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Rules Clarification / Amendment for this tournament -

If a Pitcher is brought into a game sooner than the mandatory calendar day's rest. He is removed from the mound and can continue playing at any other position. NO forfeit or removal of player.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Cba Stockton 2022 Jose (JT) Guerrero III R88
Baseball 101-Pagan (18) Jordan Bryan R86
Canes West LV Nicolo Guevara R84
Pure Baseball TITANS Kyle McDaniel R84
Dragons Elite James Koop R83
Baseball 101-Pagan (18) Nolan Aurifonti R82
Cba Stockton 2022 Diego De Santiago R82
Dragons Elite Corbett Mathewson R82
Cba Stockton 2022 Dustin Tinsley R82
Cba Stockton 2022 Carson Devine R81
Pure Baseball TITANS Brandon Donahue R81
Dragons Elite Blue Christian Jarocki R81
Baseball 101-Pagan (18) Koa Tapuro R81
Hit Dawg Academy 18U Alec Vincent R81
Canes West LV Alec Vincent R81
Nv Athletics 18u Zachary Bender R80
Canes West LV Justin Bryson R80
Dragons Elite Adam Kim R80
Hit Dawg Academy 18U Marko Sipila R80
Hit Dawg Academy 18U Nolan Adkisson R79
Dragons Elite Max Goldberg L79
Canes West LV Jaryn McLaughlin R79
Cba Stockton 2022 Joshua Casey R78
Baseball 101-Pagan (18) Noah Egbalic L78
Pure Baseball TITANS Hunter Sarver R78
Canes West LV Ace Hansen R77
Dragons Elite Blue Jackson Hyatt R77
Hit Dawg Academy 18U Aidan Frye L76
Hit Dawg Academy 18U Connor Mahoney L76
Dragons Elite Mehmet Uslu R76
Cba Stockton 2022 Ian Nazaroff L75
Nv Athletics 18u Blake Pearson R75
Canes West LV Jordan Watkins R75
Pure Baseball TITANS Jose Barraza R74
Pure Baseball TITANS Caleb Dunn R74
Dragons Elite Blue Isaac England R74
Dragons Elite Blue Tyler Heinrich R74
Pure Baseball TITANS Aiden Otano R74
Canes West LV Ammon Shaul L74
Nv Athletics 18u Wesley Stratton R74
Hit Dawg Academy 18U Jake Vanyo L74
Dragons Elite Blue Charlie Berg L73
Pure Baseball TITANS Harley Carney R73
Dragons Elite Dane Kleve R73
Dragons Elite Sam Leahy R73
Hit Dawg Academy 18U Nolan Nelson R73
Dragons Elite Ryan Llewelyn R72
Nv Athletics 18u Hayden Tackett R71
Canes West LV Ryan Schwarz L69
Dragons Elite Blue Colin Chung L67