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No Pets Allowed At New England Baseball Complex & Dean College
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
NEB Jays Cole Taylor R90
NEB Jays Jake Cullen R89
New England Scorpions John Mass R88
NEB Jays Tommy Mitchell L88
Canes Tri-State 2024 Daniel Collins R87
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Jake Lefrancois R87
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Jonathan Quinn R87
Allstars Academy Prime 16u Matthew Sgambati R87
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Angel Baez R86
NEB Jays Nic Bonica R86
New England Scorpions Mason Breton R86
NEB Jays Joe Williams R86
LB Expos 2024 Joseph Zamejtis L86
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Damien Carter R85
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Josh Florence R85
New England Scorpions Alexander Iannuccilli R85
Hayner Academy Barnstormers Michael Mack R85
Northeast Gators 16u Select Luke Macneil R85
CT EDGE 16U Mason McCarroll L85
Hayner Academy Barnstormers James Redick R85
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Jake Zawatsky R85
Allstars Academy Prime 16u Blaine Zoller R85
CT EDGE 16U Jesse Buonocore R84
Team Axis Minutemen 16U Cameron Cabral R84
New England Scorpions Aidan Gilbert R84
Powerhouse bulldogs Colin Larson L84
Boston Prime U16 Navy Sean Maxwell L84
Cannons 16u Black Elliot Medlock R84
EVO 16U Griffin Metcalf R84
Canes Tri-State 2024 Eddy Nunez R84
NEB Jays Braxton Pearson R84
New England Scorpions Tyler Reall R84
LB Expos 2024 Jaylon Richardson R84
Ascent 2024 McCann Sean Williams R84
Ascent 2024 McCann Rocco Calise R83
Ocean State Swarm Matthew Destefanis L83
NEB Coastal Gold William Dionne R83
Powerhouse bulldogs Tiarnan Doyle R83
NEB Jays Lachlan Ellis L83
Granite State Thunder Patrick Foulis R83
Allstars Academy Prime 16u Andrew Gabriel R83
Overlook Blacksox Darren Gasparri L83
Northeast Gators 16u Select Alex Hee R83
Ocean State Swarm Patrick Jones L83
NEB Jays Sam Keene L83
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Liam Kinneen R83
Bandits Baseball Club Declan Lush R83
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Francisco Melendez R83
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Matt Miller R83
Canes Tri-State 2024 Spencer Natoli R83
Canes Tri-State 2024 Justin Platt L83
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Kevin Rourke R83
Hayner Academy Barnstormers Drew Schraa R83
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Griffin Schutte R83
Antonelli Baseball 16u Tony Silva R83
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Jack Sweeney R83
NEB Jays Ryan Thompson R83
Allstars Academy Prime 16u Joseph Trombley R83
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Ben Valente R83
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Noah Basgaard R82
Boston Prime U16 Navy Matty Blanusa R82
Bandits Baseball Club Michael Bowler R82
Northeast Gators 16u Select Sam Callahan R82
Cannons 16u Black Kevin Dowling R82
The Hit Club Dillon Fernandes L82
NEB Coastal Gold Manuel Freitas R82
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Connor Herlihy R82
Strikers Davis Hobbs R82
Antonelli Baseball 16u Thomas Mahoney R82
East Coast Eagles White Brady Morin R82
Boston Prime U16 Navy Myles Oo R82
EVO 16U Tyson Scanlon R82
Antonelli Baseball 16u Gus Sendlenski R82
Ascent 2024 McCann Pablo Spielman-Rodriguez R82
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Christian Stoessel L82
The Hit Club Blake Stone R82
LB Expos 2025 Jake Sullo R82
Powerhouse bulldogs Hamilton Wray R82
Strikers Tobey Appenzeller R81
Diamond U16 Gabriel Blanco L81
Overlook Blacksox Tyler Blumetti R81
Northeast Gators 16u Select Justin Bourque R81
Diamond U16 Xavier-Raphaël Brault R81
J&M Baseball Academy David Christopher Brown L81
J&M Baseball Academy Josh Bryant R81
East Coast Eagles White Jack Cali R81
Antonelli Baseball 16u Alex Cianciaruso L81
LB Expos 2024 Ryan Daley R81
