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6U (Open) (CP) 7U (AA) (CP) 8U (AA) (CP) 9U (AA) 9U (AAA) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AAA) 14U (Major)
Payment is due Tuesday before the event! Payment is the only way to secure your spot non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...
Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD

Catch 2 Dugout: $10/car - CASH ONLY

Big League Dreams: $8 CASH OR CARD
- 2 coaches free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX (CASH OR CARD)
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Premier Baseball (Campos)
1 Juan Ayala 69 17 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/2/2023
27 Joshua Digulio 92 17 Lbc National 14u 4/1/2023
2 Jack Morris 13 3 Lone Star Outlaws 4/1/2023
30 5 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
Total 43 8
7 Jack Perez 83 21 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/2/2023
34 Bryan Teel 57 9 Lone Star Outlaws 4/1/2023
5 0 Lbc National 14u 4/1/2023
Total 62 9
83 13 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/3/2023
Total 145 22
3K Baseball
7 Julian Battistic 80 7 Prospect United Houston Red 4/1/2023
24 Urijah Benavides 37 5 Prospect United Houston Red 4/1/2023
8 2 Southwest Prospects 4/2/2023
Total 45 7
9 Joshua Cortinas 10 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/2/2023
3 Isaiah Guerrero 62 8 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
8 Nathan Herrera 53 10 Southwest Prospects 4/2/2023
5 Zach Quintanilla 26 3 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
23 1 Southwest Prospects 4/2/2023
Total 49 4
44 Ryker Reynolds 9 1 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
20 Ethan Sauceda 40 9 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/2/2023
6 Ryder Shapiro 37 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/2/2023
26 Triston Smith 18 4 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
26 1 Southwest Prospects 4/2/2023
Total 44 5
5 Star Performance 2027 National
9 Max Bachmann 32 3 Texas Banditos Black 4/2/2023
3 Kellan Cantrell 66 9 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/1/2023
30 Gramm Davis 38 8 C2 2027 Melendez 4/1/2023
4 Preston Farragut 35 9 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/1/2023
17 Hudson Holt 78 15 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/2/2023
8 Cole Johnson 51 9 C2 2027 Melendez 4/1/2023
27 Chace Robbins 73 9 Texas Banditos Black 4/2/2023
29 Weston Williams 10 3 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/2/2023
5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold
Jaxon Hradecky 54 8 C2 2027 Melendez 4/1/2023
Stephen Medrano 45 3 C2 2027 Melendez 4/1/2023
Wyatt Miller 7 1 C2 2027 Melendez 4/1/2023
Austin Minter 52 7 Houston Gamblers 14u 4/1/2023
Johnathan Powell 26 5 Houston Gamblers 14u 4/1/2023
Payton Rowell 23 5 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
Landon Walker 69 10 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
Action 2023 Spring 14u White
34 Mason Hunt 17 3 Lbc National 14u 4/2/2023
11 Tripp Kata 87 11 Lbc National 14u 4/2/2023
87 Andrew Klemett 84 13 Prospect United Houston Red 4/1/2023
23 Max Smedley 82 15 3K Baseball 4/1/2023
37 Cooper Waits 13 3 3K Baseball 4/1/2023
13 2 Prospect United Houston Red 4/1/2023
Total 26 5
Banditos 2027 Greene
13 Austin Allen 5 1 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/1/2023
59 11 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
Total 64 12
43 Landon Bruns 59 5 Lynx 14u Black 4/1/2023
1 Gavin Buchanan 20 2 Lynx 14u Black 4/1/2023
17 2 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
Total 37 4
7 Dallas Gonzales 39 5 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
25 Colton Igal 18 2 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/1/2023
80 18 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/2/2023
Total 98 20
