texas Made 6/11/2023
Total 48 8
52 9 5 Star National 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 100 17
31 Kace Johnson 40 2 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/9/2023
47 6 FB Braves 10U Red 6/10/2023
Total 87 8
27 Carter Lewis 18 6 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/9/2023
43 9 West Cobb Sox 6/10/2023
Total 61 15
13 Sylvan Luckie 16 3 Area Stars 919 6/9/2023
15 Isai Perez 21 0 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/9/2023
4 0 FB Braves 10U Red 6/10/2023
Total 25 0
36 Arcadio Pizarro 17 3 Area Stars 919 6/9/2023
44 9 West Cobb Sox 6/10/2023
Total 61 12
59 10 Texas Made 6/11/2023
Total 120 22
East Cobb Braves 10u
11 Jackson Butler 23 4 Tbt National White 6/10/2023
35 6 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/12/2023
Total 58 10
13 Lincoln Cook 19 5 Klutch 10U Lees 6/9/2023
2 Cooper Crain 44 6 Klutch 10U Lees 6/9/2023
42 6 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/12/2023
Total 86 12
19 Owen McKinley 41 3 Klutch 10U Lees 6/9/2023
44 7 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/11/2023
Total 85 10
6 Santino Morici 45 3 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/10/2023
4 Bryce Rich 55 9 Texas Saints 10U 6/9/2023
21 Christopher Teasley JR 60 6 Tbt National White 6/10/2023
3 Cal Wiley 24 3 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/10/2023
76 11 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/11/2023
Total 100 14
1 Declan Zwerk 26 3 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/10/2023
FB Braves 10U Red
27 Anthony Accurso 43 6 NYO Toros 10U 6/9/2023
21 2 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/12/2023
Total 64 8
52 Johnny Batista 25 9 East Cobb Aviators 6/11/2023
27 Johnny Cangelosi 21 3 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/12/2023
24 Nicholas Cordovano 21 3 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/9/2023
38 5 West Cobb Sox 6/11/2023
Total 59 8
9 Brandon Cross 22 3 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/9/2023
3 Henry Esposito 28 2 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/12/2023
42 Carter Fusco 18 2 NYO Toros 10U 6/9/2023
36 4 West Cobb Sox 6/11/2023
Total 54 6
0 Gabriel Larino 56 6 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/9/2023
2 1 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/12/2023
Total 58 7
45 Colton Lezette 12 1 NYO Toros 10U 6/9/2023
33 9 Area Stars 919 6/10/2023
Total 45 10
25 3 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/12/2023
Total 70 13
88 Rehan Rawal 47 9 NYO Toros 10U 6/9/2023
19 Connor Schott 16 3 Area Stars 919 6/10/2023
16 5 West Cobb Sox 6/11/2023
Total 32 8
Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club
19 Bennett Brannon 42 6 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/9/2023
26 1 Parkland Pokers 6/11/2023
Total 68 7
28 Cameron Gilmer 21 3 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/9/2023
13 2 Parkland Pokers 6/11/2023
Total 34 5
12 Gabriel Gurkaynak 74 5 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/9/2023
42 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/12/2023
Total 116 11
22 Houston Harris 0 0 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/9/2023
46 9 Southeast Elite 6/10/2023
Total 46 9
3 Justin Kil 6 1 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/9/2023
41 4 Parkland Pokers 6/11/2023
Total 47 5
14 Grant Masters 39 3 Southeast Elite 6/10/2023
16 Miller Preslan 9 0 Southeast Elite 6/10/2023
17 Zachary Probst 63 15 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/10/2023
4 Sawyer Ricketts 21 4 Parkland Pokers 6/11/2023
1 Wesley Shannon 17 3 Southeast Elite 6/10/2023
7 Brady Shores 50 9 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/9/2023
72 8 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/12/2023
Total 122 17
Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci
5 Grayson Alvarez 15 1 Parkland Pokers 6/12/2023
24 Breckan Cox 16 5 Indiana Blaze 6/9/2023
40 6 Beastmode Black 6/10/2023
Total 56 11
77 Daksh Konreddy 46 6 Indiana Blaze 6/9/2023
63 9 Tx Militia 10u 6/11/2023
Total 109 15
Liam Lochhead 70 15 Team Florida Pirates 6/9/2023
45 6 Parkland Pokers 6/12/2023
Total 115 21
13 Dominic Ortiz 20 3 Team Florida Pirates 6/9/2023
29 7 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
Total 49 10
13 5 Parkland Pokers 6/12/2023
Total 62 15
3 Hampton Ruth 38 6 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
William Sim 24 1 Indiana Blaze 6/9/2023
21 1 Parkland Pokers 6/12/2023
Total 45 2
7 Colton Whitmer 25 6 Beastmode Black 6/10/2023
1 Jonah Wright 28 2 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
Georgia Bombers 10u Victus
15 Jackson Arnold 31 4 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/10/2023
Owen Katula 36 3 Tn Prime 6/9/2023
2 1 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/11/2023
Total 38 4
5 Zeb Lanier 20 3 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/10/2023
29 Hudson Lescourret 50 8 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/9/2023
56 8 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/12/2023
Total 106 16
1 Ethan Panebianco 35 6 Tn Prime 6/9/2023
9 Sebastian Poveda 59 5 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/11/2023
16 Theo Romanko 63 9 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/10/2023
30 4 Bulldog Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 93 13
13 Brady Schenck 2 1 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/9/2023
70 6 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/11/2023
Total 72 7
23 Rylan Van Beneden 62 9 Tn Prime 6/9/2023
10 0 Bulldog Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 72 9
22 Max Yavinsky 66 8 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/9/2023
47 9 Bulldog Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 113 17
Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox
8 Evan Banks 10 2 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/10/2023
73 10 Aces Black 6/11/2023
Total 83 12