Overlook Blacksox Carsten Donovan R81
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Luke Douglas R81
LB Expos 2025 Danati Fronduto R81
Sm River Rats Select Benjamin Gill R81
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Nicholas Hart-Nibbrig R81
Baseball U Ct Ali Hood R81
Sm River Rats Select Ethan Lord R81
Tc Wyatt Mason R81
New England Scorpions Chris Piscione R81
Baseball U Ct Axel Riess R81
New England Scorpions Jacob Salzillo R81
Hayner Academy Barnstormers Brown Shea L81
NEB Coastal Gold Aiden Smith R81
Antonelli Baseball 16u Jack Sullivan R81
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Jake Torpey L81
Strikers Andrew Tringe R81
Powerhouse bulldogs Tripp Woytowicz R81
Bandits Baseball Club Alexander Asermerly R80
Overlook Blacksox Logan Brown R80
CT EDGE 16U Anthony Butkevicius R80
Granite State Thunder Charlie Cariello R80
NEB Jays Nicholas Ferrucci R80
New England Scorpions (Purple) Kody Fretts R80
Baseball U Ct Aidan Gray R80
Ascent 2024 McCann Matthew Hamilton R80
Allstars Academy Prime 16u Scott Hanson R80
MWS Devils 16U Prospect Alex Hughes R80
Boston Prime U16 Navy Connor Jernigan R80
CT Titans Trey Lamay R80
Strikers Aaron Larose R80
Diamond U16 William Merrikin R80
Canes Tri-State 2024 Aj Mitchell L80
Ascent 2024 McCann Andrew Rea L80
The Hit Club Andrew Rocca L80
J&M Baseball Academy Joe Rogan R80
GBG Northeast 16U Black Yuv Sakhalkar R80
MWS Devils 16U Prospect Peter Santoro R80
Powerhouse bulldogs Liam Shea-Gallagher R80
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Connor St. Gelais R80
Bandits Baseball Club Jaiden Torres R80
16u Cannons Orange Jake Toulmin L80
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Ryan Wall L80
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Antonio Zermani R80
Diamond U16 Michaël Bizier R79
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Ian Carter R79
Ocean State Swarm Brayden Cockcroft L79
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Colby Coghlin R79
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Griffin Crain L79
NEB Coastal Gold Anthony Diakite R79
Canes Tri-State 2024 Angelo Dillon R79
Canes Tri-State 2024 Connor Durkin L79
New England Ruffnecks 2024's James Dyalchand-Ericson R79
Overlook Blacksox Joe Ferucci R79
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Kyle Fischesser R79
Cannons 16u Black Brock Haynes R79
Powerhouse bulldogs William Hogan R79
EVO 16U William Hoyle R79
Granite State Thunder Cam Hujsak R79
Ascent 2024 McCann Jack Hurda L79
LB Expos 2024 Patrick Keefe R79
Diamond U16 Alexandre Laurence R79
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Kodie Legrand R79
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Corey Magill R79
Bay State Braves 16U Jenson Martin R79
South Shore Patriots Brady McGraw R79
EVO 16U Michael Mitchell R79
Tc Owen Murray R79
New England Scorpions (Purple) Ben Nowinski R79
CT Titans Joseph O’Hara R79
East Coast Eagles Blue Tony Palladino, Tony R79
Baseball U Ct Slade Palmer R79
Strikers Averill Parker R79
Team Boston Academy Dominic Pefine L79
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Conlen Powell L79
New England Scorpions (Purple) Oliver Rey R79
Hayner Academy Barnstormers Colin Richardson R79
Cannons 16u Black Gavin Rigby R79
CT Grind Cooper Seek R79
CT EDGE 16U Jayson Serrano L79
Bandits Baseball Club Connor Thibault R79
Bay State Braves 16U Nate Venis R79
US9Prospects 16 Cameron Beltramini R78
US9Prospects 16 Charlie Bushley R78
East Coast Eagles Blue Andrew Cali R78
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Stuart Camp R78
New England Scorpions (Purple) Tucker Dewolf R78
J&M Baseball Academy Colin Ducie R78
The Hit Club Nate Ehmer R78
Tc Boone Fahey R78
EVO 16U Chase Falcon R78
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Derek Gesmondi L78
CT Grind Will Gregor R78
NEB Jays Connor Haas L78
East Coast Eagles Blue Ethan Harris R78
Tc Mike Hogan R78
EVO 16U Jorge Ignacio R78
Northeast Gators 16u Select Zachary Iwanski R78
