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Due to inclement weather the event is now a 2 game guarantee. The schedule for tomorrow has been updated.
Sep 25 - 27 |  In The Net | Palmyra, PA
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Long Island Body Armor Titans United James (Jake) Griffin R88
Long Island Body Armor Titans United Dylan Banner R87
Complete Game Academy 2023 Carter Cowburn R87
Ground Breakers (G3) Parker Hogge R86
Stars Baseball Freeman Christopher McCullers R86
Long Island Body Armor Titans United Michael O’Shaughnessy R85
Ground Breakers (G3) Kydese Queen Jr. R85
ACE Elite 2023 Brody Shawn R85
Long Island Body Armor Titans United Mason Butash R84
ACE Elite 2023 Luke Cardman R84
York Young Revolution-Bausman Austin Bausman R83
Complete Game Academy 2023 Addison Clymer R83
Stars Baseball Freeman Jakob Foster R83
MidAtlantic Dirtbags 16U-Black Jackson Kerr R83
Complete Game Academy 2023 Braden Manning R83
Complete Game Academy 2023 Tyler Burger L82
Bagel Bombers 2023/2024 Hunter Chambers R82
ACE Elite 2023 Mooch Lilly R82
API Cavaliers Tyler Smith R82
ACE Elite 2023 Bennett Zippel R82
Powerballers baseball John Bacolo R81
Baseball U Anthracite Josh Halcisak R81
Baseball U Anthracite Brad Hood R81
Baseball U Anthracite Stephen Hood R81
MidAtlantic Dirtbags 16U-Black Darin Kuskie R81
Complete Game Academy 2023 Jason Madrak R81
Flood City Elite Jack Messina L81
Complete Game Academy 2023 Tyler Swineford R81
Flood City Elite Aiden Vanlenten R81
Complete Game of PA Dylan Antonini R80
Flood City Elite Chase Brush R80
Pa Rebels Black Michael Cadden R80
Powerballers baseball Peter Hrousis R80
Stars Baseball Freeman Michael Lewis R80
Ground Breakers (G3) Andres Rivera R80
Long Island Body Armor Titans United Brendan Thomas R80
Ground Breakers (G3) Marlon Baggett R79
Diamond Baseball Academy Vince James Brown L79
Flood City Elite Josh Bryson R79
MD Sons Of Liberty Eli Derossi-Cytron R79
API Cavaliers John Earle L79
API Cavaliers Kyle Emmons R79
ACE Elite 2023 Keegan Mahoney L79
Bagel Bombers 2023/2024 Gavin McIntyre L79
Powerballers baseball Beckham McNally R79
Central Maryland Cyclones Ryan Perry R79
API Cavaliers Jake Yeager R79
Baseball U Anthracite Jonas Aponick R78
Diamond Baseball Academy Vince Mathew Christian R78
Pa Rebels Black Matthew Delacruz R78
Long Island Body Armor Titans United Dominick DiMartino R78
Baseball U Anthracite Antonio Doganiero L78
Diamond Baseball Academy Vince Dylan Duke L78
Central Maryland Cyclones Kyle Grimsley L78
MD Sons Of Liberty Jack Hamilton R78
Complete Game of PA Brian Korchok R78
Flood City Elite Braden Kretchman R78
Stars Baseball Freeman Mitchell Mortensen L78
API Cavaliers Cody Sharman L78
MidAtlantic Dirtbags 16U-Black Cooper Sidell R78
Diamond Baseball Academy Vince Tyler Weil-Kaspar R78
Flood City Elite Connor Weyandt R78
Ground Breakers (G3) Rahsaan Mack R77
Valley Forge Militia Luke Riefenstahl R77
Central Maryland Cyclones Owen Roach R77
Flood City Elite Brody Roberts R77
MD Sons Of Liberty Ethan Sanbower R77
Flood City Elite Logan Bradish R76
Valley Forge Militia Wade Carruthers R76
Valley Forge Militia Taj Donald R76
York Young Revolution-Bausman Camden Flinchbaugh R76
MD Sons Of Liberty Tanner Rinehart R76
Long Island Body Armor Titans United Michael Waltos R76
Complete Game of PA Colin Bull R75
Diamond Baseball Academy Vince Jacob Chapman L75
Diamond Baseball Academy Vince Frank Dimaio R75
Central Maryland Cyclones Tanner Herring R75
Diamond Baseball Academy Joe Ty Lohsen R75
Valley Forge Militia Stephen Mullen, Jr. R75
Pa Rebels Black Jack Sharer R75
Flood City Elite Josh Siegel R75
Pa Rebels Black John Uebele R75
Baseball U Anthracite Brady Gustitus R74
Powerballers baseball Ryan Hoffman R74
Central Maryland Cyclones Quinn Petroski R74
Central Maryland Cyclones Nick Duvall R73
MidAtlantic Dirtbags 16U-Black CJ Garrick R73
Baseball U Anthracite Brian Hinkle R73
Powerballers baseball Jake Klotz R73
Diamond Baseball Academy Joe Rafe Adams R72
Bagel Bombers 2023/2024 Graham Buckson R72
Diamond Baseball Academy Joe Domenic Geramowciz R72
Valley Forge Militia Jackson Hansford R72
Diamond Baseball Academy Vince Dylan Simeone R72
MD Sons Of Liberty Ethan Earley R71
York Young Revolution-Bausman Gino Grob L71
Complete Game Academy 2023 Michael Kern R71
MD Sons Of Liberty Brody Nemoga R70
York Young Revolution-Bausman Justus Feeser L68
Diamond Baseball Academy Joe Danny Hankee R68
MD Sons Of Liberty Jacob Stinson R64