92 Tripp Jones 39 7 Lynx 14u Black 4/1/2023
6 Ashton Schmidt 0 0 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/2/2023
18 Trent Tarr 62 12 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/1/2023
24 Beckam Whiteside 26 2 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/1/2023
23 5 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/2/2023
Total 49 7
Banditos Deleon 14u
0 Cade Calhoun 76 12 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 4/2/2023
2 Brayden Cole 49 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/1/2023
21 David Corona 35 5 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 4/2/2023
5 Cade Morris 12 2 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/1/2023
25 Kaden Rosado 18 6 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/1/2023
24 Jordan Swearengin 18 3 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/1/2023
10 Colton Wright 31 9 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/1/2023
Banditos Faltine
44 Kash Abke 26 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/1/2023
34 Colt Edwards 63 12 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
50 Joshua Flores 110 17 Lynx 14u Marches 4/2/2023
15 Christopher Izaguirre 23 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/1/2023
12 Nicolas McCormack 84 19 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/1/2023
10 Aiden Rossano 3 1 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/2/2023
21 Jerod Spraberry 41 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/1/2023
24 Caden Thomas 84 14 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/2/2023
0 0 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
Total 84 14
C2 2027 Melendez
25 Nathan Burke 11 1 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
35 7 Dirtbags 4/2/2023
Total 46 8
7 Joshua Cooper 26 5 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
6 Caleb Cox 51 7 5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold 4/1/2023
28 William Ewing 45 5 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
8 Cameron Ford 49 5 5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold 4/1/2023
42 Sammy Lara 37 7 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
3 Coy Paine 80 11 Dirtbags 4/2/2023
20 Christian Villarreal 0 0 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
12 3 Dirtbags 4/2/2023
Total 12 3
4 Jack Walmsley 15 2 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
2 Ford Anderson 38 7 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
8 Luke Beierle 34 7 Dirtbags 4/1/2023
12 Caine Chapman 9 0 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
3 Mason Desai 60 9 Hp Baseball Chavez 4/2/2023
6 Ryland Forks 25 9 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
38 6 TEST Black 14U 4/2/2023
Total 63 15
22 Chase Kuhn 28 6 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
7 Michael Pozzi 90 11 TEST Black 14U 4/2/2023
67 Logan Steen 64 7 Dirtbags 4/1/2023
Dallas Tiger Waco - Lopez
43 Kalena Amani Jr. 32 1 Southwest Prospects 4/1/2023
5 Jamie Chipman 2 1 Southwest Prospects 4/2/2023
80 13 Lynx 14u Marches 4/2/2023
Total 82 14
3 Grant Hindsley 34 3 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/2/2023
13 Cason Martinez 53 9 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/1/2023
17 Brayden Naegele 21 9 Lynx 14u Marches 4/2/2023
Xavier Rayas 78 11 Southwest Prospects 4/2/2023
4 Ryder Sommer 31 6 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/1/2023
DG29 Baseball Academy 14U
19 Jackson Armenta 51 9 Lbc National 14u 4/1/2023
Daniel Book 31 5 Banditos Deleon 14u 4/1/2023
5 Mario Castillo 30 4 Banditos Faltine 4/2/2023
0 Dillon Hatcher 38 5 Banditos Faltine 4/2/2023
7 Colton Jurwich 37 5 Banditos Deleon 14u 4/1/2023
20 3 Lbc National 14u 4/1/2023
Total 57 8
2 Zachary Phillips 21 3 Banditos Deleon 14u 4/1/2023
Emiliano Rivera 27 3 Banditos Faltine 4/2/2023
17 Brody Schmitt 56 15 Foresters Blue 4/2/2023