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Noah Jordi L78
Sm River Rats Select Brady Leland R78
MWS Devils 16U Prospect Gavin Lynch R78
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Gavin Lynch R78
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Brendan Norton R78
Hayner Academy Barnstormers Owen Redick R78
Northeast Gators 16u Select Max Robison L78
NEB Coastal Manny Soares R78
East Coast Eagles White Andrew Soule L78
NEB Coastal Gold Ben Tingley Prince R78
Boston Prime U16 Navy Will Volk R78
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Theo Allan R77
South Shore Patriots Shamus Barrett R77
CT EDGE 16U Ryan Bulger R77
NEB Coastal Gold Brady Cabral R77
Bandits Baseball Club Aiden Cherniawski R77
Ocean State Swarm Aiden Ciprian R77
East Coast Eagles Blue Josh Cohen R77
Northeast Gators 16u Select Owen Desharnais L77
Hayner Academy Barnstormers James Dixon R77
Baseball U Ct Braden Downey R77
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Jonathan Dumais R77
Middlesex Reds Lucas Fredette R77
New England Scorpions (Purple) Blake Fuller R77
US9Prospects 16 Jack Gallagher R77
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Ryan Garner L77
GBG Northeast 16U Black Jared Graca R77
Team Axis Minutemen 16U Daniel Grapski R77
J&M Baseball Academy Sean Hallissey L77
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Jack Humm R77
US9Prospects 16 Scott Igo R77
GBG Northeast 16U Black Lucas Langone L77
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Matthew Lariviere R77
Sm River Rats Select Ben Libby R77
Middlesex Reds Nik McHugh R77
East Coast Eagles White Sean Murphy R77
EVO 16U Jack Ricciuti R77
Sm River Rats Select Zakary Sanders R77
Team Boston Academy David Tracy R77
Granite State Thunder Maddox Turck R77
New England Scorpions Ryan Valerien R77
Hayner Academy Barnstormers Carter Wichelns R77
NEB Coastal Evan Yakavonis R77
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Luke Aaronson R76
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Brayden Alves R76
Boston Prime U16 Navy Evan Bardinelli R76
East Coast Eagles Blue Zachary Branco L76
GBG Northeast 16U Black Chuckie Cappello R76
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Andrew Cerniglia R76
Team Axis Minutemen 16U Chase Chaprales L76
Antonelli Baseball 16u Jack Cronin L76
Baseball U Ct Nick D'Orso R76
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Jake Dapolite R76
Bay State Braves 16U Carter Demichele R76
South Shore Patriots Cam Dillis R76
NEB Coastal Gold Jeremy Ferro R76
Boston Prime U16 Navy Alex Giancola R76
Cannons 16u Black Evan Gutkowski R76
Team Axis Minutemen 16U Michael Hanley R76
CT Grind Rhys Jamali R76
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Seamus Jones L76
MWS Devils 16U Prospect Tyler Ladouceur L76
Northeast Gators 16u Select Owen Lane L76
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Daniel Maclean R76
Nor'Easter Runbird National 16u Ian McWhinnie R76
Nor'Easters 16u Runbird Regional Ian McWhinnie R76
LB Expos 2024 Samuel Montanile R76
Shrub oak tigers Jake Nargi R76
East Coast Eagles Blue Mike O'Brien R76
Team Boston Academy Matthew O'Connor R76
J&M Baseball Academy Cody Quinn R76
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Brayden Richards R76
Bay State Braves 16U Gabe Simmons R76
Granite State Thunder Peter Suozzo R76
CT Grind Jeter Andrews L75
16u Cannons Orange Chase Carder L75
Cannons 16u Black Mitchell Coffey L75
Route 2 Blue Sox 2024's Ryan Degregorio R75
Antonelli Baseball 16u Charlie Dickie R75
Team Axis Minutemen 16U Charlie Driscoll L75
Northeast Gators 16u Select Jack Duffy L75
NEB Coastal Gold Jeyden Espinal R75
CT EDGE 16U Justin Irizarry R75
Tc Landon Kingsbury R75
Ascent 2024 McCann Clayton Magnus Krieger R75
Baseball U Ct Jack Larkin R75
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Ben Larson R75
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Lincoln Loftus L75
East Coast Eagles White Collin Monteiro R75
