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Rules Amendment for this Tournament.
Mercy run rules for this event
9U – 12U – 15 run rule after 3 innings, 8 run rule after 4 innings.
13U – 14U – 15 Run rule after 3 innings, 12 Run Rule after 4 innings, 8 After 5 innings

13U OPEN & 13U AA

14U AA  - 14U OPEN 

Game time limits
Pool Play
9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).

9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).
Tie Breaker after innings have are reached. Last 3 outs go on base , continue line up with 1 out.

Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.
9U-12U is 6 innings. 
13U thru 14U is 7 innings.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Cba Vegas Deegan Cross R80
Canes West LV 14u Brayden Lenahan R79
Cba Vegas Max Barnes R78
Las Vegas Swing Weston Gilmore L78
Las Vegas Swing Michael Gonzalez R78
Nv Athletics 14u Zachary Franke R77
Las Vegas Swing Sam Mesch R77
Cba Vegas Ace Austin L76
Nv Athletics 14u Cash Coulter R76
Nv Athletics 14u Matteo Guevara R76
Nv Athletics 14u Carsen Laurie R76
LVBA Lightning 2027 Aiden Leach R76
Nv Athletics 14u Brody Newquist R76
Cba Vegas Gauge Rhodes R76
Sn Tribe Blue Mason Burbidge R75
IBA Vegas Douglas Davis R75
LVBA Lightning 2027 Chase Delprete R75
Sn Tribe Blue Bryan Freeman R75
Henderson High Heat Will Gibson R75
Las Vegas Swing Parker Lueck R75
LVBA Lightning 2027 Jax Quinn R75
Henderson High Heat Christian Rosales R75
Las Vegas Swing Christopher Casique L74
Nv Athletics 14u Dominic Guevara R74
Henderson High Heat Gabriel Hernandez R74
LVBA Lightning 2027 Christopher (Gabe) Melendrez R74
Henderson High Heat Giulliano Pugliese R74
MIA Lani Roberts R74
Las Vegas Swing Gavin Robinson R74
Nv Athletics 14u Teovani Vera R74
Henderson High Heat Kyies Walters R74
Las Vegas Swing Jordan Andreas R73
Canes West LV 14u Austin Herterick L73
IBA Vegas Weston Hynes R73
LVBA Lightning 2027 Brayden Leavitt R73
Sn Tribe Blue Jayson Marquez R73
Cba Vegas Ethan Shultz R73
Las Vegas Swing Andre A Alvarez R72
LVBA Lightning 2027 Chris Berkeley Jr R72
Nv Athletics 14u Chris Berkeley Jr R72
Canes West LV 14u Cameron Gazda R72
Nv Athletics 14u Cameron Gazda R72
Nv Athletics 14u Matthew Simmler R72
Canes West LV 14u Elijah Wilcut R72
IBA Vegas Jacob Belanger R71
Henderson High Heat Kalai Chan R71
Cba Vegas Christian Rodriguez R71
Sn Tribe Blue Degan Soderquist R71
Nv Athletics 14u Kobe Arinwine R70
LVBA Lightning 2027 Rocco Germano R70
IBA Vegas Mark Raborn R70
Sn Tribe Blue Alex Savov R70
LVBA Lightning 2027 Sawyer Violand R70
MIA Tucker Cottam R69
LV FIREBALLS Leonides Fernandez R69
Sn Tribe Blue Daren Guzman R69
Sn Tribe Blue Tyrone Roberson Jr R69
LVBA Lightning 2027 Cole Shaffer R69
MIA Luke Bates R67
Cba Vegas Ezekiel Ho'Omalu R67
MIA Landon Newbold R67
IBA Vegas Jd Noel R67
LVBA Lightning 2027 Preston Page R67
LV FIREBALLS Anthony Perez L67
Sn Tribe Blue Derek Wenzel R67
IBA Vegas Tyler De Lude R66
LV FIREBALLS Edwin Moreno Noria R66
Canes West LV 14u Titus Reynolds R66
IBA Vegas Cash Rowberry R66
MIA Taysen Gargano R65
Henderson High Heat Gavin Gottschall R65
IBA Vegas Josh Teal L65
LV FIREBALLS Isaiah Alba R64
MIA Conner Camp R64
LV FIREBALLS Jayden Carrillo R64
Canes West LV 14u Jacob Freeman R64
LV FIREBALLS Jazz Kesisian R64
Henderson High Heat Jacob Lester L64
MIA Zachary Moss R64
LV FIREBALLS Marvin Reed R64
Canes West LV 14u Nathan Stephensen R64
LVBA Lightning 2027 Jaxon Burr R63
MIA Cory Hiatt R63
IBA Vegas Cole Jepsen R63
LV FIREBALLS Jonathan Rossy R63
MIA Crue Bundy R62
Las Vegas Aces 14u Brock Zobrist R62
Las Vegas Aces 14u Gabriel Dianda R61
Las Vegas Aces 14u Ryan Roshak R61
Las Vegas Aces 14u Brady Coon R60
LV FIREBALLS James Paul Adams-Kirchefer R59
Las Vegas Aces 14u Anthony Ibarra R57
Las Vegas Aces 14u Seth Ramos R57
Canes West LV 14u Braden Breen R56
Las Vegas Aces 14u Trev Lamarca R56
Canes West LV 14u Chase Hutton R53
Las Vegas Aces 14u Nicholas Costello R51