21 Brian Winfrey 31 2 Lbc National 14u 4/1/2023
30 Samuel Arrendell 37 5 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
14 Ty Bristol 9 3 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
29 4 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
Total 38 7
19 4 Lynx 14u Black 4/2/2023
Total 57 11
28 Bennett Bruce 26 6 Chargers 4/1/2023
10 0 C2 2027 Melendez 4/2/2023
Total 36 6
99 Tristin Cameron 25 3 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
17 Ayden Collier 29 3 Chargers 4/1/2023
21 3 Lynx 14u Black 4/2/2023
Total 50 6
9 Charlie Ford 32 6 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
59 15 C2 2027 Melendez 4/2/2023
Total 91 21
11 Coby Koteras 37 6 Hp Baseball Jones 4/1/2023
24 Aiden Lopez 21 3 Chargers 4/1/2023
70 14 Lynx 14u Black 4/2/2023
Total 91 17
2 Brandon Marshall 14 3 Chargers 4/1/2023
34 7 C2 2027 Melendez 4/2/2023
Total 48 10
30 2 Hp Baseball Watassek 4/2/2023
Total 78 12
Foresters Blue
10 Hunter Edmonds 37 1 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 3/31/2023
23 Khris Fuentes 48 6 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/2/2023
35 Ryan Gutierrez 53 7 Fort Bend Bombers 3/31/2023
21 John Nugent 36 9 Fort Bend Bombers 3/31/2023
6 Travis Ruch 48 6 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 3/31/2023
22 William Schultz 43 3 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/2/2023
11 Adam Sloan 37 9 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 3/31/2023
17 Itsuki Yoneda 6 2 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 3/31/2023
10 3 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/2/2023
Total 16 5
Fort Bend Bombers
23 Brooks Allen 26 4 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
80 10 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 4/2/2023
Total 106 14
3 Trevor Bielitz 46 5 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
9 Jake Burton 33 6 Foresters Blue 3/31/2023
41 14 Houston Gamblers 14u 4/2/2023
Total 74 20
1 Luke Chapman 11 3 Foresters Blue 3/31/2023
62 7 Texas Banditos Black 4/2/2023
Total 73 10
8 David Harris 31 6 Foresters Blue 3/31/2023
28 4 Texas Banditos Black 4/2/2023
Total 59 10
44 Carter Peel 26 3 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
11 1 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 4/2/2023
Total 37 4
11 Colten Simonton 0 0 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
65 7 Houston Gamblers 14u 4/2/2023
Total 65 7
27 Brayden Tibbetts 29 3 Foresters Blue 3/31/2023
Houston Gamblers 14u
11 Caden Caminita 56 7 5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold 4/1/2023
17 Bryce Dalton 30 3 Fort Bend Bombers 4/2/2023
2 Brady Ekdall 46 4 5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold 4/1/2023
22 Charlie Heard 8 1 5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold 4/1/2023
6 Griffin McClosky 75 14 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/1/2023
0 Dillon Norris 20 4 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/1/2023
28 Jaxon Schramm 62 14 Fort Bend Bombers 4/2/2023
Houston Velocity- Larzabal
60 Xavier Aldana 1 6 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/2/2023
1 Aaron Garza 40 9 Hp Baseball Chavez 4/1/2023
60 12 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/2/2023
Total 100 21
42 Christopher A Gloria 2 1 Hp Baseball Chavez 4/1/2023
7 Francisco Graham 67 9 Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Taylor 4/1/2023
99 Isaiah Gutierrez 11 0 Hp Baseball Chavez 4/1/2023
50 Pierce Joseph 37 5 Hp Baseball Chavez 4/1/2023
18 Joe Samaniego III 65 6 Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Taylor 4/1/2023
60 5 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/2/2023
Total 125 11
Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera
3 Samuel Aguilera 36 3 Fort Bend Bombers 4/2/2023
15 Elijah Gassett 30 3 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