24 Dauster Harden 74 16 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/9/2023
11 Ryder Horwege 30 3 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/10/2023
4 Evan Kim 66 6 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/9/2023
13 Parker Kuhn 14 1 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/10/2023
45 6 Texas Saints 10U 6/12/2023
Total 59 7
12 Maddox Low 38 3 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/9/2023
10 Damian Lundy 30 2 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/10/2023
27 Jackson Otto 15 1 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/9/2023
68 9 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/10/2023
Total 83 10
15 Graham Simmons 8 0 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/10/2023
3 David Walker 0 0 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/9/2023
52 7 Gresham Park Braves Elite 6/10/2023
Total 52 7
70 9 Texas Saints 10U 6/12/2023
Total 122 16
Gresham Park Braves Elite
13 Justice Buckner 28 5 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/9/2023
51 9 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/11/2023
Total 79 14
50 Franklin “Trey” Edmondson III 10 1 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
2 Deuce Houston 67 8 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
21 4 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/12/2023
Total 88 12
9 Gavin Mathis 23 2 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/10/2023
15 Jaden Rice 69 12 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/9/2023
70 11 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/12/2023
Total 139 23
1 Will Slade 25 2 Aces Black 6/9/2023
41 9 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/11/2023
Total 66 11
25 Dylan Thomas 0 0 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/9/2023
56 7 Aces Black 6/9/2023
Total 56 7
23 Legend Thomas 52 6 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/10/2023
27 Kingston Thompson 47 9 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/10/2023
Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy
23 Kaden Baker 39 5 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/9/2023
49 9 Bulldog Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 88 14
34 Rhett Cobb 33 3 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/9/2023
38 5 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
Total 71 8
27 James Gordon 20 6 La Storm 10u Black 6/10/2023
42 9 Southeast Elite 6/12/2023
Total 62 15
44 Mason Gray 41 4 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/9/2023
9 2 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
Total 50 6
22 3 Southeast Elite 6/12/2023
Total 72 9
2 Sean Hancock 39 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/9/2023
59 9 Bulldog Baseball 6/11/2023
Total 98 15
1 Austin Mentzer 52 9 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/9/2023
34 3 Southeast Elite 6/12/2023
Total 86 12
22 Rowan Searcy 60 9 La Storm 10u Black 6/10/2023
5 Riley Watson 74 5 Beaver Valley Red 6/10/2023
Indiana Blaze
3 Jaxon Bogard 38 3 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2023
39 7 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
Total 77 10
14 Noah Frazer 30 5 Tx Militia 10u 6/9/2023
36 5 Team Florida Pirates 6/10/2023
Total 66 10
21 Greyson Fuller 6 2 Beastmode Black 6/11/2023
Beckett Gindhart 4 0 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
7 Isaac Hoefling 32 0 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2023
21 2 Beastmode Black 6/11/2023
Total 53 2
1 Will Morgan 15 1 Beastmode Black 6/11/2023
5 Easton Murry 9 0 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2023
25 0 Beastmode Black 6/11/2023
Total 34 0
23 Jay Perry 36 7 Tx Militia 10u 6/9/2023
40 13 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
Total 76 20
38 5 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/12/2023
Total 114 25
4 Gage Pharr 38 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2023
9 Xavier Stilin 26 5 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2023
56 7 Team Florida Pirates 6/10/2023
Total 82 12
47 4 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/12/2023
Total 129 16
2 Talen Williams 6 1 Tx Militia 10u 6/9/2023
34 4 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/10/2023
Total 40 5
Indiana Bulls
13 Beckett Gindhart 10 0 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/9/2023
36 6 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/10/2023
Total 46 6
23 Miles Handy 39 3 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/11/2023
39 Hudson Lawson 34 7 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/9/2023
45 6 Tn Prime 6/10/2023
Total 79 13
22 Evan Leliaert 49 9 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/9/2023
53 6 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/11/2023
Total 102 15
40 7 Klutch 10U Lees 6/12/2023
Total 142 22
9 Brady O'Hare 2 0 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/11/2023
33 Xander Patchett 28 1 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/9/2023
36 2 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/11/2023
Total 64 3
27 Jackson Rawski 33 9 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/9/2023
37 8 Tn Prime 6/10/2023
Total 70 17
39 2 Klutch 10U Lees 6/12/2023
Total 109 19
17 Braxton Smith 42 7 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/9/2023
Klutch 10U Lees
7 Cannon Camp 61 6 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/10/2023
53 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 114 15
28 Corey Carriker Jr. 50 9 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/10/2023
2 Joseph Cleveland Jr 55 5 Tbt National White 6/9/2023
119 14 Texas Saints 10U 6/11/2023
Total 174 19
66 Michael Hope 61 5 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/9/2023
43 5 Tx Militia 10u 6/12/2023
Total 104 10
15 Pierce Jones 53 9 Tbt National White 6/9/2023
55 7 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 108 16
21 Hudson Lann 51 7 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/10/2023
55 9 Tx Militia 10u 6/12/2023
