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Just wanted to make sure all teams are aware of a few things regarding the weekend. Rules can be found under "Event Info" and "Rules." Please make sure you are looking at your specific age group to ensure rules are accurate for that specific age group. 9U - 14U will be using Youth Pitching Rules and 15U - 17U will be using Pitch Smart. All pitching can be found under, "Event Info" and "Pitching Report." Because of the weather, please make sure your team is prepared to play at least 15 minutes after the last game ends. This is very important so we can keep games on time/ahead of schedule just in case of weather. Any pitching corrections on the weekend can be sent to stats@perfectgame.org with the game link and they will make the change. Please be sure you are checking the event pages for any updates regarding the weather. As soon as information comes in on any fields, we will be updating the website as quickly as possible. Thanks!
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Brayden Hennigan R83
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Caleb Simpson R82
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Drew McCullars R81
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Daniel Rape R81
Performance Lab Sox Mason Arceneaux L80
Prime Time Baseball 14u Colby Key R80
MAFIA 14u Tanner Rice R80
Canes Southeast 14u Russell Graham Segraves R80
Prime Time Baseball 14u Gibbs White R80
Prime Time Baseball 14u Jackson Carmichael R79
Batters Box Black Brady Crenshaw L79
South Walton Hawks 14u Alex Goodwin R79
Batters Box Black Xander Kollias R79
Ms Rangers Cody Pigford R79
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite Grant Propst R79
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Colton Redmond R79
Prime Time Baseball 14u Charles Taaffe R79
South Walton Hawks 14u Fletcher Taylor R79
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite JaBoris Buckley R78
TNG Prospects Sam Coleman R78
Middle Tennessee Royals 14u Carson Henderson R78
TNG Prospects Maddox Millard R78
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Hudson Mitchell R78
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Brody Niumata R78
Prime Time Baseball 14u Brady Sack R78
Usa Prime Alabama 14u Red John Robert Towry R78
Venom Drew Turner R78
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Jonah Turner R78
Nsa Dodgers Grant Bartell R77
Canes Southeast 14u Russell Jacob Brooks R77
Usa Prime Alabama 14u White Keaton Coffee R77
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Barrett Cook R77
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Barrett Cook R77
South Walton Hawks 14u Drew Igou R77
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Anthony Leon R77
South Walton Hawks 14u Bryant Mathis R77
Vba Black 14u Keigan McClure R77
Prime Time Baseball 14u Luke Neill R77
Performance Lab Sox Nathan Ray R77
Middle Tennessee Royals 14u Eli Stephens R77
Canes Southeast 14u Russell Elijah Wentz R77
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Carson White R77
Ombc 2027 Charlie Williamon R77
TPL Pro Elite 14U Luke Williamson L77
Sudden Impact Micah Brasher R76
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Cruz Cunill R76
Ombc 2027 Jake Hartsfield R76
Sudden Impact Sam Heath R76
SBG Sox Alabama American 27 Jack Jensen R76
MAFIA 14u Parker Mims R76
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite Ian Owens L76
Old Hickory Baseball Club 14U Jackson Rhodes R76
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite Kash Willock R76
Ombc 2027 Andrew Bourland R75
Vba Black 14u John Lawrence Chittam R75
Vba Black 14u Witt Crisler R75
Vba Red 14u Jackson Darnell L75
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Houston Hagood L75
Sudden Impact Avery Haynes R75
Ms Rangers Mitchell Herrington R75
Ms Rangers Brayden Ingram R75
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Caden Ishman R75
Ombc 2027 Luke Kelly R75
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Braden Lee R75
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Ethan Levanda R75
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Miller Lombardi R75
Vba Black 14u Garrett Mullins R75
Sudden Impact Jayden Overstreet R75
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite Myles Prince R75
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Andrew Renfroe R75
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Dylan Smith R75
Batters Box Black Connor Vowell R75
Venom Kaige Watkins R75
Sudden Impact Jace White R75
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Emerson Yates R75
Ombc 2027 William Yoder R75
TPL Pro Elite 14U Jude Young L75
Venom Dylan Carlisle R74
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Graydn Evans R74