17 Holt Griffith 43 9 Foresters Blue 3/31/2023
Rory Martinez 50 7 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
23 Sebastian Mora 0 0 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
52 9 Foresters Blue 3/31/2023
Total 52 9
14 Julian Ricks 67 14 Banditos Deleon 14u 4/2/2023
22 Julian Rincon 69 7 Fort Bend Bombers 4/2/2023
13 Stephen (Drew) Rocha 8 2 Lynx 14u Marches 3/31/2023
21 2 Fort Bend Bombers 4/2/2023
Total 29 4
22 6 Banditos Deleon 14u 4/2/2023
Total 51 10
Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis
10 Eldon (EJ) Booth 56 11 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/1/2023
14 Brock Hill 93 23 TEST Black 14U 4/2/2023
22 Adam Hollas 15 3 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/1/2023
15 Pierceson Lackey 8 3 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/1/2023
13 Cody Sawyer 65 12 Phenom 2027 4/1/2023
Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Taylor
2 Mason Chattaway 65 11 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/1/2023
5 Evan Drewelow 79 9 Hp Baseball Chavez 4/1/2023
6 Cohen Dugas 53 6 Hp Baseball Chavez 4/1/2023
23 Landon Hodges 26 3 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/1/2023
7 Ethan Malone 17 1 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/1/2023
10 Caleb Pavel 84 17 Marucci Elite Texas-Venable 4/2/2023
Hp Baseball Chavez
Hayden Britt 42 3 Chargers 4/2/2023
Ethan Giap 59 12 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/1/2023
Colson Istre 48 6 Chargers 4/2/2023
James Silva 60 15 Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Taylor 4/1/2023
Justin Vallejo 42 6 Houston Velocity- Larzabal 4/1/2023
Hp Baseball Dawson
Chase Allen 13 2 Lbc National 14u 4/2/2023
Jhett Bubke 33 0 Lone Star Outlaws 4/1/2023
Mason Coursey 21 1 Lbc National 14u 4/2/2023
Blake Edling 73 10 Lbc National 14u 4/2/2023
Caleb Martin 35 6 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/1/2023
Daniel Walker 42 8 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/1/2023
Jackson West 42 15 Lone Star Outlaws 4/1/2023
Hp Baseball Jones
57 Jackson Cote 64 8 Dirtbags 4/1/2023
60 Trenton Fruia 9 3 Dirtbags 4/1/2023
32 6 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
Total 41 9
32 Nicholas Golden 24 15 Chargers 4/1/2023
37 Tanner Martin 29 5 Dirtbags 4/1/2023
14 Jesse Reyes 9 0 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
96 18 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/2/2023
Total 105 18
36 Collin (Bradley) Roberts 31 4 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/2/2023
59 12 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
Total 90 16
37 Cullen Rose 42 5 Chargers 4/1/2023
Hp Baseball Watassek
17 Brody Bartee 31 3 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
35 4 Dirtbags 4/2/2023
Total 66 7
8 3 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/2/2023
Total 74 10
12 Luke Polasek 49 6 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
9 John Rangel 37 5 Banditos Faltine 4/1/2023
12 2 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/2/2023
Total 49 7
24 Lucas Robbins 84 13 5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold 4/2/2023
32 Kash Schwab 35 6 Banditos Faltine 4/1/2023
47 8 Dirtbags 4/2/2023
Total 82 14
13 Kase Vacek 36 6 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/1/2023
8 3 5 Star Performance Dfw 2027 - Gold 4/2/2023
Total 44 9
22 Luke Watassek 32 9 Banditos Faltine 4/1/2023
61 15 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/2/2023
Total 93 24
23 Cash Wilson 76 16 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/2/2023
Lbc National 14u
21 Jordan “Porkchop” Albarado 76 15 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/2/2023
10 Jayden Hall 17 5 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/1/2023
26 5 TEST Black 14U 4/2/2023
Total 43 10
5 Kaleb Harrison 18 3 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/1/2023
