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-No parking on street in front of East Cobb. Violators will be towed.
-Parking at Kell HS on Saturday & Sunday is $2. 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Excel Blue Wave Jonathan Stevens R89
Excel Blue Wave Chase Ambrose R87
Nashville Select 15u Eli Lamb R86
Team Athens 2023 Samuel Schofield R86
Team Georgia 15U Elite Garrett Lambert R85
Team Georgia 15U Elite Ethan Sutton R85
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Logan Bryson R83
Team Georgia 15U Elite Cooper Milford R83
Georgia Jackets 15U Braden Pierce R83
Georgia Jackets 15U Jonathan Smith R83
Nashville Select 15u Myers (Easton) Dillard R81
Team Athens 2023 Chase Lupton R81
Excel Blue Sox Ashford Fowler R80
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Jake Freedman R80
Excel Blue Wave Caleb Freeman L80
Excel Blue Wave Brady Gillespie L80
Team Athens 2023 Jacob Grimes L80
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Ben Hoffman R80
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black Ben Hollenbeck R80
Diamond USA 15u Matthew Kilbey R80
STB 15U Lane Greyson Madonia R80
Excel Blue Sox Dakota Nesmith R80
Excel Blue Wave Eli Tidwell R80
Excel Blue Wave Cameron Welsh R80
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black Chase Arrington R79
33s 15u 323 Aiden Black R79
STB 15U Lane Trip Bradley R79
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Marco Cabrera R79
Team Athens 2023 Brendan Conway R79
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Brandon Cook R79
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Dakota Crumbley R79
Cobb Aces 15u Silas Freeman R79
Excel Blue Wave Jackson Hayes R79
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Ayden Hudson R79
Team Athens 2023 Evan Ivester R79
Excel Blue Wave Parker Lomax R79
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Pedro Luciano R79
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Max Wagner R79
33s 15u 323 Gabriel Young L79
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black Hatcher Bailey R78
Middle Tennessee Titans Jacob Baker R78
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black Jimmy Bowden R78
Nashville Select 15u Carson Cochran R78
Titans Baseball 15U Orange Jackson Davis R78
360 Hawks 15u Jeramie Favors II R78
Cobb Aces 15u Drew Fields L78
Nashville Select 15u Kaleb Gupton R78
Excel Blue Wave Greyson Howard R78
33s 15u 323 Jake Ivie R78
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Brody Mann R78
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black Jacob Medina R78
Diamond USA 15u Eli Miller R78
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Drew Moss R78
Excel Blue Sox Casey Phillips R78
Team Georgia 15U Elite AJ Rodriguez R78
Diamond USA 15u Luke Seagrist R78
Titans Baseball 15U Orange Braden Sperry R78
Excel Blue Sox Max Stewart R78
East Cobb Prime 15U Michael Watson II R78
33s 15u 323 Tyler Wilson R78
Team Athens 2023 Christian Black R77
STB 15U Lane Logan Blankenship R77
Excel Blue Sox Joshua Bybee L77
East Cobb Angels 15U Matt Clark L77
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Tyler Glasgow R77
33s 15u 413 Garrett Gray R77
Excel Blue Sox Will Jones R77
Nashville Select 15u Colin Kerrigan L77
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Porter Ledoyen R77
Middle Tennessee Titans Jack McAlpin R77
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Addison Palm R77
Georgia Jackets 15U Ripp Perez R77
Excel Blue Wave Paxton Ponder R77
Team Georgia 15U Elite Ben Sanders R77
Cobb Aces 15u Kyle Shaw R77
Team Athens 2023 Mason Steele R77
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black Lathen Baynard R76
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Thomas Bennett R76
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U David Bishop L76
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Coogan Bombard L76
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Nolan Foster R76
Excel Blue Sox Max Hanson R76
Team Athens 2023 Jackson Harper R76
Georgia Jackets 15U Brandon Jones R76
Nashville Select 15u Noah Kefauver L76
33s 15u 413 Ford Moffatt R76
Titans Baseball 15U Orange Aubrey Moraitakis R76
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Peyton Morefield R76
STB 15U Lane Wyatt Nave R76
Cobb Aces 15u Braeden Rodriguez R76
Diamond USA 15u William Webb R76
Titans Baseball 15U Orange Carson White R76
Middle Tennessee Titans Parker Applegate R75
Georgia Jackets 15U Tyler Bak L75
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Will Brown R75
Team Athens 2023 Brooks Byram L75
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jake Carden R75
STB 15U Lane Caden Carroll R75
East Cobb Angels 15U Ryan Coughanour R75
