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13U 14U
WE ARE CLOSELY MONITORING THE WEATHER FOR THIS WEEKENDS EVENT! WE WILL BE SURE TO KEEP EVERYONE UPDATED WITH ANY CHANGES! Please return all foul balls to the Diamondkast scorekeeper. No Pets, Gum, or Seeds are allowed at NEBC Complex

Apologies for the late notice but our website has been down for the last hour. Due to the inclement weather and more to follow, we have lost access to fields that have been deemed unplayable for tomorrow Sunday, June 4th. That said, ALL consolation games have been canceled for tomorrow June 4th. We apologize for the inconvenience; the weather has been a huge factor in this weekend's event. We appreciate all teams and parents for being patient and understanding throughout the process. We will reseed teams for playoffs at the conclusion of all pool play games tonight. Due to limited field space ALL Playoff games will be played with a 1 hour and 30-minute time limit. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank You

Coaches, will will be using "Pitch Smart" rules. Please click on "Event Info" tab then click on "Pitching Report"

Perfect Game Merchandise will be sold at New England Baseball Complex
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
GBG Northeast 14U Anthony Baroncelli R83
Ct Grind Carolina Jacob Felton R83
Boston Prime 14u Ben Samuels R82
5 Star Metro 14u Gavin Chmura R81
Nor’Easters 14U Prospect Jack Daggett L81
5 Star Metro 14u Brandon Jenkins R81
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci Christopher Parisi R81
Ct Grind Carolina Jake Boguniecki R80
Canes CT 14u Coby Dagata R80
Bay State Braves - 14U Liam Gregg R80
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci Joseph Karpowicz R80
Seacoast Pirates Chamblee Brennan Schimoler R80
Ct Grind Carolina Reid Stanton R80
CT Grind Navy Reid Stanton R80
Ct Grind Carolina Andrew Valentino R80
Top Level Athletics Stephen Yakubec R80
Legends 14u Prospects Nico Alves R79
Grit Black 14u Logan Jarer R79
Ct Grind Carolina Jack Henry Palazzo R79
GBG Northeast 14U Cole Blakley R78
GBG Northeast 14U Ryan Burns R78
Dugout Dawgs Jack Frostholm R78
Grit Black 14u Brandon Stabile R78
Allstars Academy Impact 14u Landon Warchol R78
Grit Black 14u Takumi Yoshida R78
Northeast Supreme 2027 Black Lorenzo Zeccardi R78
Northeast Supreme 2027 Black Kevin Comblo Jr. R77
Grit Black 14u Kevin Comblo Jr. R77
Nor’Easters 14U Inferno Owen Forcier R77
Grit Black 14u Robert Lawrence Jr R77
Nor’Easters 14U Prospect Trey Martin R77
Nh Prospects Collin Philcrantz L77
Seacoast Pirates Chamblee Ethan Battles R76
NEB-Wnukowski Jacoby Cady R76
NEB-Wnukowski Paul Chamberland R76
Dugout Dawgs Gavin Desley R76
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 14u Linus Frederick R76
Nor’Easters 14U Prospect Brayden French R76
Dugout Dawgs Tyler Jones R76
CT Grind Navy Cole Landgraf L76
Northeast Gators Landon Lipsett R76
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci Dominic Longardino R76
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci Joseph Maxwell R76
South Coast Stingrays Trace Reed R76
Nor’Easters 14U Prospect Sean Whalen R76
GBG Northeast 14U Nicholas Broughton L75
Mvp New England 14u Black Jacob Budarz R75
Southern Maine River Rats 14u Elite Emmett Carroll R75
Allstars Academy Impact 14u Joseph Carrothers R75
Show NE 14U Elite Deloretto Jonathan Flaig R75
MDB Knights 14u Gold Luca Greco R75
Boston Prime 14u Jake Isa R75
NEB-Reynolds Max Mandler R75
New England Ruffnecks 14U Angus McKenna R75
Grit Black 14u JJ McLaughlin R75
Show NE 14U Elite Deloretto Jack Mercier L75
Top Level Athletics Evan O'Connell R75
GBG Northeast 14U Jack Peabody R75
Nh Prospects Brady Sirois R75
Nor’Easters 14U Inferno Kellen Tesini R75
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci Michael Tramaglini R75
Legends 14u Prospects Nolan Aiello R74
Nokona Chiefs 14u Drew Blanchette R74
Mvp New England 14u Black Chase Boudreau R74
Northeast baseball training Jayden Burgos R74
Boston Prime 14u Owen Burnes L74
Northeast Supreme 2027 Black Jose “Nino” Diaz L74
MDB Knights 14u Gold Ben Doak R74
GBG Northeast 14U Bryce Heinselman R74
Bay Sox 14u Elite Robert Leach R74
MDB Knights 14u Gold Brendan McCarthy R74
New England Ruffnecks 14U Kaden McNeice L74
GBG Northeast 14U Black Nicholas Pennini R74
CT Crush 14U Gavin Scarice R74
Northeast Supreme 2027 Black Lorenzo Vaccari R74
Nokona Chiefs 14u Cam Aguilar R73
NEB-Reynolds Johnny Bordes R73
Southern Maine River Rats 14u Elite Kaiden Carrell R73
Boston Prime 14u Will Cassidy R73