33 3 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/2/2023
Total 51 6
32 Lane Johnson 89 12 TEST Black 14U 4/2/2023
2 Owen Kuhl 33 6 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/1/2023
24 Cash Nelson 63 13 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/1/2023
23 Brenly Oaks 11 1 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/1/2023
96 Brayden Tuiasosopo 45 6 DG29 Baseball Academy 14U 4/1/2023
22 Drew Wells 81 12 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/2/2023
Lone Star Outlaws
12 Wyatt Askew 58 8 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/1/2023
10 3 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/2/2023
Total 68 11
34 Ivory Gilliam 29 4 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/1/2023
45 2 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/2/2023
Total 74 6
42 Gabriel Gresham 24 0 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/1/2023
8 0 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/2/2023
Total 32 0
7 Brady Lowe 6 0 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/1/2023
29 4 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/1/2023
Total 35 4
4 Nicolas Luna 32 2 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/1/2023
47 10 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/2/2023
Total 79 12
2 Elijah Martin 22 3 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/1/2023
Lynx 14u Black
22 Gage Booher 42 4 Phenom 2027 4/1/2023
7 Luke Carter 21 6 Phenom 2027 4/1/2023
1 Michael Hayes 31 4 Dirtbags 4/2/2023
21 Hayden McLennan 35 9 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/1/2023
18 Carson Varro 41 6 Banditos 2027 Greene 4/1/2023
8 Braden White 95 17 Dirtbags 4/2/2023
Lynx 14u Marches
30 Hunter Day 25 3 Fort Bend Bombers 3/31/2023
5 Daniel Gassaway 45 3 Fort Bend Bombers 3/31/2023
34 6 Banditos Faltine 4/2/2023
Total 79 9
47 Joshua Hammer 61 6 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 3/31/2023
10 Joseph Junek 20 5 Houston Wildcatters - 14u - Aguilera 3/31/2023
58 9 Banditos Faltine 4/2/2023
Total 78 14
6 2 Dallas Tiger Waco - Lopez 4/2/2023
Total 84 16
8 Carson Lowery 39 6 Fort Bend Bombers 3/31/2023
12 Ty Stansifer 89 19 Dallas Tiger Waco - Lopez 4/2/2023
Marucci Elite Texas-Segura
21 Jack Byrd 71 7 Premier- R. Clyde 4/2/2023
18 Jackson Fulweber 43 9 Banditos Deleon 14u 4/1/2023
33 4 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/2/2023
Total 76 13
5 Jacob Herman 25 3 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/1/2023
8 2 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/2/2023
Total 33 5
1 Leyton Rhee 27 2 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/1/2023
34 8 Premier- R. Clyde 4/2/2023
Total 61 10
45 Holt Yackel 31 6 Hp Baseball Dawson 4/1/2023
46 9 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/2/2023
Total 77 15
Marucci Elite Texas-Venable
30 Angelo Aprea 0 0 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/2/2023
8 Hayden Bogan 16 5 Houston Gamblers 14u 4/1/2023
44 Troy Pipes 78 20 Houston Wildcatters – 14u – Taylor 4/2/2023
7 Adrian Ruiz-Magallanes 72 21 3K Baseball 4/2/2023
40 Tanner Schultz 56 11 Banditos Faltine 4/1/2023
34 Ruben Segura 74 17 14u Premier Baseball (Campos) 4/2/2023
2 Kyle Stone 27 4 Banditos Faltine 4/1/2023
6 Colton Walker 0 0 Houston Gamblers 14u 4/1/2023
23 Jay Zarate 82 13 Houston Gamblers 14u 4/1/2023
Phenom 2027
7 Brantley Bruno 64 10 Prospect United Houston Red 4/2/2023
Joshua Henry 66 4 Lynx 14u Black 4/1/2023
2 Rawly Hinch 14 5 Prospect United Houston Red 4/2/2023
65 3 Banditos Faltine 4/2/2023
Total 79 8
17 Payne Hotman 54 6 Lynx 14u Black 4/1/2023
15 Brady McCullough 92 17 Hp Baseball Jones 4/2/2023
16 Cade Mesora 41 4 Banditos Faltine 4/2/2023
13 Hayden Peddy 12 1 Hp Baseball Jones 4/2/2023
14 Hunter Schwettmann 57 3 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/1/2023
34 Payton Schwettmann 8 2 Lynx 14u Black 4/1/2023