Usa Prime Alabama 14u Red Griffin Hendon R74
Nsa Dodgers Cj Hill R74
Middle Tennessee Royals 14u Jack Jackson R74
Nsa Dodgers Kaden Jimerson R74
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Fred Lewis R74
MAFIA 14u Brody Mathis R74
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Luke Moatts R74
Vba Black 14u Lucas Terry R74
Usa Prime Alabama 14u White Watson Turnage R74
Vba Red 14u Austen Adams R73
Vba Black 14u Kolton Bentley R73
Usa Prime Alabama 14u Red Haines Bridges R73
Vba Black 14u Inman Carson R73
Middle Tennessee Royals 14u Matthew Dickey R73
Middle Tennessee Royals 14u Nathan Dussault L73
TNG Prospects Cohen Fletcher L73
TPL Pro Elite 14U Avery Floyd R73
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Wes Hardy R73
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Hunter King R73
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Braxton Ogle R73
Usa Prime Alabama 14u Red Jackson Reyer R73
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Parker Ruskin R73
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Parker Ruskin R73
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Pj Shelton R73
Old Hickory Baseball Club 14U Flynn Steele R73
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite Braylon Townes R73
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Trip Albert R72
Batters Box Black Brecken Boyd R72
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Christopher England R72
Old Hickory Baseball Club 14U Grahm Johnson R72
Venom Jake Johnson R72
Middle Tennessee Royals 14u Jax Jones L72
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite Kenneth Means III R72
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Wesley Murphree R72
Canes Southeast 14u Russell Cade Parham L72
Ombc 2027 Josh Renfro R72
Old Hickory Baseball Club 14U Colyn Schillig R72
Middle Tennessee Royals 14u Wil Shirey R72
TPL Pro Elite 14U Tucker Shores R72
Venom Graham Sims R72
Batters Box Black Peeler Vandergrift R72
South Walton Hawks 14u Nathan Whitney L72
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Tyler Young R72
South Walton Hawks 14u Mason Daniels R71
Usa Prime Alabama 14u White Wyatt Dunaway R71
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Asher Evans R71
TNG Prospects Will Fessler R71
TPL Pro Elite 14U Luke Hairston R71
Usa Prime Alabama 14u White Hunt Kincaid R71
TPL Pro Elite 14U Preston Mizerany R71
Ms Rangers Peyton Parks R71
Nsa Dodgers Noah Reid R71
TNG Prospects Conner Reilly R71
Vba Red 14u Sawyer Rentz R71
Usa Prime Alabama 14u Red Burton Stoddard R71
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Ryan Turman R71
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Paxton Wolbach R71
Canes Southeast 14u Russell Braden Works R71
Batters Box Black Drake Anderson R70
Venom Preston Ash R70
Performance Lab Sox Brenden Barrentine R70
TNG Prospects Bentley Edwards R70
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Cameron Graham R70
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Will McKay R70
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Quinton Robinson R70
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Sam Wallace R70
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Sam Wallace R70
Nsa Dodgers Patrick Whigham R70
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Brandt Aho R69
Performance Lab Sox Landon Chestang R69
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Josiah Dubose R69
Vba Black 14u Sam Gillette R69
South Walton Hawks 14u Austin Goodwin R69
TNG Prospects Caden Hight R69
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Nathan Korovin R69
Usa Prime Alabama 14u White Michael Masterson R69
Sudden Impact Sylas Adams R68
Vba Black 14u Colby Atkins L68
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Conner Bennett R68
MAFIA 14u Jonathan Cope R68
Venom Parker Giles R68
Usa Prime Alabama 14u Red Price Lamaster R68
Canes Montgomery 14u- Boan Braydon Adams R67
Old Hickory Baseball Club 14U Brody Bullock L67
Usa Prime Alabama 14u White William Hurt R67
5 Star Team Alabama 2027 Aiden Owens R67
SBG Sox Alabama 27 Cameron Roberts R67
Canes Montgomery 14u- Haecker Kam Stines R67
Old Hickory Baseball Club 14U Dean Turley R67
Nsa Dodgers Gage Ayers R66
Nsa Dodgers Austin Davenport R66
SBG Sox Alabama American 27 Grayson Glover R66
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Jack Beckman R65
MAFIA 14u Jonah Carroll R65
Vba Red 14u Cole Harper L65
MAFIA 14u Landon Renfro R65
TPL Pro Elite 14U Bryson Thomas R65
East Coast Sox 2027 Elite Ross Burney R64
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Jackson Newton R64
Nsa Dodgers Leland Stanford L64
Bucs Baseball Club 14u Hudson Jackman R63
East Coast Sox 2027 Select Levi Fowler R57
MAFIA 14u Jet Tolbert R55