Total 106 16
24 Wyatt Laux 10 1 Tbt National White 6/9/2023
36 7 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/10/2023
Total 46 8
11 Dylan Roth 74 9 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/9/2023
54 9 Indiana Bulls 6/12/2023
Total 128 18
33 Braxton Strauser 17 1 Texas Saints 10U 6/11/2023
Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales
97 Kesslon Abston 51 9 Indiana Bulls 6/9/2023
32 3 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/11/2023
Total 83 12
52 11 Bulldog Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 135 23
20 Madden Bostic 25 3 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/9/2023
34 5 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/11/2023
Total 59 8
68 9 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 127 17
10 Jaxon Florek 76 10 Tn Prime 6/10/2023
0 0 Texas Saints 10U 6/12/2023
Total 76 10
52 12 Area Stars 919 6/12/2023
Total 128 22
5 Max Gonzales 42 4 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/9/2023
61 6 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/10/2023
Total 103 10
16 3 Texas Saints 10U 6/12/2023
Total 119 13
9 Max Killingsworth 50 9 Indiana Bulls 6/9/2023
34 3 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/11/2023
Total 84 12
99 Elijah Moore 60 8 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/10/2023
0 0 Tn Prime 6/10/2023
Total 60 8
58 12 Texas Saints 10U 6/12/2023
Total 118 20
2 Braxton Printup 3 1 Texas Saints 10U 6/12/2023
23 Taten Senez 16 2 Tn Prime 6/10/2023
23 2 Texas Saints 10U 6/12/2023
Total 39 4
34 7 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 73 11
La Storm 10u Black
5 Luke Arceneaux 35 4 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/9/2023
24 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/10/2023
Total 59 13
8 Jaxon Carter 55 7 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/9/2023
50 Christopher Hand 18 3 Bulldog Baseball 6/9/2023
26 6 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/9/2023
Total 44 9
29 4 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/12/2023
Total 73 13
10 Kaiden Marks 80 12 Beaver Valley Red 6/11/2023
26 Kelson Nagle 78 15 Bulldog Baseball 6/9/2023
70 14 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/12/2023
Total 148 29
6 Hayes Pierce 14 6 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/10/2023
23 Ethan Porter 50 8 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/10/2023
80 Levi Rose 59 9 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/10/2023
Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres
9 John Ayrault 57 7 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/10/2023
22 Holder Brinson 55 5 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/9/2023
52 Ben Fitze 61 9 Parkland Pokers 6/9/2023
67 7 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/12/2023
Total 128 16
11 Robby Hardy 50 8 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/9/2023
23 3 Southeast Elite 6/11/2023
Total 73 11
99 Michael Vincent Latour 19 2 Parkland Pokers 6/9/2023
10 3 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/10/2023
Total 29 5
29 6 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/12/2023
Total 58 11
1 Tyson Martin 56 9 Southeast Elite 6/11/2023
42 Rocco Slater 71 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/10/2023
7 William Swanson 47 11 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/10/2023
6 Victor Trujillo 47 6 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/10/2023
0 Kye Williams 48 3 Southeast Elite 6/11/2023
NYO Toros 10U
4 Charlie Gillis 47 7 FB Braves 10U Red 6/9/2023
62 11 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/11/2023
Total 109 18
3 Pete Hayes 19 2 Texas Made 6/9/2023
56 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/10/2023
Total 75 11
16 4 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/13/2023
Total 91 15
99 Chase Kothari 35 4 FB Braves 10U Red 6/9/2023
75 10 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/12/2023
Total 110 14
11 Graham Lumpkin 10 3 Texas Made 6/9/2023
35 7 West Cobb Sox 6/10/2023
Total 45 10
22 Worth Lumry 11 3 Texas Made 6/9/2023
42 3 West Cobb Sox 6/10/2023
Total 53 6
57 12 Team Florida Pirates 6/12/2023
Total 110 18
24 Mac McDaniel 28 6 Texas Made 6/9/2023
14 2 West Cobb Sox 6/10/2023
Total 42 8
10 Harrison Miller 32 6 FB Braves 10U Red 6/9/2023
44 5 West Cobb Sox 6/10/2023
Total 76 11
66 5 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/13/2023
Total 142 16
1 Weston Page 27 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/10/2023
39 6 Team Florida Pirates 6/12/2023
Total 66 9
8 4 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/12/2023
Total 74 13
8 Will Walker 57 3 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/11/2023
16 3 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/12/2023
Total 73 6
Ohio Hitmen - Stephey
2 Wyatt Basham 44 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/9/2023
68 8 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/10/2023
Total 112 17
18 Liam Carroll 23 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/9/2023
71 6 5 Star National 10u Black 6/10/2023
Total 94 9
8 Landon Kirby 64 9 Rbc-Red 10u 6/9/2023
70 9 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/11/2023
Total 134 18
1 Tucker Merry 40 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/9/2023
12 Michael Proscia 46 4 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/10/2023
99 Chance Scheeler 55 7 Tennessee ELITE 6/12/2023
4 Kolt Stephey 26 3 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/11/2023
3 Sam Windon 39 6 Rbc-Red 10u 6/9/2023
9 2 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/10/2023
Total 48 8
20 7 Tennessee ELITE 6/12/2023
Total 68 15
Parkland Pokers
9 Connor Baldocchi 45 9 Southeast Elite 6/9/2023
53 15 Prime Baseball - Tallo 6/12/2023
Total 98 24
25 Blake Burden 40 9 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/10/2023
46 Marco Longaro 33 3 Southeast Elite 6/9/2023
23 3 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/10/2023