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Lawson Folds R75
360 Hawks 15u Gregorio Gonzalez L75
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black London Gresham L75
360 Hawks 15u Collin Hart R75
33s 15u 323 Devin Lee R75
East Cobb Angels 15U Brandt McKinnon R75
33s 15u 323 Russell Nelson R75
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U William O'Quinn R75
East Cobb Prime 15U Brady O'Tuel R75
Titans Baseball 15U Orange Luke O’Malley R75
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Miles Owen R75
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Camden Page R75
East Cobb Prime 15U Ayden Ray R75
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Ty Siksta L75
33s 15u 413 Clayton Wallace R75
33s 15u 413 Evan Bibb R74
360 Hawks 15u Chandler Bradburn R74
Middle Tennessee Titans Zan Currie L74
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jackson Divido R74
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u Black Elijah Edwards L74
33s 15u 413 Barrett Harper L74
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jameson Inagawa R74
Titans Baseball 15U Orange David Lovell L74
Cobb Aces 15u JJ Michaud R74
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Charlie Mills L74
East Cobb Angels 15U Pearse Mullinax R74
Team Georgia 15U Elite Davis Pate R74
Diamond USA 15u Landon Pique L74
33s 15u 323 Samuel Schmidt R74
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Hayden Shoup R74
East Cobb Prime 15U Preston Smith R74
Cobb Aces 15u Walter Stuart L74
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Andrew Tovin R74
33s 15u 323 Jake Trent R74
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Jacob Wair R74
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Adams Walls R74
Cobb Aces 15u Joshua Arneson R73
East Cobb Angels 15U Jack Chatman R73
Middle Tennessee Titans Esten Cook R73
East Cobb Prime 15U Luke Flading R73
Diamond USA 15u Brady Frederick R73
Georgia Jackets 15U Lawson Jarrett L73
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Drayton McGinnis R73
Team Athens 2023 Jackson Miller R73
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Sam Neal L73
Georgia Jackets 15U Jack Parkinson R73
East Cobb Angels 15U Chase Reed R73
Diamond USA 15u Cooper Schulze R73
Excel Blue Sox Brady Waugh R73
Nashville Select 15u Caleb Webster R73
Georgia Jackets 15U Braden Burghardt R72
360 Hawks 15u Rhaylin Carvajal R72
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Noah Cummins R72
STB 15U Lane Nick Dufresne R72
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Harrison Feldman R72
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Carson Gaston L72
Titans Baseball 15U Orange Mason Glennon R72
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Caleb Kacsmar R72
East Cobb Colt .45's 15U Kyle VanderWeit R72
Excel Blue Sox Jake Austin R71
East Cobb Angels 15U Brayden Baumgardner R71
East Cobb Angels 15U Jackson Cohen R71
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Thatcher Green R71
Bullpen Redstitch 108 15U Hayden Henderson L71
360 Hawks 15u Kedean Madden R71
Team Athens 2023 Ethan Mizell R71
Middle Tennessee Titans James Thomas R71
Diamond USA 15u Tucker Vance R71
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Jordan Wilson R71
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Drew Avant L70
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Jayden Bennett R70
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Jackson Collett R70
STB 15U Lane Anderson Judd R70
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Marvin Malone L70
Diamond USA 15u Anthony Martin L70
33s 15u 413 Mac Palmer R70
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins J. Michael Pierce R70
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Jonathan Stowe R70
Ninth Inning Royals 15U Bartek Zavier Tsai R70
33s 15u 413 Ryan Vermillion R70
Middle Tennessee Titans Trent Young R70
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Cole Davies L69
East Cobb Prime 15U Colton Lusk R69
HOJO Elite 15u Gold Jarrett Spurlock R69
643 DP Cougars 14U Hawkins Conlon Walker L69
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Justin Bowman L68
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Austin Cummings R68
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Carter Hennon R68
Middle Tennessee Titans Landon Martin R68
STB 15U Lane Max Minton R68
STB 15U Lane Jacob Smith R68
Home Plate Chili Dogs 15u West Bryan Ellis R67
East Cobb Prime 15U Alex Greenwald R67
33s 15u 413 Daniel Kubiszyn R67
Cobb Aces 15u Ryan Welborn R67
STB 15U Lane Gavin Shrewsbury R65
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Jordan Taylor L65
33s 15u 413 Colin Chavers R64
Triton Rays Dingers 2023 Luke Frierson R61