NEB Coastal Illiam Santiago R75
Baseball U Ct Jackson Schlotter R75
LB Expos 2025 Joseph Smith R75
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Gabe Tanous R75
Tc Cage Thompson R75
Allstars Academy Prime 16u Hugo Tosler R75
Bay State Braves 16U Peter Abair L74
MWS Devils 16U Prospect Jake Adams R74
Boston Prime U16 Navy Jonathan Adams L74
Sm River Rats Select Sam Drake R74
Team Boston Academy Gabe Fales R74
Canes Tri-State 2024 Jacob Fermin R74
Diamond U16 Charles-Antoine Filion R74
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Garrett Frink R74
J&M Baseball Academy Michael Hannon R74
NEB Coastal Dillon Harding R74
LB Expos 2025 Cameron Jaena L74
CT Grind Gavin Kaminski L74
Granite State Thunder Nate Kiah R74
NEB Coastal Aiden Lamontage R74
Tc Rowan Leckerling R74
Middlesex Reds Jack Lombardo R74
Diamond U16 Nicolas Lorincz R74
Antonelli Baseball 16u Carter Lucido L74
US9Prospects 16 Dylan Murphy L74
16u Cannons Orange Hayden Nunley R74
Shrub oak tigers Fabian Resika L74
Cannons 16u Black Danny Revellese R74
CT EDGE 16U Michael Riordan R74
NEB Coastal Gavin Roberts L74
Shrub oak tigers Edwin Sanchez, Jr L74
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Sean Watts R74
Boston Prime U16 Navy Ben Young R74
Sm River Rats Select Michael Achorn R73
South Shore Patriots Aidan Dolan L73
Tc Kristofer Fennimore R73
CT Titans Luke Fisher R73
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Jake Fortier R73
Powerhouse bulldogs Johnny Gosselin L73
LB Expos 2025 Casey Heney R73
Team Boston Academy Michael Hughes R73
Ocean State Swarm Jack Kildron L73
GBG Northeast 16U Black James Ko L73
Sm River Rats Select Matthew Letellier R73
Ascent 2024 McCann Jake McDonough R73
Team Boston Academy Steve Migliero R73
Shrub oak tigers Matthew O’Neill L73
East Coast Eagles Blue Brayden Ross R73
MWS Devils 16U Prospect Owen Scarborough R73
Shrub oak tigers Michael Sica R73
CT EDGE 16U Sean Sorel R73
The Hit Club Ethan Stepputtis R73
GBG Northeast 16U Black Charlie Wroblewski R73
LB Expos 2025 Luke Yorba R73
CT Grind Vince Bibisi R72
CT Titans Robbie Briggs R72
Sm River Rats Select Jacob Brown R72
Strikers Camden Burke R72
Strikers Caden Bushey L72
Sm River Rats Select Mathew Charrette R72
CT Titans Jake Coniglio R72
Strikers Elijah Duprey R72
LB Expos 2025 Jamison Ford R72
EVO 16U Nicholas Gouveia R72
Baseball U Ct Gabe Greene L72
Ocean State Swarm Domenic McNeil R72
US9Prospects 16 Ryan Murphy R72
CT Grind Matt Ruffler R72
Sm River Rats Select Cam Taylor R72
LB Expos 2024 Nicholas Terilli R72
CT EDGE 16U Ian Wirtz R72
Sm River Rats Select Brady Batson L71
Granite State Thunder Cam Brown R71
Bay State Braves 16U Finn Bumstead R71
Middlesex Reds Matthew Chiodo R71
MWS Devils 16U Showcase Rex Cinelli R71
LB Expos 2024 Paul Donnelly L71
Cannons 16u Black Matthew Drewes R71
NEB Coastal Connor James R71
Tc Brody Kingsbury R71
South Shore Patriots Braden Neenan R71
Middlesex Reds Nick Paiva L71
CT Grind Michael Pogany R71
Team Axis Minutemen 16U Henry Richard L71
16u Cannons Orange Jayden Day R70
New England Ruffnecks 2024's Carter Hoganson R70
The Hit Club Nathan Northrop R70
Bandits Baseball Club Brayden Ogden L70
The Hit Club Joshua Dunne L69
Team Axis Minutemen 16U Jaden Flaherty R69
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Zachary Hawrylciw R69
Seacoast Pirates Showcase Caleb Mosher R69
Middlesex Reds Sam Taylor R69
Tc Kason Blood R68
Team Boston Academy Logan Casey R68
The Hit Club Nicholas D'Alessio R68
US9Prospects 16 Francesco De Vivo R68
Bay Sox 16u Showcase Peter Delpozzo R68
Ascent 2024 McCann Jason Hughes R68
MWS Devils 16U Prospect Alex Galligan R67
16u Cannons Orange Nate Johnson R67
Tc Jacob Putnam R67
South Shore Patriots Liam O'Rourke L66
Shrub oak tigers Milo Pearsall R66
EVO 16U Zach Bowley L65
LB Expos 2025 Connor Heney R65
LB Expos 2025 Adam White L65
New England Scorpions (Purple) Quinn Murphy L64
New England Ruffnecks 2024's William Webster L64
16u Cannons Orange Griffin Kimball R63