Total 56 6
10 Connor McGivern 47 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/11/2023
24 Mason Moody 17 3 Southeast Elite 6/9/2023
21 6 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/9/2023
Total 38 9
19 6 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/12/2023
Total 57 15
8 Grayson Morrissey 38 6 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/9/2023
40 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/12/2023
Total 78 15
99 Jaiden Ross 47 5 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/10/2023
20 Kellen Streicher 10 1 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/10/2023
Plo Bulldogs Red
77 Bryan Baez 17 3 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/9/2023
22 2 FB Braves 10U Red 6/12/2023
Total 39 5
10 Matthew Barrios 50 9 Tennessee ELITE 6/10/2023
59 9 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 109 18
1 Tyler Brawner 68 8 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/10/2023
54 9 FB Braves 10U Red 6/12/2023
Total 122 17
24 William Hernandez 38 5 Bba Titans - Cox 6/9/2023
58 8 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/11/2023
Total 96 13
23 Jaime Lopez Jr 12 1 Bba Titans - Cox 6/9/2023
11 Anthony Santibanez 17 2 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/10/2023
20 2 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 37 4
3 Camilo Sevilla 54 6 Bba Titans - Cox 6/9/2023
7 Lucas Williams 50 9 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/9/2023
46 6 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/11/2023
Total 96 15
6 Aarish Zahed 46 9 Tennessee ELITE 6/10/2023
24 3 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 70 12
Premier Baseball - Ireland
7 Andrew Bustos 15 3 Southeast Elite 6/10/2023
25 3 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/12/2023
Total 40 6
33 Marcelo De Rojas 45 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/9/2023
11 Delvin Deleon 18 6 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/9/2023
32 5 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/11/2023
Total 50 11
6 Austin Hernandez 23 2 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/9/2023
1 Evan Ireland 36 6 Southeast Elite 6/10/2023
36 9 Aces Black 6/12/2023
Total 72 15
60 9 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/13/2023
Total 132 24
3 Jadan Ontiveros 46 7 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/9/2023
9 1 Aces Black 6/12/2023
Total 55 8
27 Josiah Sanchez 11 3 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/9/2023
Reid Schleider 22 6 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/11/2023
9 Miles Torregano 26 8 Parkland Pokers 6/10/2023
14 2 Aces Black 6/12/2023
Total 40 10
53 9 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/13/2023
Total 93 19
42 JaMarcus Vidrine 11 4 Parkland Pokers 6/10/2023
76 15 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/12/2023
Total 87 19
Prime Baseball - Tallo
22 Joshua Handley-White 31 6 Beaver Valley Red 6/9/2023
39 6 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/12/2023
Total 70 12
2 Brayden Irvin 14 3 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/11/2023
9 Christopher Lannie 0 0 Beaver Valley Red 6/9/2023
32 6 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/9/2023
Total 32 6
56 11 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/11/2023
Total 88 17
49 9 NYO Toros 10U 6/13/2023
Total 137 26
5 Dylan Leblanc 32 9 Bulldog Baseball 6/10/2023
29 4 La Storm 10u Black 6/10/2023
Total 61 13
8 0 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
Total 69 13
27 Ayden Mathews 3 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/9/2023
38 9 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/12/2023
Total 41 12
3 Roman Mirabella 61 8 La Storm 10u Black 6/10/2023
70 11 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
Total 131 19
Johnny Mizell 28 3 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/9/2023
23 Cooper Ooten 0 0 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/9/2023
51 9 Bulldog Baseball 6/10/2023
Total 51 9
70 18 Parkland Pokers 6/12/2023
Total 121 27
11 Karson Price 0 0 Bulldog Baseball 6/10/2023
55 Weston Stalls 9 0 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/12/2023
1 Hudson Tallo 22 6 Beaver Valley Red 6/9/2023
11 3 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
Total 33 9
7 3 NYO Toros 10U 6/13/2023
Total 40 12
7 Jaidyn Tartt 6 0 La Storm 10u Black 6/10/2023
26 1 East Cobb Astros 10U White 6/11/2023
Total 32 1
10 Ashton Turrubiartez 18 2 La Storm 10u Black 6/10/2023
Rbc-Red 10u
99 Nick Aguilar 57 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/9/2023
5 Jackson Andreadis 50 6 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/9/2023
15 3 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/11/2023
Total 65 9
67 11 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/12/2023
Total 132 20
11 Leland Andreadis 68 9 5 Star National 10u Black 6/10/2023
16 3 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/12/2023
Total 84 12
17 Blake Cantu 11 2 5 Star National 10u Black 6/10/2023
27 Ethan Cavazos 48 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/9/2023
52 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/10/2023
Total 100 18
27 Nico Ferrufino 42 6 5 Star National 10u Black 6/10/2023
10 Alex Jaramillo 45 9 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/9/2023
81 12 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/11/2023
Total 126 21
3 Chase Johnston 63 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/10/2023
Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U
14 Everett Adams 29 9 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/10/2023
14 0 5 Star National 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 43 9
12 Nicholas Benjamin 64 7 Tn Prime 6/11/2023
7 Ben Carmical 39 8 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/9/2023
40 5 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/10/2023
Total 79 13
23 Christian Kindel 19 9 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/10/2023
