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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

REMINDER: No food or drink is allowed inside the facility and there is no concessions available. 
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
Select Fastpitch 15u- Adams Mackenzie Turney R63
Jags Select Lauren Sandholm R62
Kc Rebels Gold Jenkins Kirsten Streeter R62
Jags Select Jordyn Kennedy R61
Kc Rebels 18 National - Ingle Anna Stesia Ballew R60
Aces KC 07 Brailyn Fox R60
Afa 18a Dickerson Alycia Cosens R59
Aces KC 07 Kate Landewee R59
Kc Rebels Gold Jenkins Maggie Richardson R59
Kc Rebels 18 National - Ingle Ella Shafer R58
Psa Fastpitch 16u Kendra Cook R57
Kc Peppers-Lazor Brie Manwarren R57
Psa Fastpitch 16u Madalen Tanner R57
Premier Fastpitch Mallory Brown R56
Premier Fastpitch Claudia Robbins R56
Kc Zephyrs - Crooks Addison Snyder R56
Jags Select Jadeyn Stahr R56
Psa Fastpitch 16u Gracelyn Collins R55
Premier Fastpitch Paige Cribbs R55
Kc Peppers-Lazor Lillian Fisher R55
Afa 18a Dickerson Bella Sanchez R55
Afa 18a Dickerson Georgia Boekhout R54
Kc Zephyrs - Crooks Amelia Attaway L53
Afa 18a Dickerson Eve Frame R53
Jags Select Jessica Lathrop R53
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