Southern Maine River Rats 14u Elite Maxwell Hayward R73
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci William Herbert R73
Ct Grind Carolina John Michael Johnson L73
Norconn Attack 14u Lucas Johnson R73
NEB-Wnukowski Connor Moore L73
GBG Northeast 14U Black Timothy O'Sullivan R73
Northeast Gators Ben Peruzzi R73
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci Christian Poveda Ii R73
Grit Black 14u Trevor Reim R73
Northeast Supreme 2027 Black Trevor Reim R73
NEB-Reynolds Carter Rich R73
Team Boston Academy Henry Seabury R73
Show NE 14U Elite Hall Julius Soto R73
GBG Northeast 14U Black Aidan Stow R73
Nor’Easters 14U Prospect Colin Tinnin R73
Show NE 14U Elite Deloretto MJ Zappala L73
Show NE 14U Elite Hall Francisco Carrasquillo R72
Seacoast Pirates Chamblee Andrew Connarn R72
Nokona Chiefs 14u Patrick Gage L72
Northeast Supreme 2027 Black Danny Maye R72
Grit Black 14u Danny Maye R72
Northeast baseball training Jayden Minaya R72
Grit Black 14u DJ Mulvany R72
Top Level Athletics Luke Nicholas L72
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 14u Aiden Perry R72
Nor’Easters 14U Inferno Owen Varley R72
Runbirds Baseball Andrew Victor R72
East Coast Eagles Blue Jack Warren R72
Canes CT 14u Jadon Adams R71
CT Crush 14U Conner Gallagher R71
Grit Black 14u Daniel Higgins R71
Seacoast Pirates Chamblee Landin Moore R71
Northeast baseball training Andres Morel L71
New England Ruffnecks 14U Nick O'Neil L71
Southern Maine River Rats 14u Elite Aj Pelletier R71
5 Star Metro 14u Rafael Rodriguez R71
Ct Grind Carolina Aiden Thomas R71
New England Ruffnecks 14U Albin Valdez L71
Northeast baseball training Jose Vinas R71
Allstars Academy Impact 14u Davian Williams R71
Bay Sox 14u Elite Matthew Almeida R70
Northeast Gators Liam Doherty R70
MWS Devils 14U (Wardwell) Landon Fitzgibbon R70
GBG Northeast 14U Black Connor Foley R70
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 14u Steve Gervasi R70
East Coast Eagles Blue Aiden Kaplan R70
Bay State Braves - 14U Broderick Kohler R70
Bay State Braves - 14U Jackson McGourty R70
New England Ruffnecks 14U Andrew Palmer R70
Top Level Athletics Ryan Scholz R70
Bay Sox 14u Elite Kyle Sherman Jr R70
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 14u Tommy Stathopoulos R70
Team Boston Academy Jonathan Stokes R70
Middlesex Reds 14U Emmett Vaughan R70
Nor’Easters 14U Inferno Cayden Chow R69
Top Level Athletics Riley Girtler L69
South Coast Stingrays Travis Henriques R69
Northeast Gators Sam Larkee R69
Team Boston Academy Patrick Maloney L69
Tri State Arsenal NY 14U Marucci James Mancuso R69
Legends 14u Prospects Joseph Neilon R69
Show NE 14U Elite Deloretto Cullen Pasterick R69
NEB-Reynolds Matthew Pazak R69
Mvp New England 14u Black Luis Viruega R69
MWS Devils 14U (Wardwell) Bobby Vozzella R69
Mvp New England 14u Silver Josh Blanchard R68
Northeast Supreme 2027 Black Anthony Caruso R68
Grit Black 14u Anthony Caruso R68
Nor’Easters 14U Inferno Kevn Fitzgerald L68
MWS Devils 14U (Wardwell) Jared Grunbaum R68
Nor’Easters 14U Inferno Harrison Joshi R68
Mvp New England 14u Black Jack McDougall L68
Bay State Braves - 14U Cooper McFarlane R68
Middlesex Reds 14U Matthew Olson R68
Mvp New England 14u Silver David Peling R68
Nor’Easters 14U Inferno Timothy Schribman L68
Grit Black 14u Brennan Tesseyman L68
New England Ruffnecks 14U Sam Carbeau R67
Top Level Athletics Riley Carroll R67
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 14u Michael Crafa R67
Mvp New England 14u Silver Gavin Gentile R67
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 14u Vincent Iorio L67
MWS Devils 14U (Wardwell) Max Krauss R67
Canes CT 14u Max Longo R67
Canes CT 14u Luke Prozzo L67
Boston Prime 14u James Skeffington R67
Canes CT 14u Connor Watson R67
Team Boston Academy Avery Koehler R66
Dugout Dawgs Henry Roy L66
Show NE 14U Elite Hall Stephen Saggese R66
Northeast baseball training Nolyn Tremblay R66
MWS Devils 14U (Wardwell) Jacob Whyte R66
Northeast Gators Ryan Doyle R65
MDB Knights 14u Gold James Furcinito R65
Nor’Easters 14U Prospect Charles Gallaudet R64
South Coast Stingrays Logan Audet R63
MWS Devils 14U (Wardwell) Nicholas Derosa R62
East Coast Eagles Blue Quint Perry R62
Top Level Athletics Tyler Pfeiffer R62
Mvp New England 14u Silver Brendan Vargas L62
East Coast Eagles Blue Zach Barrett R61
South Coast Stingrays Gabe Baxter R61
South Coast Stingrays Cooper Danielian R61
Mvp New England 14u Silver Luke Lagosh R61
Canes CT 14u Ryan LaRosa L60
East Coast Eagles Blue Luke Corey R59
Northeast baseball training Raymond Hidalgo R58
Show NE 14U Elite Deloretto Mark Bettencourt L55