9 Jaiden Majchszak 54 7 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/10/2023
9 3 Indiana Blaze 6/12/2023
Total 63 10
4 Cade Miley 31 6 Indiana Bulls 6/9/2023
9 1 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/10/2023
Total 40 7
3 Austin Morrill 58 8 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/9/2023
41 9 Indiana Blaze 6/12/2023
Total 99 17
25 Carson Parker 11 0 Indiana Bulls 6/9/2023
36 8 Tn Prime 6/11/2023
Total 47 8
10 Bennett Wagers 61 9 Indiana Bulls 6/9/2023
61 12 5 Star National 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 122 21
Southeast Elite
14 Easton Bell 37 7 Parkland Pokers 6/9/2023
67 9 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/10/2023
Total 104 16
5 Madden Brooks 8 1 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/9/2023
49 3 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/10/2023
Total 57 4
76 13 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/12/2023
Total 133 17
44 Cooper Carr 46 8 Parkland Pokers 6/9/2023
49 6 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/11/2023
Total 95 14
27 Cohen Crane 61 12 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/10/2023
11 Briggs Manning 71 12 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/9/2023
16 Ayden McAllister 36 5 Home Plate Chili Dogs - 10u Searcy 6/12/2023
23 Jack Payne 18 0 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/10/2023
24 5 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/12/2023
Total 42 5
19 Ayden Sellers 41 5 Ninth Inning Royals 10u Torres 6/11/2023
41 13 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/12/2023
Total 82 18
Swing Check Baseball 10u Black
10 Andrew Austin 44 6 Texas Saints 10U 6/10/2023
25 Bray Crouse 49 5 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/9/2023
17 3 Klutch 10U Lees 6/10/2023
Total 66 8
25 3 Texas Saints 10U 6/10/2023
Total 91 11
61 8 Aces Black 6/12/2023
Total 152 19
48 Carter Deaton 14 1 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/11/2023
12 Griffin Fortner 39 6 Texas Saints 10U 6/10/2023
59 Griffin Howell 33 2 Tbt National White 6/9/2023
33 8 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/11/2023
Total 66 10
13 Carson Hurt 22 3 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/11/2023
8 Hank Miller 75 12 Klutch 10U Lees 6/10/2023
15 Joseph Cline Swearingen 8 1 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/9/2023
15 6 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/11/2023
Total 23 7
20 John Robert Thornton 43 8 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/9/2023
23 0 Aces Black 6/12/2023
Total 66 8
5 Lane Trevathan 46 6 Tbt National White 6/9/2023
Tbt National White
24 Kenniel Carrion Renta 12 3 Texas Saints 10U 6/10/2023
42 Preston Chatman 41 9 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/11/2023
30 5 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/13/2023
Total 71 14
39 Christopher Chikodroff 8 0 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/9/2023
33 5 Beaver Valley Red 6/12/2023
Total 41 5
23 Carlos Marrero 7 2 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/9/2023
10 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/12/2023
Total 17 5
69 13 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/13/2023
Total 86 18
10 5 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/13/2023
Total 96 23
7 Daylon McCants 45 10 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/9/2023
15 2 Klutch 10U Lees 6/9/2023
Total 60 12
14 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/12/2023
Total 74 15
31 2 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/13/2023
Total 105 17
23 3 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
Total 128 20
5 Max Molina 18 3 Beaver Valley Red 6/12/2023
18 Brayden Nims 51 9 Texas Saints 10U 6/10/2023
44 6 Beaver Valley Red 6/12/2023
Total 95 15
12 Ethan Palacios 55 11 Klutch 10U Lees 6/9/2023
12 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/12/2023
Total 67 14
78 13 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
Total 145 27
9 Michael Wedgeworth 57 12 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/10/2023
0 0 Beaver Valley Red 6/12/2023
Total 57 12
63 9 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/13/2023
Total 120 21
Tc Titans - Madrigal
99 Trevor Abel 44 4 West Cobb Sox 6/9/2023
17 3 Area Stars 919 6/11/2023
Total 61 7
3 Blake Freitas 78 12 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/10/2023
12 Easton Griffin 9 3 Texas Made 6/9/2023
31 5 West Cobb Sox 6/9/2023
Total 40 8
9 2 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/10/2023
Total 49 10
29 3 Area Stars 919 6/11/2023
Total 78 13
77 Rocco Lamotte 75 6 Tbt National White 6/12/2023
34 Justin Lloyd 47 5 West Cobb Sox 6/9/2023
27 6 Area Stars 919 6/11/2023
Total 74 11
19 3 La Storm 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 93 14
23 2 Tbt National White 6/12/2023
Total 116 16
8 Gunnar Phillips 55 7 NYO Toros 10U 6/10/2023
53 Oscar Segura 37 2 NYO Toros 10U 6/10/2023
1 Frankie Trejo 59 9 Texas Made 6/9/2023
77 15 La Storm 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 136 24
Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy
Rocco Childers 24 3 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/9/2023
11 2 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/12/2023
Total 35 5
43 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/12/2023
Total 78 14
Sj Henley 28 6 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/9/2023
54 12 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/10/2023
Total 82 18
2 1 5 Star National 10u Black 6/11/2023
Total 84 19
65 12 Klutch 10U Lees 6/13/2023
Total 149 31
20 Matthew Lipsky 58 6 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/9/2023
76 10 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/12/2023
Total 134 16
88 Avery Puckett 78 17 5 Star National 10u Black 6/11/2023
6 2 Klutch 10U Lees 6/13/2023
Total 84 19
50 Ethan Ramirez 56 8 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/9/2023
