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Due to team drops and field availability changes after Monday's schedule release, we have made a slight adjustment to the weekend's schedule. Please double check your schedules for accuracy.
Oct 15 - 17 | 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
5 Star National 15u Gold Owen Robinson L82
5 Star 15U Southeast Braegan Cravey B80
TG DBacks 15U National Austin McMillan R80
East Cobb Braves 15u Lujack Cole R79
Ecb Texas Orange 15 Jason Ensley R79
5 Star National 15u Gold Landon Nichols R79
5 Star National 15u Gold Caden Napier R78
360 Hawks 15u Julian Hayes R77
5 Star 15U Southeast Sam Renshaw R77
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez Nathan Shumway R77
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Mayson Smith R77
360 Hawks 15u Andrew Forbes R76
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Trey James L76
Ecb Texas Orange 15 Sinjon Lash R76
5 Star National 15u Gold Briggs McKenzie L76
East Cobb Braves 15u Zachary Murray R76
5 Star National 15u Gold Ryan Whitley R76
Bullpen Redstitch 108 14u Blake Burghardt R75
East Cobb Braves 15u Jordan Miller R75
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Christopher Oates R75
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Ryan Shumate R75
5 Star 15U Southeast Jacob Avery R74
Bullpen Redstitch 108 14u Daniel George R74
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Conor Goltermann R74
360 Hawks 15u Antione Hollaway Jr R74
TG DBacks 15U National Tanner Morneau R74
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Ben Roche R74
East Cobb Braves 15u Jared Sherrod R74
5 Star National 15u Gold Kayden Sutton R74
360 Hawks 15u John Whitt R74
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez John Kosobud R73
TG DBacks 15U National Taj McLeod R73
5 Star 15U Southeast Turner Motes R73
Ecb Texas Orange 15 Noah Orfi L73
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Bryce Stanfield R73
5 Star 15U Southeast Caleb Swindle R73
360 Hawks 15u Jaxon Barron R72
Bullpen Redstitch 108 14u Brooks Bibby L72
TG DBacks 15U National Gavin Kirkman R71
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Carson Kish R71
Ecb Texas Orange 15 Jason May R71
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Noah Byrd R70
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Jake Gaskill R70
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Dylan Grimes R70
TG DBacks 15U National Patrick Halliday R70
Bullpen Redstitch 108 14u William King R70
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez Ethan Pajot R70
East Cobb Braves 15u Elijah Pell L70
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Cesar (Cj) Rivera R70
360 Hawks 15u Alonso Rodriguez R70
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez Noah Sanders R70
360 Hawks 15u Will Thiry R70
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Aaron Abke R69
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez Jasper Johnson L69
TG DBacks 15U National Connor Bennett R68
5 Star 15U Southeast Ashton Bryan R68
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez Hamilton Henderson R67
Ecb Texas Orange 15 Will Schmidt R67
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Johnny Blue R66
TG DBacks 15U National Jace Marvel R66
East Cobb Braves 15u Noah Schmid R66
360 Hawks 15u Neil Sevigny R66
Fca Newnan Naturals 15U Butts Jerred Clay R65
360 Hawks 15u Kameron Scott R65
Ecb Texas Orange 15 Dominic Smeal R65
TG DBacks 15U National Devin Von Seeger R65
Bullpen Redstitch 108 14u Cody Collum R64
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez Robert Robinson R64
360 Hawks 15u Daniel Tompkins R64
TG DBacks 15U National Zack Bassett R63
Ninth Inning Royals 15u Fernandez Will Green R63
360 Hawks 15u Jake Rolley R63
East Cobb Braves 15u Benjamin Ampel R62
Bullpen Redstitch 108 14u Jackson Glenn L62
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Andrew Robertson L62
Bullpen Redstitch 108 14u Maddux Earls R61
Us Elite 2025/Georgia/Sorrells Caden Elinburg R61