31 6 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/1/2023
Total 39 8
Premier- R. Clyde
4 Soren Bahr 86 11 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/1/2023
6 1 Texas Banditos Black 4/1/2023
Total 92 12
8 William Duncan 39 7 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/2/2023
7 Caden Gable 95 14 Texas Banditos Black 4/2/2023
7 Cooper Karns 15 0 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/1/2023
9 Reid Kelley 8 1 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/1/2023
28 Ian Rodriguez 40 3 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/2/2023
6 Benjamin Salinger 22 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/2/2023
44 Finn Venker 8 1 Marucci Elite Texas-Segura 4/2/2023
Prospect United Houston Red
12 Trevor Allen 35 6 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
83 10 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
Total 118 16
8 Caleb Cook 72 9 3K Baseball 4/1/2023
4 Owen Hobbs 21 1 3K Baseball 4/1/2023
Kyle Moss 29 3 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
14 Mitchell Strack 14 3 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
32 4 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
Total 46 7
44 Timothy Yates 25 3 Action 2023 Spring 14u White 4/1/2023
32 4 Phenom 2027 4/2/2023
Total 57 7
South Texas Tribe - 2027
Drew Eppard 23 0 Texas Banditos Black 4/1/2023
Jayden Gomez 89 10 Premier- R. Clyde 4/1/2023
Brock Hierholzer 9 0 Premier- R. Clyde 4/1/2023
90 16 Lone Star Outlaws 4/2/2023
Total 99 16
Logan Pena 47 6 Texas Banditos Black 4/1/2023
52 10 Hp Baseball Jones 4/2/2023
Total 99 16
Anthony Sauceda 8 1 Texas Banditos Black 4/1/2023
5 0 Premier- R. Clyde 4/1/2023
Total 13 1
1 1 Hp Baseball Jones 4/2/2023
Total 14 2
Silver Vasquez IV 44 7 Texas Banditos Black 4/1/2023
51 10 Hp Baseball Jones 4/2/2023
Total 95 17
Southwest Prospects
24 Ryan Campbell 30 0 3K Baseball 4/2/2023
7 Jackson Carr 19 3 3K Baseball 4/2/2023
7 Jayden Hershberger 20 0 TEST Black 14U 4/1/2023
9 Dawson Ho 5 1 TEST Black 14U 4/1/2023
12 3 3K Baseball 4/2/2023
Total 17 4
3 Jack Martino 41 5 TEST Black 14U 4/1/2023
55 6 3K Baseball 4/2/2023
Total 96 11
27 Parker Owen 75 18 Dallas Tiger Waco - Lopez 4/2/2023
16 Luke Tanner 27 0 TEST Black 14U 4/1/2023
TEST Black 14U
28 Karston Coffey 49 4 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/1/2023
24 Hudson Cuevas 15 5 Lbc National 14u 4/2/2023
84 21 Texas Banditos Black 4/2/2023
Total 99 26
12 5 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/2/2023
Total 111 31
31 Jackson Fetters 90 13 Lbc National 14u 4/2/2023
4 Brady Gage 28 3 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/1/2023
54 Jacob Guevara 80 17 Houston Wildcatters – 14U – Lewis 4/2/2023
3 Hank Rippy 30 6 Southwest Prospects 4/1/2023
11 Cooper Thomas 7 3 Southwest Prospects 4/1/2023
62 17 Chargers 4/2/2023
Total 69 20
9 Connor Young 10 4 Texas Elite Lobos - Scout 4/1/2023
Texas Banditos Black
27 Brady Burrow 3 1 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/1/2023
24 5 Premier- R. Clyde 4/1/2023
Total 27 6
36 Cash Clayton 61 9 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/2/2023
14 Aiden DeLeon 40 6 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/2/2023
30 4 TEST Black 14U 4/2/2023
Total 70 10
2 Caleb Gafford 80 11 South Texas Tribe - 2027 4/1/2023
23 Chris Gonzales 73 15 Fort Bend Bombers 4/2/2023
13 Alex Hernandez 40 12 Premier- R. Clyde 4/2/2023
15 Jay Sralla 76 17 TEST Black 14U 4/2/2023
Texas Elite Lobos - Scout
8 Robert Croce 0 0 TEST Black 14U 4/1/2023
28 Xavier Gregg 40 6 TEST Black 14U 4/1/2023
3 1 Dallas Tiger Waco - Lopez 4/1/2023
Total 43 7
16 6 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/2/2023
Total 59 13
11 Braylon Hobbie 79 12 5 Star Performance 2027 National 4/2/2023
13 Kade Rodgers 48 9 TEST Black 14U 4/1/2023
29 Tyler Tarnowski 93 17 Dallas Tiger Waco - Lopez 4/1/2023