48 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Franchise Club 6/12/2023
Total 104 17
28 6 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 132 23
5 Emmett Rubalcava 35 6 Rbc-Red 10u 6/10/2023
75 12 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/13/2023
Total 110 18
33 Pieran Schulte 78 12 Rbc-Red 10u 6/10/2023
62 10 5 Star National 10u Black 6/13/2023
Total 140 22
10 Christian Trujillo 29 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/9/2023
37 6 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/10/2023
Total 66 15
13 0 Rbc-Red 10u 6/10/2023
Total 79 15
12 2 5 Star National 10u Black 6/13/2023
Total 91 17
10 3 Klutch 10U Lees 6/13/2023
Total 101 20
Team Florida Pirates
99 Elijah Richard Colon 42 12 Beastmode Black 6/9/2023
21 6 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/11/2023
Total 63 18
77 Rodrigo Diaz 63 10 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2023
22 2 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/11/2023
Total 85 12
25 6 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/12/2023
Total 110 18
22 Collin Kerr 32 8 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/11/2023
0 Yeriel Marrero 51 9 Indiana Blaze 6/10/2023
15 5 Tx Militia 10u 6/10/2023
Total 66 14
1 Elijah Morales 39 6 Indiana Blaze 6/10/2023
76 18 NYO Toros 10U 6/12/2023
Total 115 24
3 Levi Rodriguez 45 4 Tx Militia 10u 6/10/2023
13 Jaxson Roicki 25 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/9/2023
31 9 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/12/2023
Total 56 13
Tennessee ELITE
4 Trendon Bess 40 6 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/9/2023
40 11 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/10/2023
Total 80 17
34 3 Bulldog Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 114 20
13 Rylan Boshears 58 6 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/9/2023
46 8 Bba Titans - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 104 14
24 2 Bulldog Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 128 16
34 Jackson Epperson 30 4 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/9/2023
24 3 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/10/2023
Total 54 7
40 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/12/2023
Total 94 16
9 Corbin Frye 56 9 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/9/2023
6 1 Bba Titans - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 62 10
50 6 Bulldog Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 112 16
42 Ethan Knox 53 9 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/11/2023
2 Jett Orrick 37 8 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/11/2023
7 Hudson Riehn 12 1 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/11/2023
35 Matthew Teske 51 9 Bba Titans - Cox 6/10/2023
42 3 Bulldog Baseball 6/12/2023
Total 93 12
27 Trevor Teske 58 5 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/9/2023
25 1 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/10/2023
Total 83 6
33 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/12/2023
Total 116 15
Texas Made
1 Dylan Arriola 29 6 NYO Toros 10U 6/9/2023
32 8 Area Stars 919 6/10/2023
Total 61 14
44 6 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/12/2023
Total 105 20
11 Bradyn Castro 39 2 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/9/2023
28 3 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/10/2023
Total 67 5
5 Leopoldo Fuentes III 25 2 Area Stars 919 6/10/2023
8 Luke Guzman 39 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/9/2023
41 4 Area Stars 919 6/10/2023
Total 80 10
2 Dezmin Montalvo 17 2 NYO Toros 10U 6/9/2023
34 3 East Cobb Aviators 6/11/2023
Total 51 5
17 Manuel Rangel 51 7 NYO Toros 10U 6/9/2023
13 Christian Reyes 52 9 East Cobb Aviators 6/11/2023
10 Caleb Roberts 66 9 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/10/2023
78 11 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/12/2023
Total 144 20
44 Ty Waters 35 2 Area Stars 919 6/10/2023
Texas Nitro Baseball
14 Isaac Cavazos 77 13 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/11/2023
1 Jeremiah Garcia 15 1 Dirtbags TR7 6/9/2023
11 2 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/11/2023
Total 26 3
42 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 68 9
33 Ryan Garza 20 3 VBA Black 10u 6/10/2023
22 John Guzman 65 7 VBA Black 10u 6/10/2023
34 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 99 13
37 8 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/13/2023
Total 136 21
8 Ian Hernandez 36 3 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/11/2023
76 10 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/13/2023
Total 112 13
99 Liam Lopez 3 1 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/10/2023
20 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/13/2023
Total 23 4
34 Ian Joaquin Olivares 78 14 Dirtbags TR7 6/9/2023
3 0 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/12/2023
Total 81 14
64 14 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/12/2023
Total 145 28
6 Jordan Salinas 41 12 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/9/2023
65 18 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/12/2023
Total 106 30
3 Jetsen Trujillo 27 2 VBA Black 10u 6/10/2023
10 Eyan Villarreal 79 17 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/10/2023
78 18 Canes Baseball 10U South 6/13/2023
Total 157 35
Texas Saints 10U
0 Levy Aguilar 26 1 Tbt National White 6/10/2023
8 Liam Arredondo 62 8 Tbt National White 6/10/2023
23 Austin Diaz 64 8 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/9/2023
51 8 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/10/2023
Total 115 16
30 6 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/12/2023
Total 145 22
21 3 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
Total 166 25
30 Miguel Angel Elizondo Jr 28 6 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/9/2023
32 6 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/12/2023
Total 60 12
23 Cade Escalon 65 8 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/9/2023
37 9 Klutch 10U Lees 6/11/2023
Total 102 17
72 11 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
Total 174 28
7 Ivan Lopez 48 6 Swing Check Baseball 10u Black 6/10/2023
7 0 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
Total 55 6
27 6 Georgia Jackets 10u - Cox 6/12/2023
Total 82 12
34 Damian Lee Onofre 33 3 Tbt National White 6/10/2023
24 3 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
Total 57 6
4 Dominick Rodriguez 29 1 East Cobb Braves 10u 6/9/2023
45 6 Klutch 10U Lees 6/11/2023
Total 74 7
9 0 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/12/2023
Total 83 7
13 Elijah Ybarra 12 0 5 Star Longhorns 10U Black 6/9/2023
9 0 Klutch 10U Lees 6/11/2023
Total 21 0
Texas Twelve 10U Maroon
15 Brooks Bockholt 29 3 Tennessee ELITE 6/9/2023
30 6 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/10/2023
Total 59 9
28 4 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/12/2023
Total 87 13
6 Tyler Chaffin 46 11 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/11/2023
11 Tucker Curtiss 52 8 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/9/2023
28 1 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/11/2023
Total 80 9
63 12 Beastmode Black 6/12/2023
Total 143 21
22 Colton Diegel 42 9 Tennessee ELITE 6/9/2023
32 5 Bba Titans - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 74 14
40 6 Beastmode Black 6/12/2023
Total 114 20
4 Cannon Klostermann 28 1 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/9/2023
47 9 Bba Titans - Cox 6/10/2023
Total 75 10
5 James Lucas 10 0 Bba Titans - Cox 6/10/2023
43 4 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/12/2023
Total 53 4
9 Ivan Pena 42 9 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/10/2023
48 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/12/2023
Total 90 12
9 Armando Ramirez Jr 0 0 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/9/2023
7 Mason Suarez 30 3 Tennessee ELITE 6/9/2023
TG DBacks 10U Hampton
20 Miles Baker 43 5 Tennessee ELITE 6/9/2023
7 Collin Campbell 67 9 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/9/2023
8 Bryant Cobb 76 12 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/10/2023
17 Travis Crawley 40 6 Tennessee ELITE 6/9/2023
61 11 Tx Militia 10u 6/12/2023
Total 101 17
27 Jake Hampton 9 0 Bba Titans - Cox 6/11/2023
89 Kohler Jones 3 1 Tennessee ELITE 6/9/2023
11 1 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/9/2023
Total 14 2
18 4 Bba Titans - Cox 6/11/2023
Total 32 6
11 Ethan Kang 18 2 Bba Titans - Cox 6/11/2023
15 Jack Senkbeil 24 2 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/9/2023
58 8 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/10/2023
Total 82 10
10 Brando Tabor 39 4 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/10/2023
9 Eli Wheeler 26 3 Tennessee ELITE 6/9/2023
7 0 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/10/2023
Total 33 3
29 3 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/10/2023
Total 62 6
15 2 Tx Militia 10u 6/12/2023
Total 77 8
99 Banks Wright 0 1 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/10/2023
27 9 Bba Titans - Cox 6/11/2023
Total 27 10
The Right Way Baseball 10u
17 Cole Benningfield 10 2 FB Braves 10U Red 6/9/2023
31 7 NYO Toros 10U 6/11/2023
Total 41 9
22 4 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/13/2023
Total 63 13
51 5 Tbt National White 6/13/2023
Total 114 18
2 Laquienten Brooks 58 7 Texas Made 6/10/2023
23 Darrell Kelley Jr 25 3 FB Braves 10U Red 6/9/2023
3 1 East Cobb Aviators 6/9/2023
Total 28 4
13 Braylen Lewis 59 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/10/2023
42 9 Rbc-Red 10u 6/12/2023
Total 101 15
38 6 Tbt National White 6/13/2023
Total 139 21
12 Jean-Garry Olivier, Iii 35 8 East Cobb Aviators 6/9/2023
36 8 Texas Made 6/10/2023
Total 71 16
9 Karter Smith 50 8 NYO Toros 10U 6/11/2023
76 13 Premier Baseball - Ireland 6/13/2023
Total 126 21
Jaxon Spray 32 8 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/12/2023
10 1 Tbt National White 6/13/2023
Total 42 9
22 Camden Watkins 44 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/10/2023
43 6 Rbc-Red 10u 6/12/2023
Total 87 12
8 Major Williams 35 7 FB Braves 10U Red 6/9/2023
58 4 Wow Factor Nation 10U 6/12/2023
Total 93 11
Tn Prime
27 Tucker Bartley 24 4 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/10/2023
14 Blaine Barton 32 2 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/9/2023
30 8 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/10/2023
Total 62 10
5 1 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/11/2023
Total 67 11
78 8 VBA Black 10u 6/12/2023
Total 145 19
19 Austin Duke 32 7 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/9/2023
30 6 Indiana Bulls 6/10/2023
Total 62 13
20 2 VBA Black 10u 6/12/2023
Total 82 15
5 Jaxson Hasty 39 6 Indiana Bulls 6/10/2023
68 7 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/11/2023
Total 107 13
33 Hayes Monroe 6 3 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/9/2023
5 1 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/12/2023
Total 11 4
34 Wright O'Connor 57 12 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/9/2023
60 7 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/13/2023
Total 117 19
3 Sam Price 10 2 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/9/2023
40 7 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/11/2023
Total 50 9
16 1 Area Stars Zach 10U 6/12/2023
Total 66 10
24 Mason Smith 41 9 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/9/2023
26 6 Indiana Bulls 6/10/2023
Total 67 15
36 10 VBA Black 10u 6/12/2023
Total 103 25
Traction Canes 10u Black
8 Camden Champagne 50 9 Rbc-Red 10u 6/9/2023
33 6 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/10/2023
Total 83 15
55 11 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/12/2023
Total 138 26
2 Lee Gordon IV 28 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/10/2023
9 3 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/11/2023
Total 37 6
0 Ty’lan Hayes 14 3 5 Star National 10u Black 6/9/2023
26 5 Rbc-Red 10u 6/9/2023
Total 40 8
67 14 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/12/2023
Total 107 22
13 3 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/12/2023
Total 120 25
1 Grayson Hiebert 33 7 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/10/2023
43 9 Ohio Hitmen - Stephey 6/11/2023
Total 76 16
44 9 Tbt National White 6/13/2023
Total 120 25
17 Reece Kern 34 3 Rbc-Red 10u 6/9/2023
47 7 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/10/2023
Total 81 10
7 Cullen LeBlanc 32 9 5 Star National 10u Black 6/9/2023
8 2 643 Dp Cougars 10u 6/10/2023
Total 40 11
9 6 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/12/2023
Total 49 17
12 6 West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U 6/12/2023
Total 61 23
48 6 Tbt National White 6/13/2023
Total 109 29
27 Tyson Pruitt 23 6 5 Star National 10u Black 6/9/2023
52 9 Tc Titans - Madrigal Navy 6/10/2023
Total 75 15
Tx Militia 10u
16 Valentino Benavides 32 6 Team Florida Pirates 6/10/2023
23 Marco Cortez 6 0 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/11/2023
Carlos Garcia 31 3 Beastmode Black 6/10/2023
0 0 Klutch 10U Lees 6/12/2023
Total 31 3
20 Jacob Mejia 42 8 Indiana Blaze 6/9/2023
72 18 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/12/2023
Total 114 26
2 Jose Perez 47 6 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/9/2023
6 Jerry Rendon 46 3 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/11/2023
Ty Robledo 25 2 Team Florida Pirates 6/10/2023
27 Josiah Rodriguez 42 7 Indiana Blaze 6/9/2023
45 8 Beastmode Black 6/10/2023
Total 87 15
58 8 Klutch 10U Lees 6/12/2023
Total 145 23
Andres Tovar 36 1 Team Florida Pirates 6/10/2023
44 7 Klutch 10U Lees 6/12/2023
Total 80 8
35 Justin Trevino 38 6 Arizona Elite Baseball Academy 10U 6/9/2023
31 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Marucci 6/11/2023
Total 69 10
VBA Black 10u
25 Kason Bentley 6 1 Dirtbags TR7 6/9/2023
43 5 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/9/2023
Total 49 6
20 6 Tn Prime 6/12/2023
Total 69 12
27 Eli Dempsey 51 9 Dirtbags TR7 6/9/2023
28 4 Tn Prime 6/12/2023
Total 79 13
11 Jameson McLaughlin 41 12 Texas Nitro Baseball 6/10/2023
13 Liam Myers 77 18 643 DP Tigers 10U 6/11/2023
1 Saban Tipton 31 9 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/9/2023
58 8 Tn Prime 6/12/2023
Total 89 17
12 Andrew Tubbs 32 6 2 Way Athletics 10u 6/10/2023
7 Barrett Weathers 8 0 East Cobb Astros 10U Orange 6/9/2023
3 Brody Zimmerman 38 8 Dirtbags TR7 6/9/2023
West Cobb Sox
38 Luke Baldwin 66 9 Area Stars 919 6/9/2023
22 Henry Black 72 10 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/9/2023
50 9 5 Star National 10u Black 6/13/2023
Total 122 19
5 Barrett Cannon 65 12 NYO Toros 10U 6/10/2023
55 8 5 Star National 10u Black 6/13/2023
Total 120 20
3 Deacon Cauley 13 1 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/9/2023
15 2 FB Braves 10U Red 6/11/2023
Total 28 3
24 Hayes Edwards 30 3 NYO Toros 10U 6/10/2023
25 6 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/12/2023
Total 55 9
1 Palmer Gordon 77 18 East Cobb Aviators 6/10/2023
16 Matthew Komar 16 1 FB Braves 10U Red 6/11/2023
27 Smith Lee 39 9 FB Braves 10U Red 6/11/2023
7 Liam Patrick 28 3 Tc Titans - Madrigal 6/9/2023
20 5 NYO Toros 10U 6/10/2023
Total 48 8
58 9 Bagel Bombers 10U Windish 6/12/2023
Total 106 17
37 Griffin Schunzel 50 6 Area Stars 919 6/9/2023
23 4 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/12/2023
Total 73 10
12 Wesley Wells 7 1 FB Braves 10U Red 6/11/2023
55 8 Cangelosi Sparks - Johnson 6/12/2023
Total 62 9
West Raleigh Canes Blue 10U
32 Samuel Boyer 5 0 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/10/2023
14 2 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/11/2023
Total 19 2
3 Peter Huss 46 5 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/9/2023
7 Daniel Keelor 3 1 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/9/2023
31 2 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/11/2023
Total 34 3
14 Easton Kunas 34 3 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/10/2023
9 Logan Leisten 60 10 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/10/2023
24 Weston Pupa 28 5 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/11/2023
10 Emmett Skinner 49 8 Knights Knation 10U Mandeville - Gonzales 6/9/2023
14 4 Georgia Bombers 10u Victus 6/11/2023
Total 63 12
68 12 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 131 24
16 Parker Team 20 6 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/9/2023
28 7 Sandy Plains Wildcats 10U 6/10/2023
Total 48 13
8 3 Traction Canes 10u Black 6/12/2023
Total 56 16
13 Leiden Willis 7 2 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/9/2023
29 5 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/10/2023
Total 36 7
34 Henry Wilson 2 1 Diamond Elite 10u- Diaz/Bitz 6/10/2023
15 Ryan Xu 19 0 DC Baseball 10U Privett 6/9/2023
Wow Factor Nation 10U
2 Sawyer Campbell 15 2 Bba Titans - Cox 6/9/2023
52 9 Dirtbags TR7 6/12/2023
Total 67 11
27 Hunter Dame 23 3 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/10/2023
25 Tripp Gill 49 9 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/10/2023
41 8 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/12/2023
Total 90 17
14 Eli Hester 0 0 Bba Titans - Cox 6/9/2023
15 Brooks Locke 41 6 Bba Titans - Cox 6/9/2023
23 1 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/12/2023
Total 64 7
4 Brady Cooper Maynor 61 6 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/10/2023
47 6 Tennessee ELITE 6/11/2023
Total 108 12
44 Thomas Miller 26 3 Plo Bulldogs Red 6/10/2023
22 DJ Reinhard 67 12 Tennessee ELITE 6/11/2023
3 Bently Shamrock 49 9 TG DBacks 10U Hampton 6/10/2023
26 2 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/12/2023
Total 75 11
24 Slade Skinner 69 8 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/9/2023
19 1 The Right Way Baseball 10u 6/12/2023
Total 88 9
20 Camdyn Smith 16 3 Texas Twelve 10U Maroon 6/9/2023
30 6 Dirtbags TR7 6/12/2023
Total 46 9